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Eric Bledsoe anyone???

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ballplayer, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. ballplayer

    ballplayer Member

    Feb 22, 1999
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    Almost half way thru the season and I'm still not convinced Lin is the long term answer at the point.

    How about Eric Bledsoe? he has been tutored by a Champion in Chauncey Billups and one of the best in the game in as CP3.

    Broussard tends think he may be available either via trade this year or in the offseason as a freeagent( which I think may be to late)
    By reading the excert from his insider article CP3 gives him a glowing endorsement and wants him to finish the season there for help with a championship run. Read below.
    One surefire way to get Chris Paul excited is to mention his backup, Eric Bledsoe. Paul thinks of Bledsoe as a little brother. It has been that way ever since Bledsoe attended Paul's point guard camp while in high school. So naturally, Paul wants what's best for his protege.

    What's currently best for Bledsoe, arguably the league's top backup point guard, is to continue giving the Los Angeles Clippers the deepest backcourt in the league as they make a run at their first championship in franchise history. But eventually -- like in June or July -- it probably will be best for him to go elsewhere and run his own team.

    The Clippers understand this and so does Paul. So in between running circles around the rest of the league, Paul (along with Chauncey Billups) is tutoring Bledsoe, making sure he'll be ready when he leaves the nest.
  2. Gil

    Gil Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    They're not trading Bledsoe. Get real.
  3. ballplayer

    ballplayer Member

    Feb 22, 1999
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    They got to do something. Would you let him walk for nothing (makes no sense to bring him back @ the 25mill dollar amount when you paying CP3 big money) or get something in return for him.
  4. Gil

    Gil Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Lin has no hops.
  5. LCAhmed

    LCAhmed Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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  6. Gil

    Gil Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Wrong thread :p
  7. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Only right wing nuts give up on a player who had barley one full season of playing time.
  8. art

    art Member

    Dec 27, 2012
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    eric bledsoe has no shot as well
  9. bleedrockets

    bleedrockets Rookie

    Mar 8, 2012
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  10. cjtaylorpt

    cjtaylorpt Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    You know man, after getting Harden, there are only TWO players I believe are next to impossible in the league to trade for and Bledsoe is far from that.
  11. Arthurprescott2

    Jul 21, 2012
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    Bledsoe is awesome and shouldn't be rotting on the bench on the Clippers. That said, he doesn't have a shot either. He's a faster, stronger than Lin though - explosive athleticism.
  12. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Will be a future Lowryesque type player. Doubt the clips are shopping him.
  13. SkyrimOwnsAll

    SkyrimOwnsAll Member

    Jul 21, 2012
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  14. RedDynasty

    RedDynasty Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    A bit overrated in my book, but I would take him maybe. Problem is the Rockets aren't going to give up on Lin just because he's been inconsistent. Remember his youth. He's still got time to grow. Don't hate and be patient.
  15. bluffkin

    bluffkin Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    this is like the Spurs trading Leonard, not gonna happen yet people keep talking about it.
  16. platypus

    platypus Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I think you get bledsoe if you can, adding a player with upside to push lin for playing time is a good thing. Unlike douglas bledsoe is far from peaking and could end up like lowry pushing brooks for the starting job. Competition is good for player development.
  17. CCM721

    CCM721 Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Won't trade him till after CP resigns.
  18. Da_Spark

    Da_Spark Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    If CP3 signs an extension with the Clippers, Bledsoe will get traded or expect some poison pill contract fr some team if they decide to let him become a FA in 2014.

    By the way, can Bledsoe play power forward?
  19. BimaThug

    BimaThug Resident Capologist
    Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 1999
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    Those "poison pill contracts" (which aren't even technically Poison Pill contracts under the CBA) are ONLY in the very, very, VERY rare circumstance that the free agent has either one or two years of experience, was not a first round pick and is actually worth more than the MLE.

    Lin and Asik (and Landry Fields, I guess) fell within this rare class of free agent. In the case of Asik and Fields, it was because their teams were too foolish to use a portion of their MLE to sign him to deals longer than two years (heck, the Knicks used the MLE on Andy Rauitins out of that same draft!). As for Lin, he was a one in a million story; and that situation will most likely not happen again for at least another decade.

    Bledsoe, on the other hand, is a first round pick on a rookie scale contract. The Clippers can match ANY offer, no matter how high. Sure, a team can just flat out offer Bledsoe a lot of money; but it won't be a "poison pill" that slams the Clips in some future year like with the Arenas deals to which Rockets signed Lin and Asik.
  20. kreia

    kreia Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Really don't think we should be giving up on Lin just yet, because although the pg position is really deep in the NBA it's not like we can easily upgrade. I made a list of guys who we could consider..

    Paul, Westbrook, Irving, Parker, Curry, Lillard, Nash, Rose - don't even dream about getting these guys

    Rondo - maybe, really doubt it though, can't shoot either, basically always has the ball and I don't know how he'd perform in an offense like ours, he likes to slow the game down a lot. Also, Celtics seem to have a really regimented offense that they execute really really cleanly, polar opposite to us.

    Holiday - maybe, but I really doubt philly would give him up

    Lowry, Dragic - that ship has sailed..

    Vasquez - maybe, I'm not sure how attainable he is

    Jennings - maybe, not sure how much of an upgrade he would be tbh; inefficient, leader of a mediocre team in the East, hasn't really shown that much improvement over the last 3 years

    Wall - maybe, not sure about how attainable he is. Like Lin, poor shooter, but he fills up the stat sheet anyways like a boss

    Kemba - don't know much about this guy yet, but I'd be really surprised if the bobcats don't lock him up

    George Hill - like this guy, again I'm not sure how attainable he is

    Conley - ditto, honestly this is the sort of player I think Lin really has a good chance of becoming so long as he improves his shooting and we land a real second option, especially a big, allowing Lin to just be a 3rd or 4th option with Chandler. Age, stats basically identical, only Conley has the benefit of more experience and playing with Zbo and Gasol. I do consider Conley a top 10 pg.

    Lawson - he's a bit better than Lin atm, but he's on an even bigger contract, putting up slightly better stats whilst basically having the same inconsistency. Like Lin he'll go from scoring 20 one game to having 5pts 2 ast the next game. Given the contract, wouldn't even consider him.

    Teague - same age, basically same production as Lin, but benefits from playing in a weaker conference whilst playing with 2 really good offensive bigs and no ball dominant backcourt partner (no knock on Asik and Harden, it's on Lin to make do and adapt to the current situation), so I'm not sure how much of an upgrade he is. Obviously a better shooter though.

    Rubio - pretty sure he's unattainable. Also I know he brings as many intangibles as any pg in the league but 35% shooting is 35% shooting, you're not winning jack if your pg sucks that much at putting the ball in the hoop

    And of course on topic, Bledsoe. This guy is sick, reminds me of John Wall, awesome athleticism, sweet handles, but a brick shooter. No way Clips letting him go.

    Anyone else would be a really bad replacement for Lin, in the broader picture. The guys listed I think for the most part would be really hard to get anyways, unless one of their GMs gets smacked in the head. So basically I do think Lin is going to be the long term pg for this team, barring some amazing trade Morey pulls off. Best to just support him and hope for him to develop. I personally think we're basically a 35% Lin 3 point shot away from being a lock for 5-7 seed even without improvements on defense or changes to the team.
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