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Yao's Value

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by linzhihao, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. linzhihao

    linzhihao Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Beasley is great or not, I don't care. A successful bball club never develops a franchise player from the rokie year, builds the whole team around him, and suddenly sells him while he has just reached his prime and the team is almost ready to be a contender.

    Farmers do business in this way, grow some fruits out of seeds, and sell them when ripe. Not NBA managers.

    That's what he claimed, and yes I have no inside proof how much les earned out of Yao. But sometimes, you have to take reasonable guess out of the known facts. For example, fact 1: Bonzi opted in Houston this year; fact 2: Bonzi got a shoe deal from a China-based company in which les owns shares. So, what do you think the motive for Bonzi to stay? Regarding to les's assest growth, by watching how he manages the Rockets, I'll say he's a conservative investor who's not willing to take high risk for a gambling-like investment, so if he gained 10 folds out of some venture, it's either he's being very lucky or there's something that we don't know, because we all know that high profit comes along with high risk. It could be Yao-irrelevant, but my point is anytime you own a player like Yao, you just got a map to Solomon's Treasure. If you can't turn it into cash, that only shows how bad you are as a businessman.

    You have to understand Les is not basketball fan, winning the trophy is not his ultimate goal. Do you see him watching team's games every game even on the road like Mark Cuban did? He treats this bball club as one of his business investments, nothing special. If he thinks that putting money in other business can earn him more, he will definitely do so, and considering the League's Revenue Sharing policy, he has every reason to invest his money somewhere else. So don't measure his earning by his investment to the club.

    No body said anything about "Asian market jumping on you", and I don't know how much exactly Les earned out of Yao, and I don't have to know. The bottomline is that Les must have earned millions of dollars because of Yao. Just think about it, Yao's teammates never put a dime in, nor any effort digging the value of being his teammate, but they got millions for just playing along with him. Can you imagine a successful businessman like Les will let go this golden wealth oppotunity? As long as you agree that Yao pays his salary by his own value, it's already enough reason for you to turn down any trade involving Yao. What harm to the team can it be to have a top Center FOR FREE?

    You just illustrated Yao's value to Les yourself. Being a popular person like Yao doesn't necessarily make himself rich, but it sure makes the owner of him rich, just like those film company owners make billionaires out of those movie stars.

    Basketball is not a rich people's sport like Golf. China is rich enough for its people to buy a basketball. Although it's not possible for 1.3 billion to fly over to USA, it's realistic to have Rockets to fly over to China to do some show. Actually I noticed that since Yao joined the League, many NBA stars like O'neal, Kobe, TMac, AI, Shane Battier have flown over to China and other Asian countries during summer time. And we all know that it's commerce-driven.

    btw, basketball now has already head-and-shoulders surpassed soccer to be #1 sport in China, thanks to Yao's landing on NBA and poor performance of Chinese National Soccer Team.

    I agree that Yao'd better to stay healthy in order to maximum his value, but I don't see his CNT committments as a negative impact on his value. It's actually the contrary. Before Yao, the #1 Chinese basketball player was Wang, Zhi zhi, who is first Chinese drafted into NBA. But look what happened to him after he claimed not to play for China? He got kicked out of NBA and CNT, and had no ball to play for like 2 years. His value dropped to zero. I'm glad that Yao is smart enough to understand the importance of playing for CNT, because without being a CNT member, he will be no different to another normal NBA player.

    I see his foot fracture this season is a bless-in-disguise to Yao based on the assumption that he will recover 100%. Because now both CNT and Rockets have realized that they had overplayed him, and are sufferred from pressure from fans asking for playing him less. He actually gets to have the workload lessened and therefore extend his career without personally asking for it like Wang did.

    The League can only share revenue generated from activities under the name of NBA. If Les did any personal investment in China, how can league get share of it? And with Yao, Les has huge advantage to do business with China over any other NBA team owner. Do you know that Bucks's manager and head coach actually flew to China trying to convince Yi to sign with Bucks? Do you really think that it's Yi's unproven basketball skills earned him this privilege?

