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XBOX 360 Kinect reviews

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by DreamRoxCoogFan, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. DreamRoxCoogFan

    Apr 23, 2007
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    How does the kinect feel so far? I don't know anyone with the system and I was wondering how good it is. Does anyone on here have it? How good/bad is it? Sorry if there is a similar thread already.

    And please please PLEASE don't turn this into a PS3/360 debate.
  2. YaosDirtyStache

    Sep 28, 2009
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    It is amazing, seriously.

    This thing will revolutionize gaming without a doubt, it is a true marvel of technology...

    M$ did their best to innovate, not copy another technology that was successful 4 years prior, stick on some girly colored lights and run a shoddy ad campaign.
  3. Htown's2kFinest

    Feb 20, 2010
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    what games can you use with it and what are all the things you can do with it?
  4. rhino17

    rhino17 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Go look at the section on IGN about kinect. They have video reviews of the system, its capabilities, and games available.

    It looks like it has potential. It might already be better than the Wii, but it looks like most of the launch titles are not so great.
  5. SunsRocketsfan

    Jul 1, 2002
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    certain things it's not good for.. it has potential for sure but games like tennis, ping pong, golf, and espcially bowling are still better on the Wii or the PS Move. It's obvious why since the camera just cant pick up the spin you can put on the ball with the wiimote plus or the PS move..
  6. bladeage

    bladeage Member

    May 3, 2005
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    Only reason I want it is to browse through Netflix. The demo of that looked awesome. Just wave your hand to scroll through the movies then say play movie and it starts! awesome!!!!!!!!!!
  7. rhino17

    rhino17 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    From what I have read, it read spin and other things much better than the other systems. They said that is one of the strong points.

    I also disagree about the tennis and golf. Both of those can be done on the wii with just flicking your wrist. It looks like this requires you to actually complete the motions. Wii got boring very quickly for me as you didnt actually have to do any of the actions on the screen, you could just sit on the couch and fling the controller around.
  8. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ux1FZpPKh20?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ux1FZpPKh20?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  9. rusHour

    rusHour Member

    Jul 1, 2005
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    me and my wife wanted it, reserved it and got it the first day it was available. honestly, i was excited about it but i was worried about being disappointed in a slow response, the possibility of being bored of the games and it not living up to a lot of the hype.

    it exceeded my expectations. we plugged it in the first night, played 3 games and had a blast together. im not sure how pleased hard core gamers will be, but for the casual gamer, like my wife, and people that play together, its pretty cool.

    like i said, we played 3 games. the first of which was dance central. im an average dancer at best but i got into this game. i think one of the best things about it was a freestyle mode, where if your like me, you just act goofy, get points for it and then it surprises you with a replay of your freestyle. hilarious. the 2nd game we played was kinect sports where we went through a quick 6 Olympic style events. nothing so far that overly impressed me but still a lot of fun to compete, crush my wife and win the gold. 3rd, we played kinect adventures which comes with the kinect. im sure everyone interested in the kinect has seen the videos on the rafting and obstacle course. i know i saw them tons before buying it and i thought it would take away from the enjoyment... it didnt. moving around the room, flailing your arms and legs and it actually responding is awesome. and all that is not mentioning how sci-fi feeling it is moving through menus with your hand or voice.

    we traded in our wii to help pay for this and im glad we did. although the wii has a lot more games, which isnt saying much, the kinect has endless possibilities. let just hope that the people behind this continue to push the envelope.

    im a critic over anything i watch or play and i give this a solid 8 out of 10 and definitely worth the buy for anyone looking to have fun with others... which i think is the main thing right now for the kinect. it does have the workout games for individuals but i cant review what i havnt played. i can say though that playing the games above did get me to break into a sweat.
  10. Drexlerfan22

    Drexlerfan22 Member

    Apr 6, 2002
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    Glad to hear some good things about this.

    That said, pretty sure I'm in the mainstream (for now) when I say that I'm really not interested in buying Kinect or PS Move at all right now.

    Show me a decent library of games first, or at least show me a killer game I just have to have. I haven't seen either on these platforms yet, and I'm thinking it may take some time.

