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Anyone reminded of Mario Elie's wrist injury in 1996? THAT was DIRTY.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by SwoLy-D, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    OKC people incorrectly blaming Beverly for Westbrook's injury reminded me of how I felt in 1996, when Mario Ellie playing against the Denver Nuggets broke his wrist after a dunk, undercut by Jalen Rose. I remember distinctly how Ellie looked at him with a DEATH STARE while grabbing his wrist. I will not forget that, ever.

    I praise Beverly for his tenacity and his hustle... that is the same hustle with which I play when I'm on the court. He went straight for the ball.

    Now, the JALEN ROSE play... that iSht was DIRTY... he knows not to undercut people like that. :mad:

    I think Mario Elie was one of the main reasons why we now have two championships. The main signing in the off-season from Portland made us the contenders no one cared about.

    Oddly, the EARLIEST thread here in Clutchfans I can find (because of thread ID in the database) is one related to Mario Ellie when he played for San Antonio for San Antonio. I hardly post on the GARM, but I thought I should let you know youngsters we went through something like that back in the '96 season.
  2. BEAT LA

    BEAT LA Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    I understand Thunder fans saying Beverly is dirty, but not Rockets and NBA fans. He was making a basketball play and going for the steal. Westbrook is a SG with good handles, and his knee was sticking out.

    Perkins is dirty.
  3. NdNRockets4Life

    NdNRockets4Life New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I agree. What Perkins did was intentional. Patrick Beverley did not hurt Westbrook on purpose.
  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    What was sad about that Elie injury was that he took his game to a whole new level. Somehow he was improving each game and turning into a real offensive threat. Then he went down with that "shattered" (ugh) wrist. That was a turning point in Elie's career, went from on the rise back to role player.
  5. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    :eek: I hope Westbrook recovers well. I've had endomeniscectomy to repair some cartilage... I know that feel bro.

    But Mario was NOT the same sharp-shooter after that.

    Found this on the Googles archived from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

    Rose was not even attempting to block the shot. He undercut Mario.
  6. HeyDude

    HeyDude Member

    Apr 27, 2001
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    Beverly play was more hustle, albeit a little cheap considering he knew a time out was coming. The Jalen Rose was more he knew what he was doing, it was wrong, but he did it anyways (reminds me of 'A seperate peace' where he shook the branch on purpose). Beverly was not quite that bad, but hey, it still sucks for Westbrook....
  7. SwoLy-D

    SwoLy-D Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    OK, so in the Picture thread of the Hangout, Cohete Rojo posted this:

    Watch how Westbrook leans in to try to stop Beverly. I believe that awkward positioning of his body is a major contributor to the injury to his cartilage. Had Westbrook only turned, not leaned in, he may have had kept his body straight.

    There was NOTHING Mario Elie could have done, by contrast. :(
  8. cjtaylorpt

    cjtaylorpt Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Personally, which is all clutchfans should care about (my opinion), I think Westbrook tried to get some kind of call and it completely backfired.

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