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Would the Rocket fan-base decrease if Yao was traded?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by LakersPride, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. mbiker

    mbiker Member

    Oct 13, 2003
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    Toyota is paying a premium. The average is $2,936,584.
  2. Yaozer

    Yaozer Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    How do you know they're not a fan from China? Fact of the matter is you don't know jack squat about who said it. It could be said by either YOF's or someone who doesn't know much about basketball. Truth is, I don't like them.. do you?

    I didn't say I hate them all now did I? I don't like the ones that say thsoe stupid things. So dumb trick? Simple minded? please.. quit trying to be a silly internet bully and read too much into a post. So maybe I could've worded it differently but damn man.. some people here are so sensitive.
  3. rox&yaofan

    rox&yaofan New Member

    Oct 12, 2007
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  4. MotionDefense

    MotionDefense Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I'd say you are the hyper-sensitive one who is so bitter about what one or two fools have said in 5 years and keep bringing it up again and again. And those two fools are most likely not even a real Yao's fan. Oh yeah, if their names is "YaoisGreatest", "YaoTheBest", "YaoisTheMan", etc, then they must be a Yao Ming fan from China, LOL. And it'd make it even more convincing if they write their posts in broken English, correct? ROFL. That's why I said you are too easy to be deceived. If I want to make Tmac fans look back, I'd call myself "TmacisTheWorld" and start 10 threads that Tmac should score every single point for the Rockets and I don't care whether the team win or not. Can you see what I am talking about now? True, I can't say for sure that they are not a fan from China. The same is also true for you who can't say for sure that they are a fan from China. Are you capable of seeing my point now? Stop being so sensitive about what a random fool say on the internet. Sit back and relax a little bit. That'd be good for your health and you will become less a bitter person.
  5. LakersPride

    LakersPride Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    I don't get why you guys would leave if Yao left... you're pride is stuck with the Rockets not because Yao is there unless you are crazy :eek:
  6. Yaozer

    Yaozer Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    It's funny that you think I'm hyper-sensitive. Those type of comments are very annoying.. is that wrong? hyper-sensitive? Bitter? I do get what you two are saying and all I'm saying is that those people are annoying. Can we agree with that? Maybe they're not YOF's, but I'm calling them that anyways. I don't know how you think I'm getting all sensitive about what a random fool says.. that guy called me out.. so I'll call him out in return. No harm.

    If you think I'm bitter then think again. Ask some posters here who've met me and they'll tell you otherwise. Also for those who loves to assume stuff about people, just stop. It's silly. Merry xmas.
  7. ai_111

    ai_111 Rookie

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Sure, it will because Yao is one of the most popular player in the whole NBA, but it depend for who we trade him. If we trade him for a superstar like Kobe or Lebon, then, it wont but if we do with a bunch of new and average players (like the Timberwolves), then, it will.
  8. ydqkang

    ydqkang Member

    Nov 22, 2007
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    In Rockets ,i only care Only Yao and SF3.
    NO doubt ,if Yao goes, no passion to come here
    But don't worry ,Yao never goes,because of chinese loyalty,unless Rockets put him on sale!

    Only Pls Rockets,just put on your champion-heart!,fight like a warrior.
  9. Yaozer

    Yaozer Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Good point. The only way Yao will get traded away is if we can get a superstar caliber big name like LBJ or Kobe, and I'm still not sure if Les will push for such a trade. In the even that we do, I think we'd most fans will stick around for a while. Even if I was a YOF, I think I'd stick around to watch the Rockets after Yao is gone if this kinda trade happens.
  10. Rockets4279

    Rockets4279 Member

    Oct 27, 2007
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    I opened a christmas present tonight and guess what i got? January 19th San Antonio @ Houston got 3 tickets its on a Saturday and im going.


    RKREBORN Member

    Jul 24, 2006
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    Sura faints?
  12. maopaopao

    maopaopao Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Fans from china like me will follow yao's direction
  13. jkckwong

    jkckwong Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    The trend of a decreasing Rox fan-base has been happening, I believe, since the team has been on a downward spiral displaying senseless basketball with no identity and poor coaching.

    Most people would not like to support a team with no defense, no intensity, no heart, selfish players (jump shooters) and poor coaching.

    If these trends continue, none of any Rox players, including Yao, can revert the situation, so whether Yao stays or leaves is a non-issue.
  14. OGKashMoney

    OGKashMoney Member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    It something that connects emotionally when you follow the team through its ups and downs. I have been watching and following the Rockets since 93 and every pre-season, I have held the belief that the Rockets were going to make some noise (unfortunately I have been wrong each time since about 98)! I get ridiculed for it from my Laker friends, but its just something that makes it more fun than bandwagon-hopping.

