New profile posts

What would make you think I don't enjoy adult movies? No normal person would dislike adult movies breh.
I don't know who you are. But I will find you. And I will kindly give you the most sincere handshake in recorded history because that is one of the funniest avatars I have ever seen in my damn life.
Eff it, I hope Horry ain't looking here. I'm gonna take Chauncey Billups. My team's in need of spacing and defense.
hey dada, a question I wanted to ask long ago... where you involved with Digital Anvil back then?, thx.... keep up your good work
Not a realtor anymore ... License is expired and I am now working on other projects. :) I can answer questions should you have some.

Sent you a e-mail message but wanted to post here as well. Can you change my user name to "JHL85" or if that name is not available, then either "JHPL85" or "JPL85"? I created my user name a while back just to read the forums, but now that I started to post on various forums, I would like to remove my name from my username if at all possible.
