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Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by Egghead, May 18, 2009.

  1. Egghead

    Egghead Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    Kinda funny

    The NBA and World Wrestling Entertainment are grappling over a scheduling conflict.

    The WWE announced on Monday that its May 25 show set for the Pepsi Center in Denver is in jeopardy of being canceled because the Denver Nuggets have a playoff game scheduled for the same night.

    While the WWE anticipates a sold-out arena and planned to broadcast internationally, the Nuggets will be facing the Los Angeles Lakers in Game 4 of the Western Conference finals. The wrestling federation says that they have had the date reserved since Aug. 15, 2008.

    "Even though the Denver Nuggets had a strong team this year and were projected to make the playoffs, obviously Nuggets and Pepsi Center owner Stan Kroenke did not have enough faith in his own team to hold the May 25th date for a potential playoff game," WWE chairman Vince McMahon said in a statement.

    Pepsi Center officials told the ABC television affiliate in Denver that the Nuggets game will be played as scheduled and that they are working with the WWE to reschedule or move their event.
  2. Jayou

    Jayou Member

    Jul 24, 2003
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  3. Noob Cake

    Noob Cake Member

    Mar 10, 2008
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    Same sport basically, even held in the same arena.
  4. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    not at all

    at least in the WWE you can punch the officials
  5. ghettocheeze

    ghettocheeze Member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    The NBA should concede cause we all know the Pay-Per-View main event is rigged to be Kobe Vs Lebron so why go through the hassle of playing the pickups games for the Fakers. I rather see Randy Orton get whooped by Batista albeit fake wrestling instead of this crap being put out by Comrade Stern and the rest of lunactics running the league.
  6. SouthMJS

    SouthMJS Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Wow Vince laying the smackdown on the nuggets owner--I will probably be watching RAW instead of the laker game tbh :cool:

    Wish they'd go back to TV-14 and stop this john cena/jeff hardy PG crap
  7. Bigmarky

    Bigmarky Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    my sign still stands

    at least u can punch the refs in the WWE
  8. ebu

    ebu Member

    Jul 3, 2002
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    haha hilarious...i really don't know which should be priority

    since its monday night raw, it goes on tv right away on monday so u can't really change that....and the nba is the nba....
  9. GlenRice

    GlenRice Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    yeah agree, nba and wwe are both scripted but at least wwe admits it.
  10. Kam

    Kam Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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    never got a chance to say this, but the next time anyone bleeds in the NBA, you will need to call it the Battier Scale.

    It's similar to the Muta Scale in wrestling.
  11. Jturbofuel

    Jturbofuel Member

    May 20, 2002
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    At least the WWE doesnt have Joey Crawford.
  12. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    Yeah, cause if he pulled the same stuff (in script-heel refs or off script-Montreal Screwjob), he'd get a beat down from the Undertaker or get a stunner from Stone Cold and flung out the ring.

    Speaking of which, does anyone remember the Montreal Screwjob...how insane it turned out to be? Also, did anyone remember seeing how fast Earl Hebner (the WW(F)E referee) got out of the ring, after the (odd) decision? It's kind of sad that the most memorable moments (or popular times) in wrestling over the last 15 years have been things that have been awfully tragic and controversial.

    1. Montreal Screwjob
    2. The death of Owen Hart (and how the show continued) and many other wrestlers (from 98-03)
    3. Death of Eddie Guerrero
    4. Steroid/HGH Controversy returns
    5. Chris Benoit's murder-suicide
    6. The WWE's controversial storylines (Mae Young/Mark Henry gives birth to hand, Katie Vick, I Do - Billy and Chuck, and etc).
    7. Biographies and shoot videos of certain wrestlers.
    8. WWF force to change to WWE, because of World Wildlife Fund (who were being total d!cks for that).

    But, I guess that is just the mainstream media/public thing.
  13. ebainet

    ebainet Member

    May 1, 2009
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    Are Lakers VS Rockets tiebreak only a show entirely by the NBA "director"?

