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Why is Lin getting so much hate?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by roflmcwaffles, Nov 24, 2012.


Why so much Lin hate (options described below)?

  1. Expectations

    125 vote(s)
  2. Contract Cost

    44 vote(s)
  3. Releasing other 2 PGs (Lowry/Dragic)

    76 vote(s)
  4. LOFs

    67 vote(s)
  5. Other

    54 vote(s)
  1. roflmcwaffles

    roflmcwaffles Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    I understand and obviously have watched the games.

    I'm cringing with the rest of you when Lin shoots, yet I still get frustrated when he is open and passes on a shot to drive into 2 defenders.

    I get all that, BUT Lin has had all of 35ish games as an NBA pro. He has big potential, but obviously it is still only that.

    So why all the hate? I'm guessing it is 1 of 4 things:
    1) Too high expectations. Linsanity made you believe Lin could do that every game, in any situation, with any coach, etc.

    2) Contract is too pricey (aka he got too much money for his potential.

    3) We got rid of 2 solid PGs, and are now left with Lin and Toney Douglas

    4) Too many LOFs, they annoy you.

    I guess I'll add "Other" into the poll too, in case I forgot something.

    While I'm at it time to refute all these positions and just tell everyone to chill.

    1) Expectations: Come on now. This is like saying since the Rockets won 22 in a row, they were the best team in the league that season (maybe in the past decade) even without Yao. It's a small sample size. It is the same reason you don't draft a player just because they led their team to an NCAA national championship, but was absolutely horrible the rest of their collegiate career.

    2) Contract: I believe Morey spent a near max/max contract between Lin/Asik in hopes at least 1 would be a great 2nd or 3rd fiddle, and have an easy out in 3 years on the other one. I'm guessing it was a calculated risk based on those numbers that man is crunching.

    3) If I had a reason to be upset, this would be the one.

    That said, I believe Lowry's body is going to breakdown sooner rather than later. He just gets beat up so much every game, every play it is hard to see it not. Also he got us Harden, so can't really complain.

    Dragic is in the same "potential" category as Lin is in, but he is older, paid more, and the situation (the whole DH thing) was in the way of resigning him. You always risk role players for even a shot at a superstar imo.

    4) LOF - Ok they get pretty annoying, but whatever all the attention Lin brings to the Rockets media wise, evens it out.

    5) Other - I have no refute for this one. Too strong of an argument.
    1 person likes this.
  2. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Combination of expectations, loss of Dragic/Lowry, and racism.

    I do wish we still had Dragic, but Lin is younger, more marketable, and on a better contract. He's the best we've got so we just have to let him play through his shooting struggles and hope he rebounds.
  3. Matthieu

    Matthieu Member

    Apr 30, 2011
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    "hate" ? really ? i'm not a big Lin fan (mostly because of his lack of speed) but i dont hate him, i just think he's not a really good fit with Harden. but come on u got to love this kid, he's hustling (he lost a tooth diving on the court vs Knicks !) and trying to do his best
  4. Horry4theWin

    Horry4theWin Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    All of the Above.
  5. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Six Lin threads on page one. Awesome.

  6. cytrynowa

    cytrynowa Member

    Nov 17, 2012
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    All of the above, really.

    I feel for the kid because it's not his fault. Bad time for him to have knee recovery, shooting slump, chemistry problems because Harden wasn't at training camp, etc. -- all eyes are on him, especially haters waiting for him to fail.

    He'll be OK with some time. He can be at least solid or above average, don't think a star, but there's no crime in that.
  7. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    because people of the American South are racists that hate Asians.

    There's literally no other reasons.

  8. Vienna Calling

    Feb 16, 2003
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    He gets paid $8M per year on average and he absolutely doesn't live up to that contract.

    In almost 34 MPG Lin is averaging 6 assists and 10 points on 35 FG% and 24 3P%. He's also averaging 3 TO per game.

    The season is still young, Lin comes off a knee surgery and his teammates are new to him but the way he plays now he's one of the worst starting point guards in the league.

