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[WSJ] Cuomo’s Covid Chutzpah

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Os Trigonum, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    hard to argue with any of this


    Cuomo’s Covid Chutzpah
    Texas and Florida have a long way to go to match New York’s virus record.
    By The Editorial Board
    June 26, 2020 7:02 pm ET

    Texas and Florida put their economic reopenings on pause Friday amid new coronavirus flare-ups, and you can almost feel the Schadenfreude rising from newsrooms and Democratic offices. Serves those Republican-run states right for opening so quickly!

    The truth is that those states began reopening several weeks ago, and not all states that have reopened have had major outbreaks. The causes of the flare-ups are varied. Some may spread among young people ignoring social-distancing advice. Border counties in Texas have been especially hard hit, perhaps from cross-border migration from hard-hit Mexico. Houston had 60,000 people at the George Floyd funeral and demonstration three weeks ago, and masks weren’t ubiquitous.

    The outbreaks are worrying, but the reopening was always going to require trial and error. Opening up bars to regular business may have been a mistake, and now Florida and Texas are shutting them down or limiting the number of patrons. The flare-ups should cause people to be more cautious, but they don’t justify the economic and public-health damage of strict new state-wide lockdowns.

    As for chutzpah, the prize goes to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who reveled in the misery of others on Friday: “Oh, I say to them all, look at the numbers. You played politics with this virus and you lost. You told the people of your state and you told the people of this country, White House, ‘Don’t worry about it. Just open up, go about your business, this is all Democratic hyperbole.’ Oh, really? Now you see 27 states with the numbers going up. You see the death projections going up.”

    To reinforce his thumb in the eye, Mr. Cuomo declared that travelers to New York from Utah, Arizona, Texas, Arkansas, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida will need to quarantine for 14 days. The order applies to states either with a positive-test rate over 10% or more than 10 in 100,000 residents testing positive per day over the last seven days. This will be difficult to enforce, but Mr. Cuomo said New York police may pull over cars with out-of-state licenses.

    This comes with ill-grace from the man whose state still has by far the most virus infections and deaths. He’s also contradicting his own statements from earlier in the pandemic. When Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo in March had police stop cars with New York license plates, Mr. Cuomo threatened to sue and tweeted, “We will not let New Yorkers be discriminated against.” Now he’s discriminating against other states, and notice that just one of his eight target states is run by a Democrat.

    Mr. Cuomo is responsible for the single worst public-policy mistake of this pandemic: His administration’s order requiring nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. That bad judgment let the virus rampage through institutions with the most vulnerable populations. Florida has some 4,000 homes for assisted senior living but locked down those facilities and it tests every worker at those institutions every two weeks.

    None of the new state flare-ups come close to the severity of New York’s. New York state’s average positivity test rate exceeded 30% in late March and peaked above 50% in early April. Deaths are a lagging indicator, but New York had more than 900 fatalities a day at the peak. That’s more than as many daily deaths as there are in the entire U.S., with the exception of Friday when New Jersey reclassified some 1,854 deaths as probable from the virus.

    The Statista website, which tracks Covid deaths, reports that as of June 26 New Jersey (167) and New York (161) had far and away the most virus deaths in the country per 100,000 people. Arizona had 21, Florida only 15, and Texas eight.

    Perhaps Mr. Cuomo is touting outbreaks elsewhere because he hopes they will help people forget his record. He ought to be thanking everyone, in Washington and other states, who helped New York in its hour of desperate need.

    B@ffled and RayRay10 like this.
  2. nickb492

    nickb492 Contributing Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    This is kind of dumb. We know why they were the hardest hit. They are the biggest international city in our country that had thousands of people coming in and out of the city especially from Europe from January all the way through early March. The only people that were telling the federal government that it was going to hit our country were not listened to. And yes I do blame our Governor and stupid Dan Patrick for literally believing that human life was worth it so we can keep the economy going. Knowing that our state right now is going backwards because of pride will do more damage than if we had stopped the spread full force. Blame immigrants, blame protests, but in reality those are two variables in the biggest problem. People believing that this is a political stance and when you have the highest form of government pretending that this is just like the flu. That being squawked by the parrots here in Texas does nothing but divide a human issue into a political issue. That is probably the stupidest part of it all. The mortality rate is what they cling on though. Not the lasting effects it can have to the lungs, heart, or kidneys. Not the possibility of infertility it can cause. Not the possibility that it can cause blood clots.There is so much we still don't know but people are going to be stupid so here we are. I'm honestly stunned that we have let stupid humans trick us to not believing doctors or scientists. But yet here we are.
  3. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Contributing Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    NYC is always going to be ground zero for a pandemic given how dense of a transportation hub it is.

    I'm actually surprised it hasn't spiked in NYC.
  4. davidio840

    davidio840 Contributing Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Sorry, but Houston holds that title at least as far as most diverse is concerned. The real answer is they all live on top of each other and they all use the same type public transportation. Extreme density leads to extreme outbreaks and always will.

