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ClutchFans and Daryl Morey: A Call for Introspection and Reason

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by BimaThug, Apr 24, 2011.

  1. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    With the recent decision by the Rockets organization not to bring back Rick Adelman, I have noticed a material re-emergence of a conflict on this BBS over an issue that has caused a major rift among ClutchFans members for years: the merits of the job that Rockets' GM Daryl Morey is doing.

    I think that the ClutchFans membership can be divided into the following four (4) groups:

    Group A - The Moreyites: Those who believe both that Morey can do no wrong and that anyone who criticizes a decision made by Morey is somehow "not a true Rockets fan."

    Group B - The Morey Supporters: Those who believe that Morey has done an exemplary job thus far as Rockets GM and should therefore be afforded the benefit of the doubt when a questionable move is made.

    Group C - The Morey Skeptics: Those who, while acknowledging that Morey has more "hits" than "misses," are not quite sold on his analytics approach to basketball and, thus, do not have a huge amount of faith in his ability to put together a championship NBA team.

    Group D - The Morey Haters: Those who resent that Morey has had success as an NBA GM and who seem to have an "anti-Morey" agenda anytime the Rockets make a move.

    The problem on this BBS is that there are too many Moreyites and Morey Haters out there arguing senselessly. In this member's humble opinion, these two groups ought to be ignored in favor of real--and, most importantly, RESPECTFUL--discussion between Morey Supporters and Morey Skeptics.

    I, for one, consider myself a Morey Supporter, although there are certainly some of you who think of me as an ardent Moreyite. But therein lies the rub. People here are getting (unfairly) labeled under the wrong group.

    Some of that is the member's own fault, possibly posting something in the heat of the moment without truly believing what he/she is writing at the time. It is at those times when members should take responsibility and admit they were wrong. I think we all can either identify people who fall victim to this or are guilty of it ourselves.

    But some of that is also the fault of other members of the ClutchFans community. Like I mention above, many Moreyites seem to misconstrue any comment from a Morey Skeptic as "virulent diatribe" and therefore feel the need to label that member as a Morey Hater. Likewise, a reasoned justification for a Morey move by a Morey Supporter may be "set upon" by a Morey Hater (or, sadly, even a Morey Skeptic) with an agenda, who labels the justifying poster as a Moreyite (such labels include "sheep," "company man" or "spreader of propaganda," all of which I have been called).

    For the record, for those who think I am a die hard Moreyite, here are some "Morey moves" with which I disagreed or was highly skeptical at the time:

    2007: Taking Aaron Brooks at #26 (hated the pick; wanted either Tiago Splitter, Glen Davis or Josh McRoberts)
    2007: Taking Carl Landry at #31 (I actually laughed at SEA when pick was initially announced)
    2008: Taking Joey Dorsey at #33 (skeptical of the pick; wanted either DeAndre Jordan, Bill Walker or Omer Asik)
    2009: Trading Rafer Alston (I loved Lowry but was skeptical of losing Rafer during a playoff run)
    2010: Offering Luis Scola $36M+ guaranteed over 4+ years (skeptical that Scola would have returned to Spain if offer was a few million bucks less)
    2010: Offering Brad Miller $10M guaranteed over 2+ seasons (thought Adelman factor should have allowed for bigger discount from Brad)
    2011: Trading Shane Battier (beyond love for Shane, was skeptical that a 2013 pick and Thabeet's potential were worth eating Thabeet's salary and handing #8 seed to MEM)

    My recommendations for ClutchFans Nation (for those who care to read them) are:

    (1) Please think--really THINK--about the point you want to make about a Morey move (or Morey in general) before posting. You may find that what you were going to post did not accurately reflect your true thoughts on the subject.

    (2) If you discover that you did not heed Recommendation #1 above, PLEASE be willing to quickly acknowledge your mistake (especially when initially called out on it, hopefully in a respectful way by a fellow member) and move the discussion forward. Far too many discussions on this BBS get mired in the figurative mud that is squabbling over clearly erroneous points from which the erring poster is just too proud to backtrack.

