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Random Houston Rockets Trade Ideas - 2011-12

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Oct 8, 2011.

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  1. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    The homerism on this board is amazing. Nobody on this team is untouchable, and how do you know that Morey hasn't offered him to anyone? We only hear part of the trade rumors, none of us know if Morey has tried to trade Lowry or not.
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  2. joesr

    joesr Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    You hear what they want you to hear and dont hear what they dont want heard. We say the same things I just call it Fan-tism!
  3. Da Wink

    Da Wink Member

    Apr 23, 2002
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    will DM make a move before the deadline of signing of extensions for our '09 batch of "assets" ?
  4. AFS

    AFS Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    Anybody can and will be shipped out if it means making this team better.
  5. Francis3422

    Francis3422 Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    Not many feasible deals I can see out there that would involve us shipping out Klow. We need to build around him.
  6. Metropolis777

    Metropolis777 Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    While none of us know whether Lowry has been offered in a deal or not, he really is untouchable at this point unless moving him guarantees us Dwight or D-Will long term. With the numbers that K-Low is putting up at the extremely low price that we are paying, the only thing we would accept in return right now is a bonafide top 10 game changing superstar. Trading him for anything less would be just plain stupid.
  7. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    lowry isnt getting traded.... plain and simple...

    only way i see him being traded is if we can accomplish our end game(dwight and deron)...

    if we were able to "rent" dwight for along the lines of scola, martin,picks and assets THEN we would go after deron...

    to get deron we would have to base the trade around lowry....

    thing is nets WONT give up on deron... their all-in with him win or lose...

    So in regards to that LOWRY is our only untradeable player....

    THEN Again if it were to bring someone such as a durant,lbj type player then yeah... but teams arent letting them go so he is here for the foreseeable future.....
  8. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Nets aren't letting Deron go, unless it becomes obvious to them that they are going to lose him. The word is they won't trade Deron unless Dwight is traded to LA. I don't buy that. I think when push comes to shove and they haven't got Deron committed by the trade deadline that they will entertain trades for him. IF...they don't trade Deron at the trade deadline, THEN my money is on Dwight and his team firmly committing to sign in NJ as a free agent after the season and I don't think they will get that commitment from Dwight because of the money involved. Therefore, I won't be surprised if the Nets auction off Deron at the deadline.

    Personally, I think Dwight is headed to the Lakers.
  9. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    well the Lakers are like the yankees... even tho there is a salary cap they manage to be 35million over it and always seem to have one two maybe three stars at once on there team at all times .... the nba has to protect its cash cow(lakers) the nba is so top heavy its rediculous.... i hope the new cba really helps make the smaller market teams able to suceed more often... im tired of boston and la always getting the championships and good players....obvious bias....
  10. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    i miss espn trade machine........... how much longer till they incorporate the new cba...!!!!!!
  11. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    What would you be willing to give up on this roster for Andrew Bynum???

    Consider this in context of helping the Lakers and Magic complete the Dwight deal. For the Lakers to do this deal, they may want something back besides Dwight and Hedo. Perhaps they want another big. I'd give them Hill.

    And Orlando may want to move Bynum so they don't have to deal with him playing out his deal and jumping ship after next season. So, if Bynum were available as part of the Dwight deal, what would you be willing to give up.

    I'd gladly send Hill to the Lakers and bid him good riddance. And I'd send Orlando Martin/Scola/Dally/Dragic and take back JRich and Jameer to help Orlando balance out their roster.

    Orlando is left with

    Anderson (now the stretch 4)

    We are left with:

    Dwight/Smith (signed from Dleague)

    and of course the Laker have
    Fish/Duhon (reverse order?)
    Hedo/Artest (possibly reversed)

    + whatever they can get with the Odom TPE
  12. valorita

    valorita Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    diaw is available for cheap. If we can get him on a diet, I wouldn't mind trading thabeet for him. Diaw can at least give you one good game in every 2 to 3.
    he is an excellent passer and can be focal facilitator of offense when kyle isn't on the floor.
    he's also an expiring, so what's to lose?
  13. AFS

    AFS Member

    Dec 1, 2010
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    I think they'd want more than Thabeet outta Diaw...
  14. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Diaw is a good high post center. Problem is...that's it. He's just a "good" high post center. The rest of him is negative, bad defense, out of shape, mediocre to poor efficiency, and an expiring besides. I'd rather hold on to Thabeet for the time being and use his expiring to help us possibly attract a better player in a bigger deal.
  15. Da Wink

    Da Wink Member

    Apr 23, 2002
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    hope DM can trade our "assets" namely Thabeet, T-Will and others for another player that can really contribute and flow well offensively or defensively with the team.
  16. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    What will Morey trade him for? A first round pick? Ron Artest? LMAO, Lowry won't be moved unless its for a superstar on par with LBJ, DH, Durant etc. There's no reason to trade Lowry when he's so effective and so cheap.

    There has been no rumors involving Lowry since he started playing like a boss (last season). In fact, the only rumors involving him was when Stern demanded Lowry be included in the Gasol deal, and Morey told him to STFU.
  17. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Good idea, but if I was Orlando I'd feel like something was wrong in the trade. I give up DH, and the Rockets walk away with Bynum? :confused:

    If the shoe was on the other foot the entire board would storm into the Rockets FO and lynch Morey. Half the board still hate him for the Gay trade. If Orlando was amenable to that kind of package I don't see why we can't take DH for ourselves. He never said he'll take the extension but if he plays with Klow, Kmart and Parsons, gets an ipad from Morey and calls from Yao and Hakeem I think he'll think a lot about staying here.
  18. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    NJ is having a hard time attracting FAs with DH on their team. And unlike Houston the nets are about to move to Brooklyn, one of the "glamour" markets. They even have the Russian Cuban to aid in marketing, while the Rox might have negative rep because Morey treats his players like A$$ets.

    If NJ can't attract superstars with D-Will on their roster, what makes Houston so different? I'd rather just keep Lowry than pay D-Will 10M more on the off chance big names will come to Houston because of him. And just from a personal standpoint, you don't really want "superstars" who get miserable records on their old teams and latch onto your team because player X is there. Historically speaking, players like that end up disappointing (i.e. Melo, Amare, Tmac, Bosh).
  19. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I'm thinking if Orlando wants multiple good veteran players that they may be interested in moving Bynum out instead of going through the same saga with Bynum next season when he is an expiring.

    If Orlando would do a deal with us straight up, fine. But I just don't see it. In the 3-way deal I described, they can have Martin/Scola/Dally/Pau all locked up for another year and probaby more easily extended in the case of Martin and Dally. If Orlando deals with us directly, the most they can get for Dwight is Martin/Scola/Dally/Lowry. I'd probably do that deal. Just don't know if Orlando would do that instead of the deal I described with Pau and don't know if they'd do any deal at all if they got both Bynum and Gasol. However, the fact that Bynum is expiring next season may be enough onus for them to move him and avoid that dilemma when they trade Dwight.
  20. joesr

    joesr Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Get your facts straight superstar. Nets are on the list Dwight gave his agent. Nets do not have anything to trade to make worthwhile to Orlando. There is a difference. The only reason the Nets are on his list is because of Dwill.
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