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Yao is the only center in the NBA averaging over 20 points per game

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DeAleck, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. real_egal

    real_egal Member

    Nov 20, 2003
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    But he could be even more furious :D
  2. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    You do realize that the difference between Duncan and Yao on that chart is the same difference between Yao and Boris Diaw... right?

    His rebounds and scoring are up because his minutes are up. His rebound-per-minute is a hair less this season than it was last season and his field goal accuracy has dropped from over 55% to less than 50%. His blocks concern me but he's only played 27 games... could be a fluke.

    Yao's improvement lies in his stamina increasing a little, slightly lower fouls (though this is still a problem) and his free throw shooting accuracy, which has been outstanding. In fact his improvement in free throw shooting precision has added 0.4 points alone to his scoring average because he's getting to the line the same number of times as last year.

    That's the extent of the improvement.

    Of course this is fine because if Yao can stay out of foul trouble and have the stamina to play 38-40 minutes a night every night, then he'd have some excellent numbers (in the vicinity of 24 points, 11 boards).

    I've said that too often to believe it until Yao actually proves it consistently. What I remember most about Yao in 2005-2006 is his 0-8 record and 40% shooting in his McGrady-less stint. If Yao is a role player like the critics say he is, then he's the best damn role player in the league - by far. But a franchise player he is not. He's somewhere in between.
  3. ShadyMcGrady

    ShadyMcGrady Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Well, I think blocks are overrated. Not the coolness of them, just how they are viewed.

    The best shot blocker in the league is FAR from a good defender.

    Yep. Samuel Dalembert.

    He can reject a lot of shots, but that doesn't mean he is a good defender.

    To do this, he leaves his man often to reject the shots, and you have no idea, well you probably do, but he gets dunked on ALOT. He gets scored over a lot because he'll go for any block, therefore he'll vacate his spot and give away his position, a good pg (or player for that matter) could exploit the shizzle out of that type of defense.
  4. whats up

    whats up Member

    Sep 13, 2003
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    I wonder why people, especially sports commentators, confuse a player's POPULARITY with his stats??? Arguing who deserves to start in the all-star game is idiotic, especially if they're making a case for "defensive" players.

    IMO, defensive players like Marcus Camby and Ben Wallace don't belong in the all-star game.

    When was the last time players ever Ever EVER played any kind of DEFENSE in the all-star game??? Wouldn't it be ironic to have defensive specialists in the game and not have them play defense? Besides, defense is boring. At least Duncan can score. The purpose of the all-star game is to entertain the fans by putting on a show with their FAVORITE players -- showcasing their offensive skills. Isn't that why the final scores are always through-the-roof high?
  5. ragingFire

    ragingFire Contributing Member

    Jan 13, 2003
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    Your math is not bad but not unlike Stephen A. Smith, you conveniently skipped over Z. Ilgauskas and Samuel Dalembert who play the same position and rank in the same vicinity. If you say Duncan is so much better than Yao, then Yao must also be that much better than these two and that is not so bad to me.

    Btw, Boris Diaw is no slouch this year either, 12pt, 50%FG, 6.5 reb, 6 assists per game is pretty efficiently if you ask me. He even ranks ahead of Richard Halmiton if you'd bothered to look.
  6. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Isn't he back under 20ppg again, after 14 tonight?

  7. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Yao is good not great....for you guys to compare him to an INJURED Tim Duncan is crazy. TD is avg. 19.9 and he is injured.

    Then you guys want to talk down on the WHOLE BLACK MEDIA for what???? If came from Mars and then read the stuff you guys post on Yao , I would think he is the next coming of Wilt. You guys constantly diss Shaq AT THE END OF HIS CAREER. Shaq can still dominate over Yao. Steven A Smith hates on everybody...but when they prove him wrong he is quick to GIVE RESPECT. Yao is avg. 19.9 and 9 rebs and you guys call him the best center in the league....that lets you know how weak the position is now.

    its apparent Yao is slow and not very aggressive. its true a blind man can see that. So if Steven A and Greg Anthony see it AND comment on it ...good for them.

    Yao is good and avg career highs, he is very popular in China and in other parts of the world. Him and Tmac are a dynamic duo and will hopefully lead us to a Championship. Please take it for what is .

