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Maybe it's time for Rockets and Lin to part their ways

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by real_egal, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    At the time of Lin signing, Rockets had a young team without PG (lost or got rid of or didn't want to keep 2 quality PGs at certain prices). It was a rebuilding team, and Lin made great sense to Rockets team at the time, for:

    1. Linsanity attracted lots of casual fans or non-fans of NBA
    2. Lin showed he's NBA starting PG material
    3. Lin showed his ability to lead hardworking role players to compete fearlessly
    4. The good term with Chinese market during Yao's tenure here
    5. Rockets needed a running-gunning exciting PG, and a somewhat recognizable name to put casual fans into Toyota center

    That's why Rockets acquired Lin, more importantly, the newly constructed so-called "poison pill" was to get Lin at any cost and completely put Knicks out of reach for matching.

    With all the talks of "leadership" etc with Lin, in public and private, it would be dishonest to say that Lin was never assured of certain role within the young Rockets team.

    Things change, and it's just normal in business and life. Getting Harden was never something one could be sure of until he has signed the dotted line. As undisputed alpha dog on the team, Rockets wanted to make sure Harden's skills were fully utilized, and everyone has to comply with that. Most impact was on Lin, which is understandable and rightfully so. Lin did try hard to adapt. It was difficult to begin with, but we could all see how hard he'd tried.

    Last year, the young Rockets team was exciting to watch, and we were almost an offensive power house, although they weren't that strong in half-court set offense. Harden was obviously the No. 1, while Asik exceeding everyone's expectation both at offensive and defensive ends and emerging as 2nd most important player on the team. Lin had a solid year (not great, but acceptable one in his first FULL season as starting PG), and contributed his share to make the playoffs.

    It was unfortunate that Lin went out in playoffs due to injury. PB worked his tails off in the series, as he always did. During the off-season, Lin worked hard on his shortcomings - shooting and defending. As McHale recognized, as well as we could all see in pre-season games, that Lin has improved in those departments, which shows you how dedicated this young man is.

    Things change, again, in great direction for the organization, that DH12 decided to come. Again, that's not something you could be sure of until it became reality. Does Lin fit with 2 superstars? Of course he does, and he has to. Remember how Dream said about PnR between DH12 and Lin would be deadly? Remember how Harden and Lin played first 2 games together, that both tried a little bit extra to play "OFF" the ball?

    It's NBA, and they are professional players, if they want to, they will fit together, for most cases. AB could play with Yao, although Yao's butter fingers couldn't handle AB's bounce pass at ankle-height. So what? If they want to, they can win as a team. It's not like you are putting Yao, Shaq, Howard, Sabonis, and Deke on the court together. Even then, it's just they can't win with that line up, not much of "fitting".

    What exactly isn't fitting aren't players' skills, but rather their salaries. With Harden and Howard occupying 2 max contracts, 8 million on a backup center in Asik doesn't fit the team salary picture. In addition to Harden's play making skills, more so with his "ball in hands" style, Lin's 8 million salary seems excessive and not spent in the most needed position.

    Lin has improved noticeably during off-season, and he played better this season. He was qualified and fit as the starting PG of Houston Rockets last year, NO WAY that all of the sudden, he doesn't qualify any more with his IMPROVED game.

    CP3, LBJ, Harden, Dirk, Howard, are all great players, and they are all used to be the main focus on their own teams. They all "need" the ball, but if you put them together, they are going to destroy you. There is ONLY one ball, how could they "fit"? First of all, they are all great players, they CAN play off the ball, it's just a matter of willingness to share and play off the ball. Again, not comparing Lin to them, but emphasize even big stars with big egos can fit together.

    Lin's style (whatever it may be, and whatever he's trying hard to adapt to "fit") was never a problem for Knicks and Rockets (as proven in the games he played for both teams). But after the off-season signing, his contract (the one Morey single-handedly created to make 110% sure that he can get Lin) no longer fits. It's pure business, and I never have problem with it. But it's not Lin's fault that he accepted the only contract he was offered.

    I think it's best for Rockets and Lin part their ways, but no side should ever burn bridges. After all, Lin was, is, and will still be a part of the team, before he's traded. Comparing to Asik's open trade request, Lin absorbs all the change, quietly. His starting position was taken AFTER he further improved his game. That was McHale's power, and Lin couldn't do anything about it. To me, it's a sacrifice he made to the team. But to many so-called "team-only" fans, it's not a sacrifice by paying lipservice, although many of them would never accept a penny less or any kind of demotion at their own jobs, not to mention, in front of the whole nation.

    I never have problem with businesses making cold decisions, but I do have problems with bystanders sitting on imaginary moral high horse to dismiss good deeds from other people. There is lots of bad blood in GARM, and most of the time, Lin's name was somewhat involved in that conversation/debating/provocation/attacking. It's not Lin's fault, but the fault of those posters attacking each other, whether in the name of Lin or the name of "the team - excluding Lin".

    Even super stars frustrate you all the time during games, not to mention an average guard in Lin. Last night was obviously a super stinker from Lin, whether he's not fully recovered from injury, or he's affected by all the trade noise, or he's such a bad player fully exposed, or he's so unprofessional quitting on the team, it was ONE GAME. Lin was not defined by one game. IMHO, he had far more good games than last night, and he had more better games than PB both in last year and this year.

    Lin's supporters don't have to get worked up to "convince" everyone that the game against Lakers during Linsanity was his norm. Lin's naysayers, OTOH, don't need to feel the urge to discredit Lin and use the famous/infamous Miami game or last night to label Lin for his basketball life.