    Additionally Cuomo royally ****ed up in the beginning when the outbreak started, you don’t send covid patients to nursing homes. What a idiot. But he’s not alone. Here we are in Texas ****ing up now because our governor is a puppet and decided opening the state to early would get him some brownie points.
  5. B@ffled

    B@ffled Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Congress (R) is demanding answers from him and other (D) Governors who went against CDC guidelines and sent patients to nursing homes. Cuomo had a ship he could've used. The families of the nursing home victims are collectively upset and there will most likely be civil suits and some calling for criminal negligence. None of the (D) governors have responded to the letter.

    davidio840 likes this.
  6. Newlin

    Newlin Member

    May 22, 2015
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    Cuomo didn’t get everything right. But, he had the disadvantage of having to deal with one of the first major flare ups in the country. Most of the rest of the country should have learned from NY and Cuomo what to do and what not to do.

    Not doing a better job protecting the elderly was a failure, not just in NY, but across the country in the early days of the pandemic. Fatality rates have fallen in large part because the elderly ARE finally being protected.

    I do think Cuomo did a lot right. He communicated well and kept people informed. He shut the state down and kept it shut down long enough to greatly reduce new cases and deaths.

    Now, I will say that I am very concerned that large numbers of new cases will soon emerge. NY is still part of a country where the virus is blowing up everywhere. The virus will likely spread back into the area from other parts of the country. Hopefully, if there is a new flare up, deaths will be kept to a minimum by protecting the elderly, and by having better treatment options.
  7. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    The public looks to a president during a national crisis.
  8. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Cuomo screwed up sending COVID19 patients back to nursing homes but he didn’t really go against CMS or CDC guidelines. The main issue is his executive order was very similar to what Trump’s administration released and was in line with prior CMS guidelines but he left out language about “if possible” and nursing homes are stating they felt pressure to take the patients even if they could not make proper accommodations.

    New York was trying to free up beds but there also were nursing home administrators begging Cuomo to find other accommodations.
    FranchiseBlade, RayRay10 and joshuaao like this.
  9. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Contributing Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    It's totally fair to call out Cuomo for the stunt he pulled to grab headlines with a left friendly media.

    California is slowly swelling through it's sheer size. Given the baitclick headline when i read the article, i was surprised that state was left out in the list

    Can't trust old Dem establishment. They got to where they are because they can play. But here we are, given a choice of turd sandwich or giant dbag.

    Press likes to brow beat red states but everyone is growing nutty and slowly starting to skirt the rules.

    They really should've hammered testing and tracing but i guess it was unpopular in their market research for max ratings.
    RayRay10 and Two Sandwiches like this.
  10. nickb492

    nickb492 Contributing Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    They have more than the 3 times as many people and in NYC live in half the size as Houston. Being diverse has nothing to do with it. New York City is the biggest international city as far as international travel is concerned. They were the canary that we gave the finger to because we believed that the Coronoavirus only affected those damn northern liberals.......
  11. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
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    Sep 18, 2008
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    Actually, there is a playbook for reopening. You can even start with the one published by the CDC. Then there are the one from Europe and from Asia. This isn’t trial and error stuff - we know what it takes. But the fed and state governments refused to dig down and do the smart and hard things. The only trial and error here is simply wishful thinking and hoping their gamble pay off.

    ps. This level of acceptance for poor performance is what MAGA.
    RayRay10 and Two Sandwiches like this.
  12. Commodore

    Commodore Contributing Member

    Dec 15, 2007
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  13. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Cuomo literally has the worst results in the country. He can sit down and shut up - he has no justification to tell anybody how to act.

    and to the poster who said he communicated well - I literally lol’d. What did he communicate well? The number of daily deaths in NY?
  14. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    "Why Is Andrew Cuomo Bragging?":


    Why Is Andrew Cuomo Bragging?
    By Kyle Smith
    June 26, 2020 3:02 PM

    New York’s governor surveys the smoldering wreckage of the hardest-hit state and declares victory.

    Andrew Cuomo is spiking the football, dunking the basketball, and dashing around the soccer field taking off his shirt. He’s spraying champagne all over Albany. He’s Muhammad Ali standing over the crumpled form of Sonny Liston in 1965: Boom, take that, coronavirus. Woo-hoo! Victory! Only 31,000 deaths. New York suffered through the equivalent of 9/11 times 11 but . . . yay?

    “You played politics with this virus and you lost,” Cuomo said in an interview Thursday, referring to Florida governor Ron DeSantis, with whom Cuomo is engaging in a bizarre feud to rival his utterly nonsensical ongoing war with fellow liberal Democrat and New York City mayor Bill de Blasio. “It’s now undeniable this country paid a terrible price,” Cuomo continued, suggesting . . . what? That other states lacked the sage wisdom of Andrew Cuomo, slayer of the coronavirus? Thirty-one thousand New York families would like a word.

