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Marcus Morris

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by jopatmc, May 6, 2012.

  1. RV6

    RV6 Member

    Aug 21, 2008
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    I wasn't really referring to a jinx though...the thread set expectations too high for a player who's real potential was closer to a 18-20 ppg guy. You can't even mention Melo and Morris in the same sentence anymore, without people assuming you're referring to Cxbby's OP and calling Morris a future star.
  2. teebone21

    teebone21 Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    bottom line is morris cant develop if he doesnt have playing time. Look at the spurs starting a rookie SF that was a inconsistant shooter when drafted. Now he is one of the best 3pt shooters on the team.
  3. LabMouse

    LabMouse Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Marcus Morris=Mediocre Mediocre. Since he was drafted at 14, so I can name him as MM14 since I have not seen any good things from him. Well, I hope he can be great or good, I never hate any rockets player, but I am not holding any high hope on him because he has not played even 15 min good game in NBA when he was give a chance.
  4. rox4lyf

    rox4lyf Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    someone needs to do a human psychology experiment with sports fans' obsessions with backup players...see the backup QB syndrome and more relevant to the Rockets, Terrence Williams.
  5. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    Bottom line,is that he wasn't ready to play. Parsons outplayed him. He has to work hard in the off season to get better and earn minutes.
  6. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Bottom line is Morris won't get playing time if he doesn't develop enough game to earn a spot in the rotation.
  7. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    While they're at it, they might as well go ahead and do a human psychology experiment with sports fans' obsessions with mediocre players as well, since some of them prefer the comfort of mediocrity to the pursuit of greatness.
  8. Little Bit

    Little Bit Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    TOUCHÉ :cool:
  9. wreck

    wreck Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Looking at the Spurs Kawhi Leonard makes me angry. Dude looks like a natural 3 compared to marcus morris. Wish we had taken him instead of the lesser of two twins.

    Did the spurs know something that the rest of the league didn't? I mean I know they usually do, but were draft "experts" scratchng their heads at our pick? I know I was.
  10. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Morris was projected to go mid to late lotto. So, no.

    Kawhi worked out great for the Spurs. But lets not pretend the Spurs front office don't make mistakes. Richard Jefferson can tell you that. The same Spurs office also traded Scola for a minor salary dump (of Jackie Butler, whose signing is a mistake in itself).
  11. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Kawhi was originally projected top 5 or 6 by draftexpress and others. I never could see that and wasn't surprised when he fell during the draft. I was surprised San Antonio traded up for him, but that trade did make sense, moving George Hill before they had to pay him big and getting a piece that they really needed at the 3.

    Just a different situation from Morris. Leonard was competing with RJ for minutes. If we had drafted him and he had been competing against Parsons for minutes like Morris did that he could have wound up in d-league jsut like Morris did and we'd be thinking he was a bust today. Different teams, different situations.

    On the other hand, if we had taken Leonard, San Antonio may have indeed still traded up to get Morris and he would have been stroking the 3-ball for them all season and we'd been griping about that. Morris is a far superior offensive player to Leonard. Not the defender Leonard is, but a much better offensive player than Leonard or RJ. He would have wound up starting in San Antonio and they would have traded RJ for SJax just to have a defender to bring in and hammer on guys like Durant. Different teams, different situations.

    The other thing about our team was we were running out Kevin Martin AND Chase Budinger to start the season at the wings. That is TWO of the WORST DEFENDERS in the entire league playing side by side for 30 minutes plus a game. No wonder they sucked so bad. And no wonder Parsons worked his way in with his DEFENSE. By then, Morris was down in d-league throwing up jumpers like crazy and McHale was establishing his rotation by playing around with Lee/Parsons/Martin/Bud. Also, if we had drafted Kawhi and Parsons, Parsons may have been released because Kawhi plays D and with his first round draft status, McHale may have given him the minutes to lose. Leonard would be doing defensively for us what he is doing in San Antonio and Parsons very well might have been fooling around in d-league for a few games until we figured out he couldn't throw it in the ocean and released or traded him, viewing him as worthless and valuing Bud's offense more since Leonard plays D and has a large guaranteed contract. Different teams, different situations.

    Morris is a good player. He'll prove it in time.

    And he's still the only player on this current roster of rising up and throwing it in from anywhere on the court over any defender, something we were sorely lacking all season.
    #71 jopatmc, May 31, 2012
    Last edited: May 31, 2012
  12. wreck

    wreck Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    I agree but while the scola deal burnt them, it also gave them flexibility to add splitter (later than they would like). And he has fit in perfectly.

    I guess in the end their core of manu, duncan and parker allowed the Spurs to rebuild without bottoming out. cant compare them to the rockets. The lack of those types of cornerstones are what are keeping the rockets from being able to rebuild.

    ......its gonna be a long offseason...
  13. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    Morris? He has potential. You trade his butt now before he loses that potential.
  14. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    This one on McHale...... borderline playoff team.... but he missed out on we don't go far in the playoffs without developing quality players for the bench

    Nuggets and Karl
  15. allanivan

    allanivan Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    yes, hard to forget that fourth quarter Scola-Ppat combo cost us the six losing streak...... he was just trying to prove people wrong and that's stupid.:mad::mad:
  16. CertifiedTroll

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Was a huge MM band-wagoner after we first got him even till late in the season. But my opinion is shifting. How can a guy not try to bust his a$$ on defense or work hard without the ball in your five minutes of fame. I suppose we will all get a better glimpse next season, unless a team is interested in him.
  17. jopatmc

    jopatmc Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I agree with that. Had a hard time with his lack of hustle and desire. I know he was trying to fit in, but.....not enough effort.
  18. HI Mana

    HI Mana Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    Totally agree. The Spurs' system with Pop/Duncan/Manu managed to turn a guy who shot 29.1% from the college 3 into a 37.6% shooter from the NBA 3. He went from shooting 44-45% at SDSU to a 49% shooter in the pros in a lockout shortened season with virtually no practices? That's unbelievable; Morris would be wetter than Novak in San Antonio.

    Additionally, Morris played out of position early, while Leonard got to be immediately placed in a comfortable role.

    Morris is the very definition of a high-upside, boom-or-bust guy; while it looks like he may be bust at this juncture, you could build an offense around his scoring skills, while Leonard at best becomes Iguodala on defense, but never more than a 3rd or 4th option on offense.
  19. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Morris is a classic wait and see player. He essentially had no training camp, was adjusting to a new position and to the NBA. At times he showed glimpses of being very good, but at other times showed a poor attitude and work ethic.

    I will withhold judgment until after next year.. Then he is fair game.
  20. willieg52

    willieg52 Member

    May 5, 2012
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    If there were ever 2 players playing out of position on our Rooster it would be C. Budinger & M. Morris playing the 3 (SF) instead of at the 2 (SG) position where the would be more utilized cause of there change of pace offnesive skill set. Bud a 3 point shooter, quick penetrator and good finisher at the rim (only when he plays aggressive which I wish he would have learned by now) & M. Morris who has a good mid size game, over powering ability to push and position himself off screens. Would give us Great Size and Defense at the position.

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