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Would you stop following the Rockets if they traded Lin?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Brando2101, May 11, 2014.


Would you stop following the Rockets if they traded Lin?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
    Likes Received:
    So sad. So true.

    Haha... that would be awesome to see "MOVED" next to all the b.s. threadadge.
  2. joeson332

    joeson332 Member

    Apr 13, 2014
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    They see me trolling.
  3. YourSecretLover

    Sep 27, 2007
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    wow looks at the results from the poll! that is disgusting when about 710 people voted no! the board will better with more LOF in here
  4. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    And they try to catch me ridin' Jeremy. Try to catch me ridin' Jeremy. Try to catch me ridin' Jeremy. Try to catch me ridin' Jeremy. Try to catch me ridin' Jeremy.
  5. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    I want to know who those 712 dumb people who voted "no" are. ;)
  6. Champ06

    Champ06 Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    How dare you call people dumb when they are offering their opinion! Free speech!! They have just every right to leave the forum.
  7. Brutaldiego88

    Brutaldiego88 Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    All these Asian Lin bandwagon fans are ridiculous!!
  8. chimera34

    chimera34 Member

    Apr 25, 2003
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    Disclaimer...long post...you can tl;dr all you want :rolleyes:

    Man...I am really disappointed at all this crap. I've been a clutchfan for years (signed up in 2003 i think and was a fan before that when I first learned of it when it came out in SI) but seriously, I have never seen so much bashing and insults and racist undertones in my life...its embarrassing and everyone should be ashamed of themselves for it.

    I am a Rockets for life (in fact I can call myself a Hakeem only fan for a while initially), my pops went to U of H during Phi Slamma Jamma and I was born in Houston but I'm Asian-American...you want my whole story I'll tell you one day.

    Yet, even after Hakeem retired on my birthday (!!!!) as a Rocket (and yes I know he went to toronto...I ignore that part of his/my life), I still followed the friggin team.

    So I followed them...from the Steve Francis and Cuttino Mobley years (both players amazingly I did not like either during their college careers at Maryland and URI but I grew fond of them as Rocket players) to the Yao Ming era. He was by far one of my favorites after Hakeem...not only as one of the first model Asian basketball superstars but also because of his humility and attitude. I really wish I could spend hours talking to both him and Hakeem. I was devastated during the Lakers series where he got hurt and overall when he couldn't stay healthy. Him and T-mac were my favorites for a while. Of course all of that fell apart and I was depressed as any other Rockets fan prolly was, but somehow the team still worked its ass off. Players like lowry and brooks along with battier, landry, scola, hayes and others kept playing hard and made me want to root even harder for them to succeed. I love this team...

    Funny thing about JLin, I've seen him in person a couple times (once in my own alma mater UC Berkeley at the gym when he was just a HS stud and another time at NYU's gym where I go to grad school)...In all honesty, I never thought he was good enough for the NBA, I always thought he was a solid asian ball player but I never expected any success...I argued constantly with my other friends about this when he was in Harvard and making a name as well as when he was a Warrior and even after...especially since I dislike the Knicks.

    Of course his Linsanity moments as a Knicks threw me completely off...
    I was wrong, he has some capabilities, he deserves to be in the NBA and he can ball.

    Look I'm not justifying his contract or saying he's a stud. In HS he was, but in NBA he's a decent role player who is streaky and very inconsistent. Some days I'm cheering him like he's my fav...other days I curse him out for losing everything for us. Yet through it all I still support him as a Rocket...I hafta, its my duty as a fan.

    For me, the thing is this team is disappointing, from Howard to Harden and Parsons or Lin...every players has an ego and doesn't realize the potential this team has if EVERYONE of them stopped playing selfish and went to die for each other on the court. I just don't see the hustle and aggressiveness I used to see with my old Rockets from Hakeem to Mobley to Sura to Yao to Lowry...almost all of those teams had plenty of hustle players who dove for basketballs, who didn't care for their safety, who played hard, and who just wanted to play...I don't see that same intensity in these guys.

    Don't get me wrong, Howard has shown me a lot this year and I am hopeful that he can be somewhat of a difference (it did take Hakeem a few years to mature and really settle in as a leader) but even he has his meltdowns during games. Harden...I don't even know whats wrong with him sometimes...I get that def isn't his thing but then offense should be 24/7 attack if you can't hit the long ball. Yet this playoffs disappointed me on Harden. And Parsons is just as inconsistent as JLin...even within the game...I thought he was potentially capable of being the 3rd star...now I'm not sure he's even capable of being a solid 3. And finally, Jeremy...the dude plays hard but he does not possess the smartest basketball IQ especially during stressful situations. When he struggles he becomes timid and loses all sorts of confidence. And my god...I really wish he would stop jumping up in the air during a drive only to have no one to pass to and fling it out as a TO...