    Last week, Cuomo saluted himself as he celebrated several weeks of encouraging coronavirus trends in his state by saying there was no longer a need for his daily press briefings, a habit for 111 days. “We showed that in the end, love does win. Love does conquer all — that no matter how dark the day, love brings the light,” he said. “That is what I will take from the past 111 days. And it inspires me and energizes me and excites me.”

    Love wins? It rather looks like COVID-19 won. If any entity deserves to brag, it’s Satan’s cupcake, with 31,000 graves to dance on. And if DeSantis, as Cuomo claims, “lost,” the scoreboard doesn’t reflect it. Florida has a larger population than New York State but has registered fewer than one-third as many coronavirus cases. Florida has seen 15 COVID-19 fatalities per 100,000 population; New York, 160. With 46,000 deaths between them, New York and its sibling New Jersey have combined for more fatalities than France, Spain, and Italy.

    Cuomo is miffed about Florida imposing restrictions on visiting New Yorkers this spring and summer, but since New York has been the global hotspot for the virus, fears about importing it were well-founded. Cuomo is now in vengeance mode, ordering that visitors from Florida and several other states where there has been a surge in coronavirus cases self-quarantine for 14 days. How will Cuomo enforce this? Spot checks, he says. Cuomo can’t seriously believe that everyone coming to New York will huddle in an apartment or hotel room for 14 days. The average domestic visitor to New York City stays just 1.9 days. Even foreign visitors only stay nine days on average. Nobody is coming to New York to volunteer for a 14-day self-imprisonment. This latest Cuomo edict is pure theater, fan service for fellow liberals who fancy themselves giving red states a wedgie.

    Other states did exactly what Cuomo did: They stayed in lockdown for as long as they thought they could stand it, then began to ease up when it looked like the virus was diminishing. In some cases, the virus has flared up. Does Cuomo think this can’t happen in his state? Humility might be in order for the man whose state proved to be a virus Vesuvius, especially since New York City, the source of the vast majority of the infections in New York State, has just begun to open up and we don’t yet know whether the just-relaxed restrictions will give the virus a boost. Cuomo’s much-touted track-and-trace program, a key part of his strategy, is barely functional, but on the other hand, maybe the virus is just burning itself out, like a wildfire.

    Cuomo has gotten a lot of credit from the public for taking the pandemic seriously and for being calm and forthright with statistics. But he still refuses to admit error for his disastrous March 25 directive, which remained in effect until June 10, to force nursing homes to accept infected people, though he keeps changing his story about who is to blame for the death toll in those facilities. Now it’s all Trump’s fault; now it’s the nursing-home staff. His latest gambit, to declare that the disease’s spectacular victory in New York was really a case of love conquering all, while insisting the real problem lies in states where there have been nowhere near as many fatalities as in his own, delights the media, always eager to play along with a red-states-are-evil propaganda campaign. The relative death counts tell a different story. Andrew Cuomo has about as much reason to brag about coronavirus as Lyndon Johnson did about Vietnam.
  15. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Contributing Member
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    May 2, 2014
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    RayRay10 likes this.
  16. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Contributing Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Where Abbott and Desantis especially have failed is in taking a political stance to play to the Trump base even when they had sensible reopening guidelines. They were basically saying here’s the guidelines, but do what you sang cause “muh freedom”.

    That has led to what we are seeing today with ignorance being the primary contributor to community spread.

    Cuomo did a good job on messaging but the media helped by covering his daily briefings so he knew he had a mass audience so he said the right things most of the time. However nobody should be confused about Cuomos popularity with Liberals just because he has some deserved respect for his Covid leadership. The guy is unpopular because he is seen as one of the Democrats that serves wall street more than Main Street.
  17. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Contributing Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Literally.the.worst.results.in.the.country. Andrew Cuomo, folks. He failed.

    ...and I'd like to understand your point about how "ignorance was the primary contributor to community spread". What caused the spread? Do you actually know, or are you guessing? Did the 60,000 George Floyd marchers in Houston have anything to do with it in Texas?

  18. Andre0087

    Andre0087 Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Did the police suffocating a man to death deserve a response? Do you even hold a job? The way you and @Trader_Jorge troll here I'm guess you're both unemployed and bored.
    RayRay10 likes this.
  19. IBTL

    IBTL Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Hard to argue ny didn't handle it once realize and cuomo leadership attacked the curve. Even then bigots are praising the death drops!

    Meanwhile texas / florida plenty of notice and cases / hospitalizations shooting up.
    We need cuomo here in texas to lead us. Cuomo 2024 please god
    RayRay10 likes this.
  20. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
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    Sep 18, 2008
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    People are confusing two things by doing apple to orange comparisons. There is the lockdown. There is the re-opening. You compare lockdown to lockdown and reopen to reopen, not lockdown to reopen.
    RayRay10 and jiggyfly like this.

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