    Expert who declined to be named said: Lakers VS Rockets battle to tiebreak entirely NBA "director"

    Longhu Net reported】 【rocket into an impasse to the Lakers, Celtics again magic, two tiebreak battle, the process of ups and downs, but in the end the Lakers stronger and laugh at the end of magic. Miracle did not happen - 2007, the magistrate Do NBA betting opened a dark tip of the iceberg, in order to give up to the NBA referee gambling has a negative impact on the slogan of the League of the "I Love This Game (I love this game) "to the" Where Amazing Happens (a miracle happened here). " Large number of insiders have pointed out that war is only two tiebreak NBA ball no more than tacit arrangements, all the soul-stirring show it only for the NBA is a huge empire of business interests and promote the interests of.
  14. ebainet

    ebainet Member

    May 1, 2009
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    Handicap strange holding a rocket in the following

    In fact, fixing the NBA has a long history, "Air" Jordan retired at the peak period so that the majority of fans have been saddened by it, and the United States at that time involved in fixing the media reports of Jordan and many allegedly争强好胜the trapeze at the time because it involves to gambling which led to the killing of his father, he also announced his retirement so disheartened.

    Jordan was killed and his father angrily retired have more than one version, developed the U.S. media did not get the final conclusive evidence. However, in 2007, NBA referee involved in gambling case Do alerted the FBI, the ultimate gambling Do conclusive evidence, he has also been banned for life post. But David Stern stood up to severe punishment and after the Do not be traced, the U.S. media have dished out at the time of the doubt - and then the energy of a magistrate, and is unable to control the game. Stern was aware that, once pursued, is bound to pull the carrot out of mud, in addition to more referees, but also involves a lot of players and coaches, but more importantly: will affect the public image of the NBA's cognitive .

    In fact, the fixing is generated by gambling, gambling syndicates in order to win more bets, and buy some of the relevant staff, to achieve the purpose of打假球to control game players also gain the benefits of the middle. Of course, it is necessary to control the game, in addition to a number of players, there will be coaches, referees involved. Judging from the current NBA, betting on the NBA's control of the company has reached a point where thought-provoking.

    Yesterday in the early morning of the race as an example, the Rockets Lakers away. Major foreign gambling companies out of 12.5 points Lakers let the highest Handicap Series Handicap, generally will not be re-staged rocket that miracle. This series, the Lakers never let Handicap points higher than the 10 minutes, but the seventh battle of life and death decisions, betting the company happened to rocket out of 12.5 points Handicap transferee. Back to the Los Angeles Lakers promising line of re after, at home in front of his rockets, advance to the Western finals. The results of the Lakers did not give any chance to rocket to great advantage to beat the Rockets, betting the company's forecast is entirely right. And go back to the other games, betting Handicap companies out of almost all the results and the final match, especially in the post-Yao Ming missed a few games, they are also able to accurately forecast the Rockets defeated the Lakers in the home. It can be said that the rocket is in the second round was牵着走Handicap, in which it is not difficult to understand the mystery.
  15. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    How fitting that a team loaded with guys who pretend to be tough is having a conflict with an organization based on people who pretend to be tough.

    Maybe the WWE guys can show Carmelo how to make it look more realistic when he sucker punches someone and then pretends he isn't scared afterward.
  16. stipendlax

    stipendlax Member

    Mar 3, 2008
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    He's got no chance... no chance at all!
  17. ebainet

    ebainet Member

    May 1, 2009
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    Joint "match" NBA uniform

    NBA many domestic experts weekdays, they recognize the NBA is a huge business empire, almost all of the results must comply with the commercial interests of the largest. "NBA and the CBA is not the system, they said that white is a great company, every team is a department of this company only earned the best interests of the company, various departments will be able to have more dividends." A Basketball senior national experts told reporters. But in the NBA, taking into account the great influence of China, once referred to an interview, almost all do not want to be named.

    Experts told the reporter, NBA teams of all join hands togetherdeceitful match of ball , it can be said of all the team are united,deceitful match of ball together, the goal ofdeceitful match of ball what is it? Is the box office.

    To the playoffs, rockets in China, great attention to an unprecedented degree, NBA in the next few years the most important market is China, once the rocket in the western semi-final game was the Lakers sweep, which will not only affect the rocket awareness in China, but also will affect the future of the NBA crowd.

