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Zach Lowe: "Loser: Houston Rockets"

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Carl Herrera, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Exactly, and they joined mediocre teams to do so.

    This line of reasoning collapses on itself when you apply it.

    Bosh/Anthony doesn't think H&H are serious about winning and they are serious about winning so they.....joined two teams in the East with no realistic title hopes and will be lucky to scrap for the 4th-10th seeds.
  2. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Donny Nelson admitted Dallas overpaid, lol
  3. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I'm not sure I would have done what Melo did, but i certainly would have done what Bosh did. 2 rings is enough, and that was a hell of a lot of money.
  4. imaginedragons

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Agree. Criticism can be ultimately helpful if taken constructively. Posters have become overly defensive on this thread, and throughout the GARM for that matter, and it only clouds some realities that are plainly obvious.

    Harden's porous defense and lack of effort on that end, and the atrocious overall wing defense of the team last year, are prime examples. I cannot understand why even though everyone on the outside sees these as fact, there are still some posters who choose to ignore these as the major problems.

    Lowe is pointing out things that many already know about the Rockets and being defensive does not mean these problems do not exist.
  5. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    The problem is Lowe like Carl up there is logically challenged. They're attaching irrelevant parameters into discussions for no reason.

    You could say that Rose's injury history convinced Melo not to go to Chicago, try to rationalize it all you like, and it would still be a complete load of ****, Melo chose the money.

    The line of thinking goes like this : I don't like these things about x, therefore that must have been a reason.

    The reason such logic falls apart is because this is the construction of the argument and its root. Bosh isn't sure he could win with Harden, therefore he chose a situation where he definitely could not win.

    Do you not see the failure in this argument? The argument should be given it's own title, similar to the no true scotsman, it should be called the "No True Lebron" argument, because every player has flaws, and the sum of their positives and negatives is what leaves them where they are, ie somewhere behind Lebron.

    Kobe is injured, and Melo might be the only human on earth that doesn't dislike him, No True Lebron!

    Dirk is old and doesn't play defense, No True Lebron!

    Curry is turnover prone, and can't play defense, No True Lebron!

    George has limited offensive skillset, No True Lebron!

    Love can't even make the playoffs because he's a 4th quarter no show, No True Lebron!

    I could do this for every single player in the entire NBA, I might even bounce one in about how Lebron's body is showing signs of breaking down, No True Lebron!

    It's almost like people think every free agent should drop everything and come to Houston and if they don't, it must be Harden's, Howard's, Morey's, Mchale's, somebodies fault, even the Dwight sweepstakes, you could make a case for Kobe and even then, if wasn't hobbled and 10 years older that might have ended differently regardless, but Golden state, Dallas, Atlanta? they didn't do anything wrong, they just didn't have the best offer for Dwight's priorities. Dwight's priorities were to win, Bosh's was to get paid and keep his family in the same place, so was Melo's.
    #85 Aleron, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
  6. ttdestroyer

    ttdestroyer Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    The proof is in the pudding. Need the season to start and run its course.. will be able to compare Lowe's commentary to what actually happens next season.
  7. ttdestroyer

    ttdestroyer Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    The proof is in the pudding. Need the season to start and run its course.. will be able to compare Lowe's commentary to what actually happens next season.
  8. blahblehblah

    blahblehblah Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Despite your insult, in this case, neither Zach lowe nor Carl are logically challenged. The problem you seem to be having asides from taking Lowe's one observation entirely too seriously is misunderstanding its point.

    Lowe didn't argue as you are arguing that a = b, that bosh was unsure of harden/howard was the reason he returned to miami. Instead he merely surmised that it MAY have had been something he considered. Being quote "wouldn’t shock me if Bosh at least considered some of that in his decision" isn't anything remotely close to the same as arguing it was definitely the primary reason or even a reason.
  9. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    It wouldn't surprise me if your parents didn't want you, it also wouldn't surprise me if they were first cousins

    I'm not implying, suggesting or arguing anything though, and it's nothing at all like they're saying definitively that's what i think happened.
    #89 Aleron, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
  10. ForTheWinYes

    ForTheWinYes Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    "There are rumors that Dwight has fathered 9 children out of wedlock. It wouldn't shock me if Bosh may have considered this in choosing Miami being a family man himself. And Harden has been caught in the strip club before. Just sayin'."

    I could do this all day. Which is what sports writers do actually. Lowe usually holds himself up to a higher standard, but not this time I suppose.
  11. calcium

    calcium Member

    Mar 16, 2013
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    With Bosh not coming, there was no need to trade Lin at that point in time.
    I suspect if we'd hung on to Lin and trade him later, we wouldnt have
    had to give up a first let alone a first AND a second.

