When I saw the collective whining on TV about having to absorb refugees, it reminded me that people there enjoy a quality of life that Americans can't afford since the majority of their taxes go to sustain bases and armies to protect someone else's regional interests.
Ha, did you even watch this? the whole tenor of the piece was that there is no viable strategy for the US in Syria.
A thread on this topic has already been started previously, in fact it is in the top few threads on the front page of this forum. http://bbs.clutchfans.net/showthread.php?t=269145 Texxx - it is considered a major or minor breach of BBS etiquette to knowingly or negligently start duplicate threads. I hope for your sake it was solely the latter. In any event, this should be merged or locked.
More like trying to overthrow a Russian friendly tyrant for a US friendly tyrant. We have never been opposed to tyranny as long as the brutal dictator in question is US friendly or anti-communist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_authoritarian_regimes_supported_by_the_United_States
I don't why you are trying to slander god-fearing, family-values friends of America like General Franco. He was an important NATO ally for two generations! If only the US had such a democratically-minded friend in the Middle East.
Some of the European countries (especially the French) were very eager and gun-ho about taking down Qaddafi, so they share some of the blame as well.
Not if the charge is inaction. In North (and to some extent, north sub-Saharan) Africa, the French Army has never really left anywhere but Algeria.
With Syria, with Mr. Obama at the helm, I don't really think that is the case. We have no strategic interest in Syria, the world doesn't depend on it's oil, it's not on an unavoidable trade route, it's not threatening peaceful neighbors. I think changing the mindset you mention is one of the reasons people voted for Mr. Obama.
bigtexxx would rather see more of this stupidity. U.S.-trained Syrian rebels gave equipment to Nusra: U.S. military http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/26/us-mideast-crisis-usa-equipment-idUSKCN0RP2HO20150926 Syrian rebels trained by the United States gave some of their equipment to the al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front in exchange for safe passage, a U.S. military spokesman said on Friday, the latest blow to a troubled U.S. effort to train local partners to fight Islamic State militants. The rebels surrendered six pick-up trucks and some ammunition, or about one-quarter of their issued equipment, to a suspected Nusra intermediary on Sept. 21-22 in exchange for safe passage, said Colonel Patrick Ryder, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, in a statement. "If accurate, the report of NSF members providing equipment to al Nusra Front is very concerning and a violation of Syria train and equip program guidelines," Ryder said, using an acronym for the rebels, called the New Syrian Forces. U.S. Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East, was told of the equipment surrender around 1 p.m. on Friday, Ryder said. Earlier on Friday, Ryder had said all weapons and equipment issued to the rebels remained under their control. The news was the most recent sign of trouble in a fledgling military effort to train fighters to take on the Islamic State militant group in Syria, where a 4-1/2-year civil war has killed about 250,000 people and caused nearly half of Syria's prewar population of 23 million to flee. A top U.S. general told Congress last week that only a handful of the rebels are still fighting in Syria, though U.S. military officials said this week that dozens more have since joined them. U.S. officials have told Reuters that a review is underway that could result in scaling back and reenvisioning the program.
There's nothing to debate other than how much money the US can salvage from the financial juggernaut that is war. Pulling out too quickly will have Halliburton and defense contractors ****ting bricks. It was never about being salvageable - it was about giving the economy a lifeline in the one industry it understands best. There's been too much pain and suffering at this point(no one cares about incompetency), the middle class on the left and right aren't buying it anymore. You'll see the Donald start rolling out policies of ME isolation soon. Great to have a guy who's already earned his money and isn't thirsty for it like Hilary.
bigtexxx... You might want to take a step back and collect yourself. You've let bias overcome your thinking it seems.
I did not say it was time for you to come back. You're clearly still overcome with emotion, otherwise you wouldn't have come out of the blue in this thread to attack. Collect yourself.
Expected that out of all the things you chose to respond to in this thread, my post was the one. I am sure there are more important issues than me, don't let me rule your thoughts and discuss the importance of the topic you started the thread for.
so text is in favor of Putin's move that didn't target ISIS groups, but instead attacked groups trained by the USA's own CIA? I don't know about texxx and his patriotism, but I'll choose the USA over Putin.
I think we've known from previous threads that texxx's partisanship is so intense, he'll actually celebrate Russian victories if they can be cast as Democrat failings. He doesn't have any love for our country. As for our policy in Syria, I wish we hadn't gotten involved supporting anyone or even drawing any redline. Assad is Putin's man and it's going to be hard to have trouble with Assad without having trouble with Putin. It was kinda ballsy but probably foolhardy or arrogant to think we could go in and disintermediate Russia from it's client states in the Middle East without opposition. So now what? Strenuous objections don't seem to have worked. Do we start shooting down Russian planes that bomb US proxies? What would Russia's counter be to that and how do things escalate from there? I don't think this is a road we should go down, and never should have put our foot on in the first place.
Would love for this to be the red-scare period where they pack your unpatriotic ass up for supporting the russies. seriously, wtf is wrong with you man? You either have the intelligence of a walnut, or showcase one of the most disgusting personalities ever depicted on this site.
Absolutely despicable. No way even with his trolling he can trick anyone into believing that he has this country's best interests at heart.