    CCTV reporter, a commentator for fixing an analysis of the situation, in his view is not rocket ball tacit leader, and their strength is not qualified todeceitful match of ball really led the Union and the Lakers. "The average home a Lakers playoff tickets is 250 U.S. dollars, they are a total of 20,000 seats, of which 55% of the proceeds under its own, which is a 2.75 million U.S. dollars, the Union may be the proceeds of U.S. 2,250,000. And in Los Angeles for Center for a certain range, the broadcast television advertising revenue and the Lakers are the property of all. That is to say the Lakers played a game more, you can more than four million -500 million in revenue dollars. "The commentator said," and the intention of the League of more pronounced, almost all of the season swept across the playoffs, it is necessary to have a battle to retain one or two things. The Lakers and Rockets in the sixth game in the United States has created a new high ratings, even though the seventh game ratings do not out, but it is certainly unprecedented. This is also for the coming year NBA broadcast with the broadcast to discuss the price of the sustaining power to provide. "

    "Now China has become the arena rocket arena, the advertising companies all over China, there are many advertisements on television partners, NBA, only allow them to maximize the interests of the coming year before they can attract more sponsorship money operators to invest in NBA. Union motive is self-evident. "said the commentator.
  18. ebainet

    ebainet Member

    May 1, 2009
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    There are no miracles, only strength

    Filed NBA, I believe that many fans will recall the "I love this game (I love this game)" slogan. It is like relying on the magic of slogans, so that the blood boiling NBA around the world. But in 2007, replaced by a new slogan "Where Amazing Happens (a miracle happened here)."

    NBA for the meaning of the slogan of the most important is to give up the case of NBA betting the impact of the alliance, since the NBA referee gambling case Do something, the more trouble the hole larger, tend to go a long way out of control. Many sports experts say the United States, "Do case once the case into a group of cases, on the NBA would be a devastating blow." Gambling case from going out? Kevin Garnett moved from the fans stirred up great enthusiasm, the current global market for or confidence in the NBA. Therefore, to seek some changes to the NBA is a good thing. Against this background, NBA games need to create more gimmicks, "a miracle happened here" slogan came into being.

    In fact, NBA has been done very wise, the Lakers and Rockets in the Western semi-finals and the semi-finals of the Magic and the Celtics as an example, the two sides take the martial arts, life and death battle to reach the tiebreak. But in the end result of significantly higher strength of the Lakers and Magic advance to the final.

    "Miracle happened here, this is just a gimmick, in the entire series, the game will be a miracle, and miracle often built on the premise of teams under water. The ultimate NBA Union or make the most strength, the most influential team promotion, which is to ensure that the interests of the whole Union. Therefore, NBA, despite the ball fixing and tacit understanding, but they do a very clever, and ultimately still have to rely on strength to speak. "CCTV a comment Members told reporters.

    He returned to an analysis of the rocket's fourth with the Lakers and the sixth of the abstruse, he said: "The fourth game can be seen as the Lakers play their own merits, but the total suppression of the fifth game of the Rockets Lakers insider, They found a way to victory. But in the sixth, they gave up their own inner strengths, Bryant, et al阿里扎outside Hu threw a pass, and finally do not bear up. By the seventh game, the Lakers come on completely suppress the inside, that no chance. It is not difficult to see that the advantage to know where the Lakers, when they want to win when winning on. This is a manifestation of strength. "

    Halo rocket crash

    Bid farewell to the season losing to the Lakers

    Rockets Game 6 despite the Tigers down as will the Lakers play灰头土脸, but yesterday, the Lakers return home did not give the Rockets the opportunity to 89:70 will be easy to beat up the rocket.

    Rocket too heavy a burden

    Rocket has been stressed that he did not pressure. "We have nothing to lose," Battier said, "pressure on the Lakers side." However, in the face of unlimited opportunity close to the western finals, before the rocket was obviously carried away by the victory of mind, is a direct consequence of the back of the psychological the burden of abnormal performance.

