But there's a big difference when taking a -4 hit during weeks where teams play 2 games. My reasoning (or someone told me, actually) is that say I take a -4 hit on a player who plays twice in a week... he plays the first game and does absolutely nothing but plays 90 minutes. That's 4 points right there, so I already got my points back. That means the second game he plays is what I'm banking on. Of course, I hope that the player does more than nothing and could get at least 8 points the first game, which means I already made +4 points. Then the second game is bonus. The key is only go crazy during double game weeks. On normal weeks, I don't go more than -8.
I dunno, at least that's how it was explained to me. Unfortunately, I suck at picking players, so I chose the wrong players and they end up with like 0 points lulz.