New year, new reading thread. Please try to keep it spoiler free. You can find the past five years here: 2013 What are you reading? 2012 What are you reading? 2011 What are you reading? 2010 What are you reading? 2009 What are you reading? I've been going through a pretty rough personal stretch lately and haven't been reading. I also went through a brutal run of books. I started the new year with the equivalent of a palate cleanser. Startdust and Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. They're good, fun, straightforward books that I've quite enjoyed.
Im about half way through And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. I've always been a big fan of his...The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns were some of my favorite books. This book is no different, enjoying it very much.
Hope everything's OK, man! Just finished Black Hawk Down last night. I'd seen the movie, but never read the book. It was phenomenal and terrifying. I've also read Doris Kearns Goodwin's LBJ biography as well as The Big Roads by Earl Swift which documneted the creation of the Interstate Highway System. About to start John Meacham's portrait of Thomas Jefferson The Art of Power. I still have my every year goal of 52 books read and fell 10 short last year. Right on pace still and I've decided to all non-fiction one month and all fiction the next. If I can keep pace on during the non-fiction months, I'll should easily obtain my goal this year.
Damn, I'd love to be able to read like you guys...Im just not able to read as long as I would want to. My aim is like 15-20 books for the year. On my list this year: Crime and Punishment Norwegian Wood Kafka on the Shore And Then There Were None The Stranger The Road The Goldfinch Ender's Game Fahrenheit 451 The Cuckoo's Calling Lolita Of Human Bondage 11/22/63 (Read about 200 pages last year and stopped bc I got very busy) A Confederacy of Dunces 1Q84 A Game of Thrones Ready Player One If anyone has any recs or insight on these books, give your 2 cents. :grin:
When, how often and for how long do you read at a time? I'm envious of a book a week! Last year I read 5 books. 5. and 3 of those were textbooks. This year, I've already finished 1 (Obama's Wars by Bob Woodward), and have picked up The Sign of the Four by Conan Doyle. My aim is to read it on the bus to work everyday. Should get done with it in the next 2 weeks.
Finished the Rithmatist (Brandon Sanderson). I love 90% of his books. I finished Heir of Noivron by Michael Sullivan in 2013, but I HIGHLY recommend his work. Bloodsong was awesome.
just started reading Inferno by Dante Alighieri, but school just started so I need to find some more free time.
Just finished Orange is the New Black & Wolf on Wall Street, both of which I recommend even if you've already seen the show/movie, respectively. Wolf isn't the most well written book, but entertaining nonetheless. Now working my way through Double Tap by Steve Martini...I know, I have poor taste.
Read what you like to read. Taste has little to do with it:grin: I find great pleasure in reading some of the trashiest noir pulp at times, but I feel no shame in it.