    I root for him to get better but I wouldn't hold my breath. This might have been one of Morey's rare mistakes.
  9. ClutchCityReturns

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Other reasons...

    • Not being able to hit the broad side of a barn in most games.
    • Picking up his dribble in the paint or jumping to pass, resulting in bad decisions and turnovers.
    • The fact that he's been hyped up as "the next big thing", yet in reality, he's a clear downgrade from both point guards we had last year.
  10. Matthieu

    Matthieu Member

    Apr 30, 2011
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    even if Lin fail to play at a high level, he will be a huge expiring contract in 2015 and could help us catch a big fish, so it would not fully be a mistake
  11. Sherlockfever

    Sherlockfever Rookie

    Sep 16, 2012
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    I recall this summer so long as it was Rox, every player seemed to feel free to publicly announce they didn't want to play for Rox. Seems like so long as it was Rox, it's okay, no matter it was right or wrong.

    And when it comes to Lin, it is just like Rox in this summer.

    I don't know the exact word in English. I'm looking for the word which can describe the behavior that some ppl dare to blame another ppl, not based on right or wrong, but based on the fact that they think they are with the majority.
  12. JorgePenha

    JorgePenha Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Because of Racism and Hate

    But for me is ok, everybody knows America was build around this feelings too.

    And for this reason i support so much him (i´m not asian).
  13. LikeMike

    LikeMike Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    Lin is getting so much hate because he has been received so much attention. If not for all the Linsanity he'd just be a player that hasn't lived up to his contract yet.
  14. Horry4theWin

    Horry4theWin Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Bias, prejudice, bigotry, scapegoat, conformist?

    FLAGRANT1 Member

    Aug 5, 2001
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    Y'all are killing me with the racism response. People on this board who are Rockets fans two favorite players are #1 a Nigerian and #2 a Chinese national.

    I don't hate Lin. I just wish he were better cause I root for my team/ city.

    Some of the newer posters are idiots.
    1 person likes this.
  16. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    1) Lowry and Dragic were better
    2) His suboptimal start to the season
    3) There is a mostly subconscious racial component to it. Some people, especially black people, regard him as an "intruder" into "their" sport who has been getting more praise than he deserves, based on his play alone. They think it is because of his race (which is probably partly true)
    4) Overly enthusiastic, not very knowledgable Lin fans who will too quickly blame any criticism on alleged racism
  17. SK34

    SK34 Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    I expect Lin to help the team win and he does not have a "star" potential or "all star" potential in my books. His ceiling is less than what many of LOFs consider it to be.

    I hate that many are cutting him slack for his performance because he is young, hurt, etc.. but when other players are injured and young, nobody is cutting them any slack (Patrick Patterson, who is playing horrible and is very soft). Why is that? Its because we want to see improvement and want to see some consistent numbers (at least from the starters). We want to see the Rockets succeed or at least see them improve over the course of the season.

    There are many players in the NBA that get injured but at least they manage to put up consistent numbers almost similar to what they had before they were injured if they were stars or even close to that level (very close at least).

    The over hyping is a major problem.

    Anyways, Why shouldn't the Rockets fans be mad at Lin not producing? He did sign an 8 million dollar contract, he should live up to what he signed up for. Great or good players find a way to make things work if other things are not opening up.

    Of course we are going to compare Lin to Lowry and Dragic because they were doing great for the team and if they stayed they might of helped out more w/ harden than Lin has so far.

    As soon as Lin signed with the Rockets, it became about Jeremy Lin and not the Rockets.
  18. Dei

    Dei Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    All of the above.
  19. y2Joem

    y2Joem Member

    May 16, 2009
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    no howard chen option?
  20. cytrynowa

    cytrynowa Member

    Nov 17, 2012
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    And 5. Other:

    He inexplicably becomes the focus of all the attention on a team, whether it's the Knicks or Rockets, whether he's playing well or not, whether it's Melo vs. him, Harden vs. him, or coaches vs. him. And it's not entirely the fault of LOHs. It's the media, it's the haters too. He's like the Paris Hilton of basketball. You just can't look away.

    (I don't blame him for it. He's a great kid, I have no problem with him, except for his shooting.)

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