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Would you still tank?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Marteen, Apr 10, 2011.

  1. Marteen

    Marteen Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    Since the all-star break, some people said that the Rockets should have tanked, because they would end up having the lowest lottery pick (err not low like 1-5 but low as in the teen numbers). People still believed in this team, like I did, and said that the team had more dignity and respect to their franchise and fans than to do that.

    Looking back it now, would you have tanked or still stayed the course?
  2. HeWhoIsLunchbox

    Oct 1, 2008
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    I'm never an advocate of tanking. I watch sports to see my team win.
  3. HTown_TMac

    HTown_TMac Member

    May 10, 2006
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    winning >>>

    even if you barely miss it.
  4. YaoMac09

    YaoMac09 Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    If I knew we would have missed the playoffs, then hell yes i would have wanted the team to tank.

    Unless a miracle happens, we will be having the same discussion this time next year.
  5. rockets934life

    Nov 11, 2007
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    Well if you guaranteed us non-playoff season then of course but the important thing was development and we got that. Lowry became a legit top half of the league starting PGuard, PPat established himself as a young player to watch next season and Budinger learned what it was to start and the team has an idea on these guys going forward.
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  6. ICanDunkOnYao

    ICanDunkOnYao Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    Of course we should have tanked. The Rockets should have been giving the younger players much more minutes and developed them.
  7. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    I don't like tanking, but they sure as hell picked a sorry-ass time to start winning.

    *ducks and runs*
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  8. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    unless there is a legit franchise player(s) available, then i would. if this was the year where lebron/wade/bosh/melo came out, i would advocate tanking.

    this year, not so much
  9. ashishduh

    ashishduh Member

    Aug 21, 2010
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    You don't develop players by giving them playing time during garbage time, derp. You develop them in practice or putting them in pressure situations, aka playoffs.

    Anyway, there's no such thing as tanking, no coach tries to lose on purpose.
  10. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    We are too good to tank. As long as you put these Rockets on the floor, they will fight and win games.

    For those suggesting tanking, how would you realistically go about doing it? Because I don't see it with the current roster and current HOF coach.
  11. agentkirb87

    agentkirb87 Member

    Jul 16, 2008
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    A good reason not to tank is because of players like Kyle Lowry. Guys like Kevin Martin and Luis Scola played about as good as you would have expected them to post trade deadline. It was Lowry and Hayes that stepped up their games to put us in position to make this run.

    Now, imagine if we decided to tank. Maybe the words weren't said to the players, but imagine if that was the atmosphere in the lockerroom. Do you think Lowry would have evolved the way he did during this streak if we were tanking?

    Lowry was having a solid season before the break, obviously earning a starting spot in Brooks' absence. But he put it in another gear after the trade deadline. There he was looking to score more, not afraid to take the difficult shot and he often made it anyway. You saw articles where Adelman got confidence in his players (like after the Spurs game). That doesn't happen if we're tanking it. The chemistry doesn't improve and the players don't have the confidence in their abilities that they had in the past.

    Also, with all the uncertainty about Adelman being the coach next year. If the owner/gm/players gave up on the season... Adelman has no incentive to want to coach this team and the GM probably decides to go in another direction.

    And what would we be playing for, 10th worst record in the NBA? Instead of having the 14th we would have the 10th... it's just not worth it. Even if somehow the people at 10th get a top 3 pick, they probably get a guy like Evan Turner. Someone that isn't going to turn their franchise around anyway.

    Winning is always worth it unless it's the extreme scenario where you have a Oden/Durant type of draft.

    And what would we have been playing for, instead of the 14th pick.
  12. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Tank, no. Play Thabust to emphasize how bad he is, sure...
  13. thething

    thething Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    After the all-star break, the decision was already made to go for a playoff push. Losing most of the games at that point does not reward us with that great of a draft pick.

    The decision to tank must be made at the beginning of the season. This was not the best season to do that.
  14. aeolus13

    aeolus13 Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    We at least agree that you don't develop young players in garbage time. The smart thing for our front office to do would be to recognize that we are not going to contend this year and to prioritize player development as opposed to clawing out a few more meaningless wins. Patterson, Lee, Dragic, and even the much-maligned T-Will should have been on the floor 20 minutes a night, minimum.

    Deron Williams is a Net because New Jersey had the goodies necessary to entice the Jazz. The higher we pick and the more we develop our young players, the greater chance we have of being able to make competitive offers for these players.
  15. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Anyways I agree with the people who think Adelman should have given the younger guys more time all along. The thing is, that's not synonymous with tanking... see: Patrick Patterson.

    I agree that you always fight until the end... if you don't you have no pride. To me, sports are about pride and adversity, not about GM mode.
  16. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    Why do we need to give more minutes to Lee and Dragic, They've been in the league for a couple of years now. Stop acting like they are some sorta projects not getting minutes. All of the young players including PatPat and Hill have gotten a hell lot of minutes this season and have all shown significant improvements especially Lowry and PatPat.

    The only way we will lose enough games to get a top 5 pick is to literally start Thabeet, Mike Harris and bench Lowry, Martin, Hayes. Are you honestly suggesting that's a realistic option. What are you going to say to Lowry, Hayes, Scola that give out their heart on the court that T Will, Dragic will be getting more minutes than them? What do you think that's going to do to team chemistry.
  17. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    What I want to know is which player do we exactly want to tank for? There's no Shaq, Tim Duncan or even Chris Webber in this draft as far as I know.
  18. Shaud

    Shaud Member

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Rockets finished in the worst spot possible which is the 9th spot. Not good enough to make the playoffs and not a great draft pick.

    With that said I don't condone tanking. If I wanted a team to tank why would I even bother turning on the game?
  19. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Well, a lot of great players weren't always discovered until a few seasons in the NBA.

    With Morey, I have no doubt that if a superstar was a available he would get him straight away when given the opportunity.
  20. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I wanted the team to tank after Yao went down and it looked bleak going into the break.

    Plus, the players all sucked at the right time to kill their trade values. You might say that the trade uncertainty ruined chemistry and preoccupied their thoughts on being sent away at any moment.

    Being a Rockets fan hasn't been rewarding for a long long time. Lots of small inspiring highs, but lot of lows underneath as well..

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