    (3) Please leave your personal agendas off this board. If you log on to ClutchFans trying to spread hatred or misinformation in order to satisfy your own personal needs (whatever those may be), please don't bother. While this is an open forum, and while I believe in free speech, I also believe in INTELLIGENT speech and reasoned discourse. For years, this BBS has been (relatively speaking) the best place on the internet for intelligent Rockets talk. I just hate it when the high standard we ALL have set here is sullied by those with personal agendas.

    (4) Please stop and analyze someone else's justification or criticism of Morey before looking to label that person as a Moreyite or a Morey Hater. It could be that, if you re-read the particular post (or perhaps even recall other posts by that member), you may realize that the person is just exercising a reasonable opinion as a Morey Supporter or a Morey Skeptic.

    (5) Realize that (a) giving Morey the benefit of the doubt, either based on his track record or on Morey's reasoned justification, or (b) criticizing a particular approach taken by Morey based on reasonable concerns and concrete examples of why it doesn't work, in either case, are perfectly justifiable opinions for others to have and that those people should not be criticized for holding those opinions.

    Look, I'm not trying to rid the BBS of disagreements over Morey altogether. Not even close. I'm just trying to weed out what I believe are the "bugs" in this system, the kinks in the machine that is "a healthy Daryl Morey debate." Again, you don't have to read/listen to anything I've got to say on the matter. But I just want to see this BBS return to the "Gold Standard of Discussion on All Things Rockets," something I think is starting to slip away on this particular issue.

    Or maybe it's just me.
    8 people like this.
  2. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Yeah, but he said "assets." I mean, dude.
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  3. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
    Supporting Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    I personally believe Morey has done a great job with the resources he has available to him and with the opportunities or lack thereof that presents themselves. I have complete confidence that when a deal for a superstar does unfold for Houston again, DM will jump all over it. For the people that choose to ridicule him or his decisions, they are typically small or narrow minded and seem to believe we can simply generate superstar deals out of thin air.
  4. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Bashing Morey over using the term asset is ridiculous, but he does yap to the media too much, and must we always assume that every move is a Morey move? We know that Les is an active owner, and if the general manager boast that rebuilding is out of the question, I tend to think it's because the guy who cuts the checks has made that decision and Morey is just following orders.
  5. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Great post, Bima. Making a case to be a mod I see. :p

    Call me a Morey skeptic; he hasn't earned the right to be free from heavy criticism. I might turn into a Morey supporter if he can ever put together a full roster and stop gambling on Yao Ming. (note: that doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of Yao.)

    EDIT: My point is posting this is to say that Clutchfans criticism isn't inherently evil and opinions can be changed. Picking sides is overrated.
    #5 napalm06, Apr 24, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2011
  6. ThaShark316_28

    Feb 22, 2007
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    Definitely a Morey Supporter...
  7. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Contributing Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    It's just you. :)
  8. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    This is the trap that I fall under. If you recall the entire body of work by certain posters, and by body of work I mean the eye gouging deformity that is the body of work of certain posters, I am far more tempting to just poop all over them and laugh than to take my time and respond in a respectful and informative manner. Obviously that is not the right way to go about it. But the alternative of leaving them be to spread their vitriol is not productive for the board either. The other alternative of dignifying them with intelligent discourse is unacceptable for me as well. Since that only lends credibility to them as anything but the clowns that they are.

    I am at a crossroad.
  9. Kwame

    Kwame Contributing Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    According to the OP, yes, we must. He should take some of his own advice.
  10. Shroopy2

    Shroopy2 Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    He runs his own conference and is called Dork Elvis and stuff. Thats kinda cool. Either you want to have BEER with Morey the MIT Wonder Kid and hang out with him or you dont.