    Actually I don't have any knowledge on Cavaliers owner's asset change since he drafted LeBran, but I know Les's wealth increased 10 times since Yao became a Rocket. If you have any info on how LeBran made his boss rich, do you care to share?
  2. ai_111

    ai_111 Rookie

    Oct 10, 2007
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    We shouldnt trade Yao and T-Mac. What we have to do is to find a great starting pg. Alston or Jackson, both could be a great back-up. Other thing that we should do is to find a backup center for Yao.
  3. GAY4WHO???

    GAY4WHO??? Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    lol...they suck at soccer even more than bball :p
  4. orbb

    orbb Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Maybe, but we all know how well these predictions work out :) . Still, Yao isnt going anywhere. Les would be crazy to get rid of a franchise center for an inknown commodity.
  5. BackNthDay

    BackNthDay Member

    May 29, 2006
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    Basketball is a business period. Anyone that thinks it's anything else isn't a business person. As stated their isn't another player that brings a Billion people with him and the opportunities for investments to Les.

    I also think Yao is very skilled offensive player at 7'6". I'm not enamored with his defensive prowness, however, at 22 and 10, I'm not looking to trade him to anyone because there is no value out there for him.

    We must use him wisely at 30 to 35 minutes and depending on match ups against quicker and smaller teams. Using him 30 to 35 minutes will lengthen his career and our chances to win a title.

  6. linzhihao

    linzhihao Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    I know perfectly how the league shares revenue. You need to READ people's post before bashing him IRRESPONSIBLY like that. When did I say Les earned out of Yao's value in NBA ??? Didn't you see I was all talking about Les's commicial activities in China ?

    We have empty seats in the arena even when we were on a HISTORICAL 22 winning streak, can you blame Yao for failing to sell out every game? It's the character of this city ! Deal with it !

    I admitted that I didn't have any solid proof how much Les earned in China, but you can't prove how much he lost in China either.
    And what market trend are you talking about? Last time I checked, USA is at the brink of recession, and China is one of the fastest-growing area in the world. what made you think Les could have lost huge money there? Even if he did, how can you blame this loss to Yao? He just opened the door of a new market to Les, but it still takes a good business plan to turn the opportunity into cash. No matter Les is successful or not, a reasonable man like Les should ALWAYS appreciate the man who gave him this opportunity !
  7. WillG

    WillG Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Yao should deman a trade if they do not bring in another all star
  8. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    Even with all of his limitations, there are only about 5 players in the NBA over the last seven or eight years I would trade Yao for and most of them are either about retire or only been in the league for two or three years.

    1) Shaq (pre Miami)
    2) Kobe
    3) Lebron (possibly)
    4) Duncan
    5) KG

    That's it. Maybe Dwight Howard and Al Jefferson that's big if. I wouldn't trade him for Nowitzki, Nash, Paul, Melo, Boozer, Gasol, Amare or etc.

    Most of the supreme players, except Kobe and Lebron are past their primes....so I wouldn't trade him now unless it is for an all-star, a good role player, and draft pick (with draft that has big men with good potential).

    I believe if he were here right now, the Rockets would be the best team in the West, instead of looking 2-3, we would be 3-2 or possibly 4-1. You just don't trade one of the best centers in the league and get better....can anyone point to any period of time where team's center went down with serious injury or was traded away and the team was still good or got better in the next few seasons.
  9. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    I know the haters will come out on this, yao is good, but he's tradeable. Some say he's a franchise, I don't think so. I will tell u why. A true franchise player can drag any scrub bunch into the playoffs. A classic example is Shaq in his prime. Shaq could be exchanged with any teams best player and they make the playoffs. Right now, if u took yao and put him on minny,memphis or clipps, they're no closer to the playoffs. That's why u see teams have to aquire multiple stars now. In all honesty, their is probably only 1 or 2 franchise players and that kobe and lebron.

    Every player has a trade value. As much as I like yao, I could rob the clipps of kaman,livingston, and probably 2 1st rd picks and sleep good. Why? With the huge asian pop in la and the #2 media market, sterling could make huge local tv and radio deals that les can't fathom. Plus sterling will never assemble a legit squad around yao. By the time they figure it out, the rox would have 2 lotto picks and yao will be 30 and headed downhill.