    I like JLin lately though...he has shown me he can be tougher and he still has potential. Do I want him around as a Rocket for life? maybe for a decent price but definitely not superstar contract...do I think he is going to get one? no...do I think he will get paid a lot? no....do I think he will still be in the NBA, lately yes...I see him as players like Larry Hughes...decent ball player...shouldn't be a star. 6th man role is perfect...

    I do not like a lotta LOF...some of you guys are really idiotic in your arguments and I have no clue what kind of ration you use (mind you, there are some of you I can ration with so count yourselves out)...but LOH also piss the **** out of me cause a lotta you guys are just as dumb and worse you belittle the **** out of some people through race and your insults to a Rockets player is not what a Rocket fan should be doing. Don't get me wrong, if a player is being a problem you can criticize...but some of these posts and comments are just absurd and ridiculous and some are downright racist. I've dealt with my fair share of it and frankly I believe its cause you got this damn computer screen as a buffer to stop someone from punching you in the face.

    The whole situation is BS...and it even has someone like Clutch involved...before his recent post I never really thought Clutch had a side. I guess I was naive to think he was some omnipotent unbiased supreme Rockets fan. I love his site and until recently, I loved coming on just to read so I could feel like I wasn't alone as a Rockets fan...but now Clutch made his own comments. Do I think its unfair? yes, but I can see why he did it. It's cause of all the BS that's been going on and how both sides are being so irrational that its god damn absurd. I'm sure Clutch coudn't stand for some of the absurdities that LOFs keep posting and he wanted to prove a point.

    But frankly, I can't even enjoy these boards and comments anymore. I really don't know who the f some of you are but seriously stop hating on each other...we are a team just like the Rockets and we all should be trying our best to be respectful and rational. If JLin gets traded...fine so be it...if he doesn't, then let's give him the support (not the BOO him during a playoff game as a home team). And if he f's up...yea you can criticize but not some of the absurd words I've seen that I know I've never seen for any other player (the racial undertones are pretty blunt to me)...and LOFs seriously...if you can't see that Lin isn't a superstar you probably don't know much about basketball so let the big boys talk and just listen. Maybe you will learn and find out how he can improve in the game...We all aren't perfect and I sure as hell know I'm sometimes an irrational fan...my gf thinks I'm insane for loving a team so much (little does she know I love the Rockets more than her o_O haha jk).

    But please lets stop this nonsense including this poll and if LOFs want to leave...good riddance cause this forum wasn't meant for them if they can't be rational. I like Lin, I like Harden, I have begun to like Howard...I even can root for McHale even with his lack of coaching abilities...I love the Rockets...I will criticize but I will love nonetheless...

    and so sorry for the long post...I rarely post and I don't like to...just like to read usually but I'm in a ranting mood today...
    5 people like this.
  9. Scarface281

    Scarface281 Member

    Mar 17, 2009
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    Posts like your own show that the successful troll attempt for the poll has been successful.
  10. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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  11. naesoon

    naesoon Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Who will you guys b..ch about when Lin leaves?
  12. Champ06

    Champ06 Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    :eek: Oh! By the way, how do you know everyone of the posters selected no are Asian???????? Inside information given to you by Clutch????
  13. verysimplejason

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I'll stop following the Rockets until McHale is out. I might bat an eye or two but I really hate his coaching. It's too painful to watch. I like him maybe as an assistant coach but as a head coach, he doesn't have it to be guide a championship team.
  14. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    chimera34, is this what you mean? ^ ^ :rolleyes:

    Brutaldiego88, there is no reason to say Asian. There are plenty of non-Asian Lin fans who are ridiculous.
    1 person likes this.
  15. iconoclastic

    iconoclastic Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Wow, there are 2,028 LOH's trolling Clutchfans? I didn't know there were that many.
  16. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    It's really cool when the discussion turns into knowledgeable basketball fans arguing the game rather than one player over and over. We still "b..ch" but it's not always the same guy. This place goes nuts with information that's new and thought provoking. Instead of one dead horse, there's a whole field of them! And we beat them all!

    A few years ago, people used to provide really great analysis with charts and stats and talk about the history of the game. Something changed and made basketball secondary. It sucks, but if we endure, it will come right back.

    This place is dormant, but it will break thru the soil again. You cannot stop us, you can only hope to annoy.
  17. ShiniKashi

    ShiniKashi Member

    Feb 11, 2008
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    Rockets fan for life.
  18. Liberon

    Liberon Rookie

    Nov 10, 2009
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    Many of his fans are this middle bald white dudes with an ivy league education.
  19. cindylang95

    cindylang95 Member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    that is a good question. :grin:
  20. split41

    split41 Member

    Nov 6, 2012
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    Wow, those poll results are cray...I can't believe it...

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