    I think we got screwed here.
  12. RoxBeliever

    RoxBeliever Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    yeah, still can't believe our idiot coach doesn't know when to make a defensive substitution so that Harden isn't in there when all we need is 0.9 secs of defense
  13. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    To be clear I completely agree with both guys decisions; money and family over winning? I'd do the same if I were them . Who's seems like a happier guy now, Charles Barkley or Michael Jordan?

    It's just kind of contradictory to cite H+H as non professional non winners as reasons for the decisions of 2 guys who clearly indicated that winning was priority 2.

    Hell, even LeBron wrote an entire freaking essay about how coming home/family were more important to him than winning, when he could have formed a super team in Houston or LA Clippers or Chicago. ...which he concluded by saying "it's time to get to work. " and then hopped on his Gulfstream and flew to Rio to party with the Beckhams and Shakira and Rhianna.

    Also look at the other end of the spectrum - kobe, Mr doin work ultra winner, can't get anybody to join him either.
    #93 SamFisher, Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2014
  14. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    While Dallas overpaid, they did improve from last year.

    You could argue that Ariza = Parsons. But Dorsey <<<<<<<<< Asik even if he sulked and had to be traded. And while Lin wasn't Linsanity, Lin >>>>> Caanan.

    Houston saved money. That's the only way we improved. I know that the offseason isn't over but the mouthpiece has spoken that small contracts is all we are going to do and so far that is exactly what we're seeing. And we aren't even getting bargain deals...just ex-Rockets on vet mins. So stop dreaming of Love or even Rondo, they will be traded but we don't have the assets anymore to swing that. And stop listening to Les and Morey's smoke up the fan's !@# - the Rockets are worse this year than last.
  15. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I don't really care if we are worse than last year on paper.

    If this team can overachieve with good chemistry, new assistant coach and luck, this team can achieve as much or better than last year.
  16. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Coaching would help but bringing in new guys and getting rid of your glue guy isn't going to help the chemistry. It will take a while to rebuild that.

    But sometimes talent just can't be overlooked and we are at the moment much less talented. If you thought our bench stunk last year wait until you see Caanan and Dorsey out there. I find Caanan hard to watch even in the SL.
  17. SemisolidSnake

    Jul 12, 2013
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    That was my gut feel when I heard Bosh declined. The guy's been on a team that's made the finals every year he's been there. He'd be coming to a team with two first-round outs, where it should have been only one. The Rockets, even with the talent they have are still too risky for a guy who'd probably like a chance at still winning more championships and quickly at that instead of a chance at winning them in a few years...maybe. He knows the team he plays for now, and he only only knows the Rockets from what he can see on the outside looking in. He doesn't see the Rockets as consistent and "professional" enough to throw in maybe his last stint with us. After this last season, I was worried that we still weren't starting to cement fear in other teams despite our final record, and that other potential stars might be nervous about that. I think the Bosh debacle somewhat confirms it.
  18. HillBoy

    HillBoy Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Excellent post. You look at the Spurs and there is NO question of their commitment to excellence. You look at the Rockets with Harden & Howard and you simply cannot say the same thing. Going forward, that has got to change if they are to successfully make that climb up the NBA mountain.
  19. blahblehblah

    blahblehblah Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Your analogy is defferent from lowes in couple few key ways but it like Lowes is also not a logical fallacy as you earlier claimed. Lowes presented statement of facts he views/knows exist and argues that it MAY have been something to be considered, whereas your statement simply offer two supposition with no underlying basis. Your suppositions may be true or false but without other facts, it isn't a logically incorrect on its face.

    However to make your analogy match Lowes, it would have to be - there are many in Houston who believe correctly or incorectly that alerons parents are first cousins and that they do not want him, i wouldnt be shocked if people took that into consideration when meeting him.

    The argument isn't whether your parents are first cousin or want you, it is whether it is really so improbable or illogical as u claimed to it be a factor someone might consider in making a relevant decision.

    If you really can't differentiate between your example and lowe's example, continuing this discussion is probably moot.

    Calcium - i like your examples and agree that they are to definitely a possibitilty assuming of course Harden was deeply religous. Furthermore i would argue that the problem you might have with them is not that they are illogical or impossible as aleron would claim, but rather that the elements of "fact" in your case Howards possible infidelity etc are inflammatory.
  20. Hmm

    Hmm Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    The issue Lowe referenced in his quote as a possible influencing factor, however minor it may be... had everything to do with basketball...

    The issue you're referencing has zero to do with basketball...

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