    There's the other elements of Morey outside his actual GM basketball moves, unintentional mostly, that play into how he is perceived. Morey the "Celebrity" adds to the "Group A - The Moreyites" fervent support.
  11. xiki

    xiki Contributing Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    I am a 'B', a Morey supporter. I am glad to have DM the GM 'on my side', doing 'my bidding'.

    BTW - - Dan Majerle? Booed, and Cotton took the mic and said it would be the last time their fans booed. I knew then I couldn't make the call on draft picks. What do I know? The answer is, "what does any 'expert' know?"

    But, I believe the Battier trade sealed the deal on Adelman. It demonstrated a lack of unison between DM the GM and RA the HC. Morey tried to force his hand, and Rick responded by taking the Battier-less Rox on a grand run. (I did think Morey could have gotten more from the Griz, or Gerald Wallace or just more.)

    How does a team leave purgatory for the Promised Land? Luck helps. It is really tough to steal a Gasol (tho Marc has made that deal look a whole lot less bad). It's even tougher to find a 'King James' (sic) at #14. So, pray tell, how do the Rox rise to a challenging level? The only two answers I see are (de facto) tanking and taking advantage of an amnesty, should it occur (and I blindly believe it will).

    Until then, what? I'll continue to support DM the GM. I'll hope the 2% chance of a Top 3 pick occurs. I'll dream of an Artest-esque trade availing itself. And I will hope against hope that Woodson (or Brown [either Brown]) gets the coaching nod. I want Turner, but I guess he doesn't want this job. So give me Sikma. Or at least Casey. (Or is Coach Cal and WorldWideWes in the cards?)
  12. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Contributing Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    I think the problem that prevents Morey supporters and skeptics from having a meaningful discussion is the fact that Morey haters (and some skeptics also) tend to run off with this red herring argument that Morey somehow treats his players (and coaches) like inanimate objects instead of people, and from this point their next logical step is "Morey is too smart for his own good", "Morey thinks he is better than everyone", "that's what you get when you have an MIT grad with all those fancy degrees and no common sense running the team". In fact these are all ad hominem attacks with no bearing at all upon the situation, much like Obama birth certificate argument.

    If you're going to attack Morey, stick to the issues of player, contract, and draft pick acquisition and utilization, because everyone can have some common ground and we can actually have some meaningful debate on those topics. Ad hominem attacks just leave both sides at an irreparable impasse, and you'll never be able to convince anyone else that your opinion is actually more correct.

    And please do be careful about the "I don't identify with Daryl Morey as a human being" argument. Because Clutchfans has a wide variety of viewers and posters, and Houston in general is one of the more diverse cities in the country. If you're going to imply something like "I resent Daryl Morey for being educated" then you are invariably going to be alienating an entire group of Clutchfans, i.e. I grew up in Alief and my parents still live there in a tiny house, but I ended up going to good schools--and even if we have different doesn't mean we have to take such impassioned sides on a debate of sports as a result of it.

    So stick to the issues! And I think everyone will be better off because of it.
    2 people like this.
  13. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Contributing Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    Not to get off-topic, but this point about Adelman v. Morey bugs me. I know it's been reported that Adelman wasn't a fan of the Battier trade and felt like Morey was dismantling the team. BUT THE TEAM GOT BETTER WITHOUT BATTIER!!! I could emphasize that more, but I can't emphasize that enough. So while Adelman may have thought Battier made them a better team, IMO he was wrong and Morey was right -- the Rockets were better off as a team with Lee and Budinger taking Shane's minutes. You can spin that into "Rick took a worse roster and made a great run in spite of Morey's move" argument, but I think the Rockets are simply a better team without Shane.

    The owner feels the same way. I believe he said the Shane trade was an addition by subtraction, which I agree with.
  14. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Skeptic here, love the trades, for the most part, and am happy they have a direction.

    Don't believe in the trade for a Superstar strategy overall, as it is more rare than getting one in the draft.

