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Would you regret signing with Houston if you were Howard?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Brando2101, Jul 18, 2014.


Would you regret signing with Houston if you were Howard?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Rocketfan_Dave

    Dec 22, 2004
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    Didn't Morey say before that if we didn't at least make the WCF last year, then it was a failure? Heck, I thought we would have at least made it past the first round?

    If I was Dwight, there would definitely be some regret. Especially considering that Dwight was the only one that showed up in the playoffs. Also, Dwight is a great defensive player, if I were him, I would be pissed at our defense.

    So yeah, I'm sure theres a little regret there. Nothing that landing a star or winning wont fix tho.

    But then again, im not so sure how good our chances of winning would be if we don't do anything about the coaching situation.... but thats off topic

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