    If 2-time mvp moses can get traded in his prime, and a houston icon in hakeem can get traded, what makes anyone think a non hof type guy in ming can't get traded?
  10. rfila

    rfila Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Excellent post. I have not read any reply yet. Just noticed this is one star.
    I do not know what those guys's standard for a good post is. I will give this one five star.

    I guess you forgot to write "Go Rockets, the 2008 NBA Champion!" at the end.
  11. MandM's

    MandM's Member

    Jul 4, 2006
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    Yao also has value in the area that the Rockets can't beat a good team with inside presence without him.

    I think that value is bigger than the money he makes worldwide.

    At least to me...cuz i want some jewelry
  12. sale138571

    sale138571 Member

    Nov 6, 2007
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    trade YAO
    so sad
    the fans always say YAO earn money
    why you guys always just have money in your eyes
    the fans like this the administrators like this
    there no respect for YAO
    just said "HEI YAO YOUR ARE useless
    you just can earn money for us"
    MY god
    you guys will be in hell
    YAO is crippled by the team he always play approch 40 miniutes
    also is crippled by the chinese international and commercial match
    as a yaofan I am so sad
    HE just like a donkey
    working till dead
  13. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    It's like a Haiku contest in here!
  14. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    correct me if I'm wrong (and pls show recent proof), hasn't bball overtaken soccer as the most popular sport in China?
  15. linzhihao

    linzhihao Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Who is the "haters" here? Justify your accusation.

    It's not "some" say Yao's a franchise, it's everyone thinks he's a franchise. You ask Les, Morey, every Rocket player, and every NBA expert, commantator, critic, they will give you the same answer. In fact, I've never heard anybody said that Yao is not a franchise player except for you. I admit the prime shaq is better than the current Yao, but that doesn't keep Yao from being our franchise player. Yao doesn't have to be the best Center in history to be a franchise player. And don't act like you can define what "a true franchise player" is, that's just your own definition, you have the right to believe what you believe, but I don't see anyone agreeing with you.

    I agree that every player has a trade value, but Yao's value is too high that no realistic trade idea can't be brought up to interest Les. Let me share some more info with you: When KG and Kobe (a "franchise" player under your definition) were available on the market, Morey actually phoned asking for price. They BOTH asked for Yao as exchange, but got turned down by Morey. This may give you an idea how valuable Yao is in Morey's eyes. If you think you know better than Morey then I really have nothing to argue with you. Now, for the record, this information was disclosed by Yao's close friend, famous basketball reporter Mr. Yang, Yi during his TV commentation for a Rockets' game. (I remember it was Rockets vs GSW, the first game of 22 winning streak, but I could be wrong).

    Didn't I just explain this question at the opening post of this thread? In short, because Yao pays his check himself, and no individual player in the league plays 20 mil better than him. Don't you think this is a legit reason for us to keep Yao?
  16. abc2007

    abc2007 Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    People are blind! If Yao only has business value, why other teams always double even trible him when they play the rockets.
  17. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    and Les is on record agreeing with you on this. Anyone who disagreea with you is essentially calling Les Alexander a liar.

    You don't really need to defend this point. There are quotes by Les that state the truth of what you say.
  18. KevinRen

    KevinRen New Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    I can't agree with you any more!
    I think trading yao is good ideal.
  19. ibm

    ibm Member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    i have disagreed your comments many times before. but this one, you kinda stole my line.

    i don't know why we need to spend so much time on the "business" side. people have got to realize, to bring in vast business value to a franchise (like yao or lebron does), a player has to FIRST PLAY GREAT BBALL. i believe yao wasn't the first chinese/asian player who came to the league. why did those players not bring in comparable "business" values? the other chinese player, yi, what has he done in his rookie season? until i hear the franchise of the bucks have its market value increased muti-fold with yi playing there, i still think it's bball skills first.
  20. rvpals

    rvpals Member

    Dec 14, 2002
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    I totally disagreed with you on Yao just another normal NBA player without being a CNT member.

    You are what you are, being a member of CNT does not change what kind of player you are, or what talent level you have, and what is your value to Rockets team.

    If Yao is not on CNT, he would still be a max player (an all star), with the talent and work ethic Yao has, he is still a very special player. Being a member of Chinese national team does not change anything. Yao is a baller, period.

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