^The typical #yolo burn is about as cutting as a pair of preschool safety scissors, blunt and possessing of few angles. Though in this latest outburst of raw emotion, I regret to report there is but a grain of truth, having supped less than the fabled silverback in his day.
I feel like CF is getting a little soft lately, a little beefless. Maybe too much actual NBA basketball being played by our guys? Y'all feeling a little too satisfied? Been holding onto this for the next proper brewhaha to get going, but y'all are taking too long. C'mon folks -- Amirite? Y'all feel me, yeah? These JG and Sengun fracasses seem listless, bloodless, I need something to get my heart pumping.
You know, I do forget how limited my sample is... Am too girly to actually try that, I think. The horror.
For a sample log out and read this thread... I dare you. https://bbs.clutchfans.net/threads/brittney-griner-in-jail……-in-russia.315037/