    12 times before hand, all attempted; the opening seven minutes, no campaign war goal ... ... in the Staples Center yesterday, a rocket went through a nightmare start: 2:13! "We're a little nervous, perhaps you feel that there is likely to win, so the back of the enormous pressure, technical actions are distorted." Adelman after some depressing. Indeed, despite the rockets, as always, excellent defense, but under great pressure, and their offense has a big problem -山呼Lakers fans in the tsunami-like "Houston Sucks (rocket bad enough)" the boos, the Artest 10 Sterling voted 3, Battier 6 for 1, Brooks, 13 voted 4, Landry 10 for 2 ... ... the game, Rockets 76 for 28, the hit rate was only 36.8%!

    Has been claimed that the rockets do not have the pressure, the results become hesitant. However, before the authority of the media and so was ESPN that the Lakers the most stressful, but showed his rich experience in the playoffs, made the first half on a large margin the leading 51:31. In the Ming court to watch a soccer match, has long been a loud yawn.


    Earlier, the Rockets and the Lakers into a 3:3 level warfare, including two games in the absence of Yao Ming made it so that once again indulged rocket, but Rockets clearly erroneous estimate of the energy of their own. Lakers start yesterday with a strong defense to deal with the rocket, the rocket would be quite at a loss, the Rockets their first lead on 20 points. Into the second half, the Lakers are not given the opportunity to back a single rocket, will be the largest lead to 31 points. This game, Bryant did not focus more on offense, getting only 14 points, but the Lakers play their absolute advantage inside, so the issue was settled easily rocket. Gasol 2 meters 13, 2 m 13 Bynum, completely destroy the rocket inside - two in the game big man inside who criticized yesterday force down 35 points, 24 rebounds, the Lakers become the ultimate the key to victory.

    Rockets general Artest convinced loser: "band guys would very much like the Lakers won the game, I think we have not made the determination they did. But I think we have young people here will be ready next year of these. "

    Despite losing the game, but the Rockets coach Rick Adelman is proud to team members: "The Lakers proved that they are better. Our young players grow up, but there are ups and downs, This is what we expected. Today, they a state of depression, but I am still proud of them. "


    "Basketball Herald" editor-in-chief:

    NBA fixing arrangements too

    "Basketball Herald" editor-in-chief苏群do not agree with the Rockets and Lakers series is fixing. He believed that to be a fixing arrangement, "is easier said than done too."

    苏群believe that basketball is a team sport, unlike football, the goalkeeper, a mistake could have lost the overall lead. Strength if the two teams, there is no clear position on weakness, do pass as long as the work of one or two key players can affect the results. But there is no Yao Ming, the Rockets are in almost every position than the Lakers, you want the opposite results, but 29 points behind, it is necessary to coach Jackson, star Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol, the first player Fisher, Lamar Odom and key replacement阿里扎to do their work spaces.

    苏群said: "If the Union really do so, the biggest problem a decade later, when the players retired to write their memoirs to make a living, or the occasional chat open the tone, there is no guarantee that the secret did not leak. A matter of fact that the NBA has fixing for so many years, so far no clues, even if the magistrate is also to be Do露了馅after the FBI targeted. "

    In addition, he thought the NBA would take if打假球huge reputational risk, this is the NBA does not want to face.

    The brink of exchange transfusion rocket, Yao Brooks difficult to co-exist

    Yao leave is not a fairy tale

    When the first round of the playoffs to break the curse is now history, when the final results out on the rocket before the rocket will inevitably usher in a "settle scores" of reality - what the next Yao Ming will be the next rocket will be going?

    Yao Ming will be due where the contract

    Yao Ming for the 29-year-old, he almost no room for advancement, and market data are 20 +10, is enough to let him become the best players rely on. The excellent data alone, where he can become the core inside. The key question is: Yao Ming will rocket you to stay?

    Yao Ming in 2010 the current contract expires next year, he jumped out the possibility of very large contracts. Rockets stayed in 7 years, Yao has also been the best second round of the playoffs before. Norway is the so-called death of the tree, who moved to live if he has a championship to join a team strength, so that the choice of nothing, after all, in addition to money, the championship is the goal of all players. In addition, the direction the rocket is now also non-Yao Ming had hoped: the increasing importance of Brooks, but it seems that he and Yao Ming can not coexist.