    I feel like the Wii has pulled a reverse Ben Wallace... it's gone from most overrated platform to most underrated. There are some seriously quality games on the Wii. At this moment I think it's a way better value to have the Wii than to have Kinect & PS Move combined, though here's hoping that will change sooner than I think.
    #10 Drexlerfan22, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  11. chow_yun_fat

    chow_yun_fat Member

    May 19, 2002
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    First off, if you plan on purchasing one make sure you have about 6-8 feet of space or the kinect will tell you to back up and it won't work properly. Number 2, from the demos I saw in person, there's noticeable input delay in every game. I would say anywhere from .5 seconds to 1.5 seconds of delay. That's a deal breaker for me.

    The river rafting game has a lot of frame rate drops. You crush a wooden pole, slow down. You jump up, slow down. Pretty disappointed a tech demo from Rare? would have such massive frame rate problems. When my gf jumped, it would take at least a second before the game recognized she jumped and performed the move in game. She kept missing those coins you could obtain from jumping because of input lag.

    I'm not sure why, but on the forums one of the most talked about feature is the voice command. It works, but from what I saw, it's not 100%. Probably more along the lines of 60-70%. It could have been just that one game where it didn't work well. I think the interface/gui is slick and I like that you can play some of the games online. The only negative to online play is the lag from online + the game = increased input lag = too difficult to play (prob like playing a game with 300-400 ping of lag).
    #11 chow_yun_fat, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  12. chow_yun_fat

    chow_yun_fat Member

    May 19, 2002
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    Move > kinect > Wii

    Actually, I'm not too sure about Wii, I haven't played a Wii TT game, only the Tennis in Wii Play.
  13. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    I would put Kinect at the bottom.

    I think it is not going to be main stream but it is pretty cool as an enterprise app for voice chat, or movie watching with hand controls.

    As for games, most developers are ignoring it......

  14. LAFIRMA22

    LAFIRMA22 Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Sometimes I feel you just type to bring up your post count... How would you know game developers are ignoring it?
  15. Surfguy

    Surfguy Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    .5 to 1.5 seconds of lag? that's pretty bad imo. does that mean this lag will always be present due to hardware limitations? or, is this specific to a particular game.

    i would think with this type of system...they would do everything possible to make it as lag free as possible. the idea that you move and there is noticable lag is a deal breaker to me.

    i'm just wondering if we should expect it to get better...meaning it's more a software issue at this point versus a hardware limitation?
  16. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Because I am one....

    And to use their control scheme requires a complete overhaul of your user interface (read money).

    And without an installed base, it is best to just make your games for the big 2 and utilize their standard controls.

    Most of the development that is utilizing the Kinnect is being funded by MS in order to USE it...

    It is just not worth it to us to make our games Kinnect compatible, when most people are not going to be spending $150 extra on their consoles.

    Every console comes with a game controller though, that is where the $$$$ will be focuses on development.

    Kinnect is interesting, but not in a 'mass market' way.

    #16 DaDakota, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
    1 person likes this.
  17. rhino17

    rhino17 Member

    Jul 13, 2006
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    Watching video reviews on IGN, they said the amount of lag was very minimal and surprising, so IDK. The have a video of them testing lag time and it seemed pretty accurate to me.

  18. chow_yun_fat

    chow_yun_fat Member

    May 19, 2002
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    I forgot to mention, it might not have been calibrated properly? I think that if that was the case and under optimized conditions, perhaps the lag would've been reduced to acceptable levels. I'm a sucker for video games so I'll probably buy one when I can find it cheaper than msrp and let the girl give it a good shake down. Most likely purchasing a console/kinect bundle for my nephews who are 2 and 4 as a Xmas present.

    If any of you guys are interested, just go to a Best Buy and they should have a demo station. Watch other people play and try it out yourselves and determine if it's worth your $$.
  19. jonjon

    jonjon Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    ... Bam, POW!!!

    Ownage... lol
  20. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I thought you took a new job, but I do know you are the inventor of guitar hero.


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