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Would Turkey Be Justified in Kidnapping or Drone-Killing the Turkish Cleric in Pennsylvania?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by glynch, Jul 19, 2016.

  1. hlcc

    hlcc Member

    Jan 30, 2012
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    Turkey launching a drone strike within US soil? Drones are not some kind of magical super weapon, any half competent military with any semblance of air defense can easily shoot down even the most advanced armed drones.
  2. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    I suggest you broaden your media consumption. Until then sadly you must remain unaware of a broader perspective.
  3. dback816

    dback816 Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    lol, who gave the permission to go to war in the first place?
  4. dc rock

    dc rock Member

    Jan 10, 2001
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  5. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Wow. Welcome to thousands of years of excuses and delusions from any empire's citizens ever. "Yes but we're better than the ones before, and who would you prefer now anyway?"

    Do you realize how old this excuse is? Seriously, take a guess. How long do you think the citizens of the world's biggest empires have been saying this?

    I mean exactly what you're feeling and thinking while playing around with names of countries in your head. How many years of literature, science and philosophy LESS than you do you think is required to have this thought?
  6. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    And how do you get permission from a nation without elected representatives?
  7. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Okay... So name me a nation that would be more responsible and benevolent with the military power the US has.

    One thing is for certain, this hypothetical country isnt coming from a Muslim dominant region.
  8. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Did you read anything I wrote?

    All the same. Everyone the same. No one would do significantly more or less than dropping nukes, invading dozens of countries, extra judicially executing targets, wiping countries off the map, setting up 99% of the world's foreign bases, etc. You're not doing anyone any favors. You are no better than anyone, and have killed more than those in the past.

    Everyone would be that bad. These countries in the world would not be the same. Empires change the destiny of the world. What would Cuba be if it wasn't under terrorist assault for decades? What would the Congo be if Lumumba had 5-10 years to set a few ground rules? What would Indonesia be if Sukarno was around? Allende? Mossadegh? Do you know how long this list is?

    I say this to you as I would say it to my own brother. You made a radical statement without thinking it through. Everything you have ever posted shows greater intellectual capacity than this out of ordinary post from you.

    You are repeating a 2,000 year old mistake. From John Stuart Mill to Julius Caesar the world has been listening to privileged citizens of empires boasting about their benevolence while they kill more than anyone else at the time they say it.

    Your empire has killed more than everyone ever. I think I actually read the United States has killed more people, animals and trees than any country in modern history. How benevolent is this empire that it overshadows that kind of historic brutality? Or are you going to argue that no time in history has required as much brutality? How many excuses?

    With all due respect and love to Americans - my brothers and sisters who I don't differentiate from my own blood - the culture is among the most violent today. There is no reasonable excuse for the quantity of violence America commits internally and externally when adjusted for the level of resources, education and standard of living. You have Harvard graduates in congress yelling to carpet bomb nations, begging to nuke others. The only democratic nation which proudly allows gun manufacturers to influence weapon and crime legislation despite an unforgivable homicide rate.

    If we are talking about countries, 6+ billion people today would not vote America even into the top 20 countries they would entrust the world with and you know it. Whichever example I give you is arbitrary and will just devolve into bickering about our biases. Think of what the world thinks of US foreign policy.

    You still want examples? I would pick virtually any country at least as democratic as the US. Regardless of race, religion, wealth, etc. Any country where people are at least as represented as you guys are tends to be more peaceful in its foreign AND domestic policy.
  9. dback816

    dback816 Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Gee I don't know. Do you really think the flavor of religion would be the most important factor for a hypothetical country that benefited from being geographically isolated from the old powers, profited off the labors of slaves, natives and desperate immigrants, and built itself up on its own terms into a superpower capable of fielding the most technologically advanced army in the world?
  10. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    It would defiantly be a factor. Also the United States rise to being a super power has hardly anything to do with slavery. It's rise to world power status all started with auto manufacturing.
    #30 fchowd0311, Jul 20, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
  11. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    That's not really an advantage, they've had slavery in Africa for thousands of years and they haven't done anything with it. Hell there is still slavery in some parts of Africa (some estimate it as high as 6 million people) and they are some of the least developed countries in the world.
  12. Cohete Rojo

    Cohete Rojo Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    New York City's wealth was generated by slavery, as was much of the northeast's. Export tariffs on southern cotton made it prohibitively expensive to ship cotton anywhere but between the states.

    That being said, the US's technological superiority does not grant it moral superiority.
  13. Cohete Rojo

    Cohete Rojo Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    And here is an example of such an ally voicing concern and opinion.
    Syrian opposition calls for suspension of U.S.-led air strikes

    The head of the opposition Syrian National Coalition called for a suspension of the U.S.-led air campaign against Islamic State in Syria while reports of dozens of civilian deaths from air strikes around the northern city of Manbij are investigated.

    The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 civilians were killed in air strikes north of Manbij on Tuesday, a day after it said 21 civilians were killed in a northern district of the besieged Islamic State-held city.

  14. DaDakota

    DaDakota Trump is a convicted felon
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    You are a propaganda spewing dolt.

    Might want to look up Stalin and how many people Russia killed under him, or maybe Hitler and how many died when he was in charge, or any other numbers of Warlord - heck, how many died when Mohammed was out their conquering?

    Unreal - you are like George W Bush in your rhetoric.

    #34 DaDakota, Jul 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2016

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