    From another point of view, the battle is far better than Yao and Sun, much better results than he - Battle with the San Antonio Spurs won the championship, Sun Yue Lakers thigh may also have access to this year's championship. Yao then it? Is he jealous and envious of only? This is obviously do not want to see Yao Ming's. Yao Ming for the future, "Sports Weekly" deputy editor, Yang Yi Yao friends, the Yao Ming of the future full of uncertainty, he is entirely possible to Knight: "If you go to Knight, he will become二当家, each playing a game 20,30 minutes, get sixteen or seventeen hours, enough. "Of course, if he choose to stay behind the rocket, he can be a 6-year 117 million U.S. dollars of the super-contracts, is not the chance to be champion - the assumption that the restoration of the status of Tracy McGrady, Artest continued Shen yong, role players continue to progress. Oh right, the rocket will have to find a replacement center Yao Ming.

    Yao is now the moment to put down the game, 77 regular season games and 9 playoff games, he had just spent most of a long season. "Now, I can think of doing what. Do not have to get up early every day, eat breakfast, 9:00 to Arena, wearing training clothes. Now, everything is my own master."

    Yao Ming may be the future

    Knight: This is the most likely. James's ability to break through and pass, he can be the best in the inside of the play.

    Heat: compared to James, Wade is also the Yao Ming should be "have legs" of the object.

    Trail Blazers: Yao + Roy +普尔兹than pull, the perfect combination.

    The reorganization of an imminent rocket

    Dikembe Mutombo retired, and Ron Artest and a totally free agent Weaver, Cook, and Laurie Brooks team will implement the options, as well as he led super contract ... ... to leave Tracy McGrady who abandoned who rocket answer it?

    Artest is the biggest problem - after the match yesterday, Artest said Continuous 6 "YES", would like to stay in the rocket, but he and brokers need a more than 10 million U.S. dollars of annual salary. Artest worth the price of it? According to the Houston media, Morey, Rockets hope Artest can be the general manager of 4 of the 37 million U.S. dollars in contracts. However, the Grizzlies, Thunder, and the Pistons can offer more lucrative contracts. Artest can stay in the rocket, is still a suspense.

    The second is the Weaver, though he took a basic salary of 800,000 U.S. dollars, but he scored an excellent ability to break through and can be amazing, whether he left to become a major task of the rocket. If no unexpected events occur, the rocket takes about 1.5 million U.S. dollars in order to leave him.

    The third is a small cloth, Brooks this season compared to last season with a substantial progress in both games is 10.5 points twice rookie season, especially in trading after the departure of Alston, Brooks served as the first point guard, out of restrictions on height and field of vision, he often can not match Yao the ball reached the hands of a person are often more than 20 seconds of the ball lens, which allows fans of the tactics now say the rocket is "the core fabric." Of course, the standard on the Brooks, the team is to become the core there is still a long way to go.

    Finally, and most of the problem can not be Tracy McGrady - Rockets would very much like to sell him, but the League is not willing to accept his team for 2 years almost 43 million U.S. dollars of the garbage contract. This just yesterday, Morley said: "The Rockets Tracy McGrady will not trade, we will focus on building a stronger line-up Mr Yao." See the rocket at the top on the restoration of the status of Tracy McGrady is also very confident. Overall, the future of rockets, or people are not clear.
  19. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    Hehe...LOL@Maybe the WWE guys can show Carmelo how to make it look more realistic when he sucker punches someone and then pretends he isn't scared afterward.

    Nah, Melo is too soft for the WWE. But, that is better than what I can say for the Lakers who I said previously (10 Things I Hate About the Lakers), made the care bears look like blood thirsty pitbulls.
  20. T-Yao

    T-Yao Member

    Mar 25, 2007
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    rofl this is hilarious...

    who cares about the wwe, its stupid, just a show....(which nba is becoming sooner and sooner if david stern doesnt get out)

    just let the nuggets play, switch the wwe to like tuesday or something...btw WWE is fake for those of you that dont know...

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