To borrow a line from Jeff Foxworthy.. * "You might be a ***; if you don't know who Chucky Brown, or Pete Chilcut are." ** Further, "You might be a ***, if you don't know who "the Stick", "Bandaid man" or "the Blade" are... Rockets History 101 = * Both have more rings individually than Charles Barkley and Karl Malone do combined...heck, you could even throw in Shaun Kemp, John Stocton, Mark Price, John Starks, Patrick Ewing, Kevin Garnett, Dirk Nowitski, Elton Brand, Vince Carter, Dominique Wilkins and still not have enough rings as either Rockets player. ** Ralph Sampson, Derek Chevious, Buck Johnson
Yep, I agree LL has more rings than any of the forementioned players as well. As Billy Hoyle (White Men Can't Jump) would ask...would you rather "look good and lose or look bad and and win?" Maybe that's a better question to ask Chuck or Karla...
Hahaha! "Kikimama" - "another bandwagon fan that wasn't even born when the Rox won their last Championship"
Yeah, I'm a bandwagon fan even when I haven't seen our team go pass the first round for 10+ years, yet this is the only team I root for. I'm just tired of these posters on their imaginary high horse who think their "better" fans just because they're still living in the 90s. I'm not trying to stop the discussions about our history as it gives newbies and veterans alike, well, a fan's p.o.v history of the team. But to go as far as calling other members ***es is out of hand. Why do people feel like they have to look down on other members?
You're a douc*e. I became a Rockets fan in 1993. Who cares. I'm a rockets fan now. If somebody likes the Rockets because of Yao or Tracy and they won't stop being a fan when Yao and Tracy are gone, then they are true Rockets fans. Who cares when you became what? It's a matter of what you will be when the current roster is gone that matters.
same reason rookies carries the bags, same reason frat brothers haze the new folks. it's all part of it. Unfortunately, not all fans are created equally.
I'm still trying to figure out what 3 letter is banned. It can't be ass because I just wrote it. Look, no asterisks. Besides, it would have had to be preceded by "an" instead of "a".
What if I became a fan a long time ago but now like the Rockets for Daryl Morey and will stop being a fan when he's gone, does that make me a MOF?
*** = Y0F or T0F.... Those are forbidden words on this site now. And I for one would like to greatly thank Clutch for putting a stop to that non-sense, although it is starting to build up once again with Yao's injury.
this kind of thread is lame and pointless. if you look down the fans who came after you, you are also acknowledging the validity of those who look down to youself just because they became fans earlier than you did. and all this "seniority" stuff gets silly. i'm a lifelong rockets fan, but i've seen people change their teams all the time. some relocated so they became fans of other teams; some follow particular player(s) and also change teams. what is the big deal? it's only sports. and like i said earlier in other threads, what is wrong of being a XXXX-only fan? it's time to bring this "i-am-not-a-XXXX-only-fan-because-i-am-a-true-rockets-fan-and-you-are-fake" nonsense to a stop.
No, I'm not a suns fan. I do find myself pulling for them a bit, because I've always liked Grant Hill and Shaq though. Being in Oklahoma, I never had a local team to pull for growing up, so I just followed the Suns because I liked Sir Charles. He got traded to Houston shortly after I really started watching basketball (I guess I was about 10-11)and I just followed him. Over those 4-5 years of the Rockets with Barkley, I became a true die-hard Rockets fan and I've been one ever since.
Jeff Foxworthy sucks Stop the hate. We're all fans of the Rockets here (except redefined), why not focus our hate on the Mavs and Lerbon?