Beat up Rey Rey for messing up his title match with Taker. Honestly don't keep up with WWE very much anymore but from time to time ill watch Raw. Edge needs to comeback to fued with Orton at WM 26
Lots of falls I assume? Would need lots of falls as these guys couldnt keep peoples attention if it stayed 0-0 like Hart/Michaels WM 12.
Cena just begs to be a heel but the WWE is gutless and doesn't want to lose all the kiddies who love the guy.
orton dominates entire match, its tied 5-5 win a minute left, cena locks in his submission move, orton hangs on and taps out with literally five seconds left. he cant hang on for five more seconds? r****ded ending
2 sides of the coin are: They aren't seeing the big picture...look at Hulk's heel turn joining NwO...took awhile for people to cop it, but when they eventually did, it took Hogan (and indeed wrestling) to a whole new level and ushered in a new era where the lines between heel and face were blurred. the other side of the coin being that the time isn't right yet. The Cena sucks chants and boos for the guy seem to be dying to wait until the least expected time and then BAM.
Has there ever been a worse champ than Cena? his ring skills suck and his promos aren't that good either.
I use to love the WWE but it became horrible after Eddie died. Once I saw that one dude named the "boogeyman" and that other dude who called his own entrance I was determine to not watch that rubbish anymore.
Surely not - those guys have been done to death. Stick Jericho in there against Cena. And better yet, have Y2J return to his old face, party guy self - and challenge a newly turned heel Cena. They really need some kind of shake up to the main event. Udertaker holding onto the title again is just sad...I love and respect the UT's legacy as much as the next guy - but damn it they need to push someone with some more youth and a brighter future in that spot. Hopefully, CM Punk/Morrison gets up in that picture soon. I'm also a fan of the Miz...met him in Melbourne and was fairly charming considering he looked absolutely knackered....nice guy, plays his heel role well.
I dont watch wrestling no more but........when is The Rock coming back so he can layeth the smack down on alllllllllllll these candy asses? If you smelllllll la la la la la...what The Rock. Is. Cooking.
HA! Thanks, this livened up my morning. Finallllly the ROCK has come back to HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-TOWWWWNNNNN!