    I always see Lin as above/under average PG, with flashes, noticeable shortcomings and strength. In certain situation, he will prosper more, and at times, he could be very disappointing. His skills, his character, his working ethic can FIT anywhere in NBA. But his salary, may not fit with many teams. Unfortunately, Rockets, the one created his contract, is on that non-fitting list as well.

    Rockets have a huge fan base, not to comparing to Lakers, Knicks, or Celtics, but still, quite remarkable. Not all Rockets fans support this team because of the great city of Houston; not all of them were attracted to the team because of Dream; not all of them joined to follow Yao; not all of them were won over by TMac or SF3; not all of them support Lin. However, fans became fans for all above reasons and many more. None of them is the so-call wrong reason, simply because they are all RIGHT. It's a diversified world, and everyone has his/her own interest. Heck, my family don't always agree with me, and that's an understatement.

    This only or that only thing, is just something we created to make ourselves feel better or put down others. After all, the grand goal for all fans watching Rockets are the same, volunteered or forced, team has to win to fulfill any individual agenda involving this team and its players. Even one player is a world beater, without team success, he will be labeled as a loser. The more talent he has, the bigger loser he will be in the eyes of the whole world. Also, team can only succeed, when everyone on the team is contributing, it doesn't matter how much one is paid (I didn't pay them a single penny), and how much he can and will contribute. You need everyone to contribute as much as possible, for your team to have a chance. Yes, even those "over-paid", "no-good scrubs", or "someone with annoying followers", or whatever "righteous sound" label you want to put on.

    It's inevitable that Lin and Rockets to part their ways, but the process doesn't need to be ugly. I've never been negative in any exit-interviews, no matter which side I sat. I never went back to any employer after I left, simply because there is a bigger risk. But I've hired people back after they left on good terms, as long as both parties could be on the same page.

    As fans, if we truly support teams or players, IMHO, I would want to see more people supporting the same team/players. I don't want to drive any potential fans away, simply because they are different or I don't like them.

    I really hope Rockets can improve with or without Lin and win the ultimate prize (it's about time), and I hope Lin can improve, with Rockets or any other team he's heading to. It's business, not personal. Why would we, as fans, be personal about it, and against each other among ourselves?

    No matter how we evaluate team/player/coach/GM/owner, getting better with all of them, is the ONLY interest we can share, to serve our own agendas.

    May Rockets and Lin part their ways in good terms, IF they have to, although I don't want it to happen.
    4 people like this.
  2. MghtyPtrck

    MghtyPtrck Member

    Mar 16, 2011
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  3. Gimmmethemike

    Gimmmethemike Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Didn't read to damn long...
  4. Crashlanded19

    Crashlanded19 Member

    Jun 27, 2012
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    didn't read that bull****
    1 person likes this.
  5. shawn786

    shawn786 Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    No need to make another thread for the same info you could have put in the Alan Hahn thread.
  6. subzor

    subzor Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    tl;dr rockets should trade lin

    i do agree though
  7. Karolik

    Karolik Member

    Jan 29, 2010
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    Didn't read but I can guess what its probably about. Maybe it time for you and Clutchfans to part ways. Here's your new team forum.

    1 person likes this.
  8. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    OP, what's your point? Is this intended to be a commentary on the board's attitude towards Lin / "LOFs", or an explanation for why it doesn't make sense for the Rockets to hold on to him?

    There is no ill-will that I can see between Lin and the Rockets. What people on this forum think of Lin (or, more to the point, his fans) doesn't enter at all into whether we keep him.
  9. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    People like you are actually big part of what's wrong with this board.
    2 people like this.
  10. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    Of course Les/Morey doesn't make decision based on a message forum. But the only place I can share my opinion is a message board, instead of Morey's decision making brain storming session.
  11. MiddleMan

    MiddleMan Member

    May 20, 2005
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    Well I really hope we keep Lin as our core here on out.
  12. glacier921

    glacier921 Rookie

    Nov 17, 2012
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    Did u not check is registration date? He's a 2003er. Who are you? A 2010er? Bwhahahah. Who are you to tell a 2003er to stay or leave? He's a true rockets fan. You 2010er is probably a Luis scola only fan or something. At least, this is how cf logic seem to work.
    1 person likes this.
  13. CertifiedTroll

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Question? If tldr why post?
    1 person likes this.
  14. ballerboy001

    ballerboy001 Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    LOL. I like it haha.
  15. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    Because many people share the same moniker on Internet, that is "Look.At.Me".
    1 person likes this.
  16. RedDynasty

    RedDynasty Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Too long, didn't read, never will.
  17. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    So they should or shouldn't part ways? LOLOL

    Time to part ways because:
    Time to part ways because his salary doesn't fit (LOLOLOL)
    Time to part ways because he lost his job to Beverley
    Time to part ways because he doesn't "fit" with Harden

    Wrote a lot of words, said a lot of nothing.

    Sounds like you want to trade Lin because his salary doesn't "fit". (BWAHAHAHA REALLY?!)

    Silliest **** I've heard since Mike Shanahan saying he wants to rest Bob Griffin so he's healthy for the offseason. Haha :grin:
    2 people like this.
  18. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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  19. gorockets2009

    gorockets2009 Rookie

    Oct 31, 2008
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    You guys are so mean to him, at least he has put some effort into it.
  20. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    So your opinion was what, he shouldn't be traded, or he should be traded for different reasons, or simply wanted to laugh at my post?

    Sorry, didn't quite get you. What exactly were you trying to say?

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