    Also very skeptical of Morey's people management, I think he is too dry, and detached, and frankly speaks too much to the press.

    It is one thing to treat players like assets (that is his job) but to constantly be in the media, seeking attention, and talking about them in this manner is poor people management, IMO.

    As for the analytics, I believe that a good basketball man should be at the top supported by people like Daryl.

    Now, maybe he will grow into the role, he has already learned a lot from his mistakes - like not being concerned with height in the draft - now he seems to get that height matters, whereas before he spoke openly about it being overated.

    Also, he gets rid of his mistakes very fast, Ariza etc....

    So, overall, I give him a "B" but I think this is his shot, he has no excuses, from this point on, it will be his team......no more big contracts to have to turnover, nothing, this is his baby.

    I am skeptical that he can do it, but am openly going to be cheering for him to be successful.

  15. BackNthDay

    BackNthDay Member

    May 29, 2006
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    As stated previsously, I'm happy that Morey has fired Rick and it is now all up to him. It's his team (coach and players) and I'm hopefully that Les holds him strictly accountable for the success of the Rockets.

    * Willing to trade to obtain Superstars
    * Not loyal to a coach only winning
    * Has owners support

    Opportunities for Improvement
    * Doesn't understand that without landing 2 major superstars(Dwight and CP3) , the only way to win consistently is to build chemistry by drafting and developing players
    * Nobody knows his plans for the current team and as of right now, what do we have to offer to get a superstar?
    * Has he created a culture where superstars are not interested in playing in Houston
    * Too focused on stats instead of chemistry
  16. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    Um, I am pretty sure the point of the OP is a call for better discourse between the two sides. Not a roll call to state your allegiances. I know the post was kinda long and all, but please read beyond the bolded bullet points.
  17. leebigez

    leebigez Contributing Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Bima, as with all discussions on this board, you cant change a posters opinion. I agree with your well written tirade and I think you fall more to moreyite than supporter, but I feel like we can discuss that and stay mutual. Most on this board can't and it just turns every thread into a pic or blast.

    I'm probably more critical and opinionated than most of morey, but I've said many times that he's done a good job. I know for a fact through contacts some deals he frankly got cold feet on or went wal mart shopping about. He's a top 10 gm, but he's closer to 10 than 5, but thats ok. Right now though, he has no excuses anymore.

    People were waiting on mcgrady and yao to come off the books and now he has a clean slate. The ultinate job of a gm is to construct a contending team worth of a title. Until that happens, he's just a gm who can find bargains, but nothing special. We will see how this goes going forward. I have an idea of the path he is moving toward,but I would be lying if i said i was anymore than 50/50 hunch right now.
  18. Shroopy2

    Shroopy2 Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Thats why I feel, too. I refrain from the "for me to POOP on" approach 98% of the time. But I find it harder and harder to respectfully dignify some posts that are OBVIOUSLY meant to agitate just to cause a stir. Its mostly the cleverly disguised agenda posts posing as "objective" that get to me.

    As its often said, "fan" is short for "FANATIC". So trying to remove the emotion out of it, trying to limit reactionary heat-of-the-moment posts just goes against being a sports fan in general. But there's just those certain posts and members that make you wonder if they're about basketball or if its about something else personal.

    As it pertains to Morey, Morey represents a different non-traditional approach. Understandably people don't like that kind of change having to adapt, so Morey has to WIN people over. Has Morey done that? Thats where the detractors can rightfully give their scathing reviews.
    1 person likes this.
  19. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Knowing how you interact with others, this philosophical dilemma of yours gives me a headache. Just relax and stop trying so hard. This is a discussion board, not a contest.

    ... sorry someone else's thread isn't going the way you think is best. Thanks for the veiled insult.
    #19 napalm06, Apr 24, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2011
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  20. durvasa

    durvasa Contributing Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Does anyone actually consider themselves to be in Group A or Group D?

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