    Tmac is not better than Kobe. This year kobe is separating himself like MJ did to Drexler. I understand Yao is a Rocket and we LOVE him but please dont sell Gold.
  8. ragingFire

    ragingFire Contributing Member

    Jan 13, 2003
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    You and people like you, black white or asian ... are so bias you can't see beyond your nose ...

    You'd just made excuse for Duncan being injured, for Shaq being at the end of his career, yet nothing about Yao getting hurt himself ...
  9. xcomputerman

    xcomputerman Contributing Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Owned. Hahaha
  10. RocketForever

    RocketForever Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Yeah right, Yao has been very healthy lately. You must be living in a cave or something.

    You have been quiet during our winning streak and Yao was playing well. Then you reappeared to run your mouth after we lost a game and Yao had a subpar game. What a surprise.
    #70 RocketForever, Feb 9, 2006
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2006
  11. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    You're a moron. We dissed on Screaming A. for his opinion of Yao not because he's black but because he's frankly a biased idiot whose mouth is one of the most annoying in the business. That sentiment is shared by non Rockets fans and surprise! even other black folks. BTW Screaming A is not representative of the black media, David Aldridge and several other African American NBA writers would be disgusted with that suggestion.

    You're on a ROCKETS board, why the hell wouldn't we give mad love to our players? Are you being objective or just unable to see past the color of someone's skin? And don't tell me I shouldnt play the race card. You steered the conversation this way with your "black media" comment. You have Laker fans saying Bynum is better than Shaq. Memo to remember, on fan boards people tend to live and die by their team. Please goto a NEUTRAL board if you think overemphasize someone on our team.

    He doesn't play for us. I will happily diss anyone not in a Rox uni regardless of where they are in their careers. I would diss John Stockton if he had one leg and was turing 90.

    Give one example of this. Screaming A. has never backed down form one of his screams, because being proven wrong means its the end of his shtick. Judging by his 11PM timeslot, I'd say its a good chance ESPN sees the end coming.

    Do us all a favor and spare us your empty words. I've never seen you give love to anyone in a Rockets uni. if you think we're being too judgmental of you, good. Go to a neutral website where maybe your shtick will work. You can be objective and detached here if you want, just don't play pretend games.
  12. sabonis

    sabonis Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    Iif you came from Mars, how would you know who Wilt Chamberlain was?

    Unless there was a great basketball player on Mars named Wilt also. If that's the case, my apologies to you.

  13. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    If yao was not injured whos to say he would be avg 25 and 10. He would most likely be avg 20/10. Some people on here are saying Yao is better than TD...ahahahaha.

    Steven A does not represent the black media and is entitled to his own opionion. If Yao and Dirk are soft ....ok so be it . And for the record he took back his remarks against Mike Tice after he turned the ship around. You guys dont like him because he says Yao is soft. If he said Yao should be MVP ,then you guy would be DICK riding him to the hospital.

    I have love for tracy and yao. I just stated the obvious, if you guys cant see it then yall are blind. I have been a rockets fan since 1984 and i will continue to be one untill i meet GOD. I have seen the worst and the best from the Rockets. Rain or Shine the rockets are mine.
  14. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    He's on prime time. He apologized to Mike Tice for calling for his head...when Mike turned his Viking team around.
  15. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    you haven't read ALL my post...keep searching little one. Yao did not have a subpar game in the reb. department , but FOR SURE in the points column. Kwame brown should have been dominated. Chuck hayes should of been in the game.
  16. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    and when he was healthy he sure was tearing it up right????? 0-8 :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  17. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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  18. ctseng0

    ctseng0 Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    And a career low in field-goal percentage, and career highs in turnovers and fouls...
  19. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    Of course hes better. Thsi is a ROCKETS board. Goto NBA.com or ESPN message boards if you are too high and mighty to deal with uneducated blind fans like us.

    Then I guess you didnt say this :rolleyes:
    yes we would because we are ROCKETS fans. If you want to come in here as a fan of another team and say this thats fine, but dont come in here talking all this nonsense like you're better than us because we want to believe our players are better than everyone else's. You're a phony, pure and simple.

    Again, take your "my basketball knowledge is higher than yours" phony act and kindly relocate to RealGM's general discussion boards or ESPN.com's general discussion boards.
  20. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    Whats this, I thought you were a Rox fan??? Didn't you know he said the toe was bothering him for a while? he hadn't been healthy ay before the surgery. Toes dont get like that overnight.

    phony phony phony.

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