    You can't understand the way I felt when he traded for Eddie Griffin and thought we finally landed the one piece when needed. Then we got Yao, it was even more exciting. Then we got T-Mac, and Bonzi and Scola and Francis back... each time, you feel like its almost there. One more piece. Believe, I hate the way the season is going, but I will never stop following the Rockets. I have forever been attached to them.

    I have a lot of friends who are bandwagon jumpers, and they are avid fans of basketball, but don't understand the excitement that comes with big free agent signing. They like to watch the Warriors, Suns, and Celtics, but couldn't understand how I could enjoy "boring" Gundy ball.

    Lets just say its better this way and it will all pay off when we get a ring!

    And also, I was raised in Los Angeles, and have never lived outside of CA, yet I love the Rockets. I can't understand how people can follow players, instead of teams. They will never know the joy!
  15. Mango

    Mango Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    It is a 20 year deal and I haven't seen anything suggesting that Yao would be a Rocket for 20 years as part of the contract between the Rockets and Toyota. Do you have a source on the 2.9 million figure?

    Let me summarize and conclude this discussion:

    1) The Rockets get a premium of about 2 million a year on the naming rights if the 2.9 million figure cited above is correct.

    2) The Rockets are not the sole beneficiary of profits from broadcast rights in China because it is shared evenly amongst all NBA teams.

    3) The Rockets are not the sole beneficiary of profits from Rockets merchandise because it is shared amongst all NBA teams.

    4) The Rockets are able to sell advertising aimed at fans in China, but we are unable to quantify a premium over what it would be if restricted to only a domestic US audience.

    5) Some Rockets players are able to get shoe contracts that might not be open to them if they were on other teams or they would be getting a lesser amount.

    Of the above, (2) and (3) are items that many people had previously thought that the Rockets were the sole beneficiaries when actually the entire league benefits. Of the above, (1) and (4) are items that I had failed to take into account previously.

    Finally, in regards to the shoe contracts cited in (5), they are fairly short term because the players aren't on the star level and there is always the risk that the players will be traded or waived. As an inducement for Free Agents to sign with the Rockets, I would quantify it as fairly minimal since the players also have to weigh the career impact of making a mistake by signing with the Rockets and not being part of the regular rotation. For the Rockets to arrange shoe contracts and dangle that as an added incentive for a Free Agent to sign with the team, that would be against the NBA contract - policy and would get the Rockets a substantial penalty. Based on the recent performance of some players, it is possible that not all of them will be members of the Houston Rockets that far into the future. Overall, not much of a "push" for the Rockets.
    #95 Mango, Dec 24, 2007
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2007
  16. mbiker

    mbiker Member

    Oct 13, 2003
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    It's my understanding that the Rockets get $5 Million a year. The NBA average is $2,936,584.
  17. qalaxy77

    qalaxy77 Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    surely will be no economic loss for the Rockets because of Yaos departure.

    Any loss in profit will be reflected in Yao's selling price>> In other words Rockets management are not stupid to sell him unless they are quaranteed to get a fat sum of $$ to compensate them for any future loss of revenues by Yao related income into Rockets.

    so that leaves us with the decrease in fan base.Does this matter?

    Well they were not Rockets fans in the first place if they where YOF, so who cares??

    The real question is what can rockets get in real BB value for trading Yao? Not saying i am for or against Yao be traded but you always have to consider the alternatives.

    P.S Btw i came here only for VSpan but i am still here :) I am sure many Chinese fans will contunue to support this great team.
  18. waelhakmeh

    waelhakmeh Member

    Jul 12, 2002
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    are we still getting Chris Mihm?
  19. yuantian

    yuantian Member

    Sep 14, 2005
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    i don't see why people need to argue about this. it's obvious if yao is gone. majority of chinese fans won't follow rockets anymore. nobody is going to follow more than 2 teams everyday. they are going to follow bucks and where ever yao is going. ya sure, they may check back to see how the rockets are doing and laugh at them if rockets are losing, but no one is going to follow the rockets like now. i am on this site every single day, heck, i even paid $10 to join this site. if yao is gone, i don't have that much time to be a rockets fan anymore.

    why don't someone start a poll for chinese fans. i wouldn't be surprised that at this time, a lot chinese fans will say, we will follow rockets even if yao is gone. but you know, time goes by, memories fade away, then one day, no one in china is going to give a **** about rockets. i don't want to sound mean or anything. if yao was drafted by say, the wolves, and he got traded, nobody is going to give a **** about the wolves.
  20. Uprising

    Uprising Member

    Dec 29, 2000
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    I'm late to this party.

    But I wouldn't say the Rocket fan base would get smaller. You have to be a fan of the Rockets inorder to be part of the fan base. If you leave because a player is traded, then you are the (insert player)OF.

    And NOT a true Rockets fan.

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