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Woodward Does Washington-- Ann Coulter

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by giddyup, Jun 15, 2005.

  1. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Can someone point out the lies here? Thanks...

    June 14, 2005, 11:06 AM
    Good thing he fired Geragos! - RESULTS OF CELEBRITY TRIALS: OJ Simpson, accused of murdering his wife: ACQUITTED Robert Blake, accused of murdering his wife: ACQUITTED Michael Jackson, accused of child molestation: ACQUITTED Winona Ryder, accused of shoplifting: CONVICTED* ATTORNEY: Mark Geragos

    June 8, 2005

    My only regret is that Mark Felt did not rat out Nixon because he was ticked off about rapprochement with China or detente with the Soviets.

    Rather more prosaically, Felt leaked details of the Watergate investigation to The Washington Post only because he had lost a job promotion — making him the Richard Clarke of the Watergate era. This will come as small consolation to the Cambodians and Vietnamese tortured and slaughtered as a direct result of Nixon's fall. Oh, well. At least we got a good movie and Jimmy Carter out of it.

    Still, it must pain liberals to be praising an FBI man who ordered illegal searches of their old pals in the Weather Underground in the early '70s. For those searches, Felt was later prosecuted by the Carter administration.

    Ironically, only because of Watergate — which Felt helped instigate — could a nitwit like Jimmy Carter ever become president — a perch from which Carter pardoned draft dodgers and prosecuted Mark Felt. No wonder Felt kept denying he was "Deep Throat."

    Also ironic is that Felt's free-love, flower-girl daughter was estranged from her father for decades on account of her rejection of conventional bourgeois institutions like marriage. Now she is broke — because of her rejection of conventional bourgeois institutions like marriage. (Too bad she didn't follow Pop's advice to "follow the money.")

    She lives in a house bought for her by her father (evidently skirting the standard "as long as you live in my house you'll live by my rules" lecture) and said she decided to reveal her father as Deep Throat to try to make some more money. "I'm still a single mom," she explained, "I am not ashamed of this." She ought to be. See, the idea of marriage is to get a man other than your own father to support you while you raise children. (Guess what she does? That's right! She's a teacher!)

    At Felt's trial, Nixon gave powerful testimony in Felt's defense. He was convicted anyway. About six months later, Reagan pardoned Felt. Nixon sent Felt a bottle of champagne (which Nixon selected from his now-infamous "Wine List") to celebrate his pardon with a note saying, "Justice ultimately prevails."

    All this time, Nixon had suspicions about Felt being Deep Throat. Others may attribute Nixon's kindness toward Felt to Nixon's high principle and class. I prefer to think of it as sadism.

    Of course, in Felt's defense, he wasn't Deep Throat. There was no Deep Throat. Now we know.

    As most people had generally assumed, the shadowy figure who made his first appearance in a late draft of "All The President's Men" was a composite of several sources — among them, apparently, Mark Felt. But in telling the glorious story of "How The Washington Post Saved America," it was more thrilling to portray Deep Throat as a single mysterious individual, spilling his guts to Bob Woodward.

    Now that Woodward and Felt are both claiming Felt was Deep Throat, the jig is up. The fictional Deep Throat knew things Felt could not possibly have known, such as the 18 1/2-minute gap on one of the White House tapes. Only six people knew about the gap when Woodward reported it. All of them worked at the White House. Felt not only didn't work at the White House, but when the story broke, he also didn't even work at the FBI anymore.

    Deep Throat was a smoker and heavy drinker, neither of which describes Mark Felt.

    Woodward claimed he signaled Deep Throat by moving a red flag in a flowerpot to the back of his balcony and that Deep Throat signaled him by drawing the hands of a clock in Woodward's New York Times.

    But in his 1993 book, Deep Truth: The Lives of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein Adrian Havill did something it had occurred to no one else to do: He looked at Woodward's old apartment!

    Havill found that Woodward had a sixth-floor interior apartment that could not be seen from the street. Even from the back of the apartment complex, the balcony was too high for any flowerpot to be seen. So unless there was a "second flowerpot," visible from a nearby grassy knoll, the red flag in the flowerpot story is ... well, full of red flags.

    In addition, newspapers were not delivered door-to-door in Woodward's apartment building but were left in a stack in the lobby. Deep Throat could not have known which newspaper Woodward would pick up.

    We might have known all this before 1993 if America's ever-vigilant watchdog media had been, say, half as skeptical of Bob Woodward's claims as they were of Juanita Broaddrick's.

    In another scene in "All the President's Men," Woodward's sidekick, Carl Bernstein, goes to a porno theater to avoid a subpoena — and the movie "Deep Throat" happens to be the featured film! Yeah, that's how I ended up seeing "Fahrenheit 9/11." I hate it when that happens.

    Havill points out that Washington, D.C., had recently cracked down on porno theaters and "Deep Throat" was not playing in any theater in Washington at the time. (Also the story begins to break down after Bernstein repeats this evasive maneuver for the fifth or sixth time.)

    Woodward and Bernstein's former literary agent, David Obst, has always said Deep Throat was a fictional device added to later drafts of "All the President's Men" to spice it up (kind of like everything in a Michael Moore film).

    Obst scoffs at the notion that the No. 2 man at the FBI would have time to be skulking around parking lots spying for red flags on a reporter's balcony. "There's not a chance one person was Deep Throat," he told The New York Times.

    So it's not really that amazing that the identity of Deep Throat managed to stay secret for so long. I promise you, I will go to my grave without ever disclosing the name of my pet unicorn.

  2. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    I'll try, and certainly point out claims she makes with no facts to back them up whether they are actual lies or not I'm not sure.

    First of all she seems angry that Mark Felt told the truth about what was going on, and instead is upset because she believes he did it because he was passed up for a job. Richard Clarke, on the otherhand has never been shown to be acting out of revenge, and his testimony before 9/11 was a highlight. But rather than look at the facts that both Clarke and Felt revealed she would rather try and bring up some kind of a personal motive for revealing the truth. Ann needs to deal with the truth of the issues at hand first.

    As far as people getting slaughtered because Nixon pulled out, it is a comparitive that she ought not to make. Nixon was the person who expanded the bombing to Cambodia was supporting a murderous dictatorial regime, and it was that administration that ordered the choppers to only take American personell. None of that is the fault of Mark Felt.
    A teacher!!!?!???!!?!?! Why don't they just kill her now before she destroys the world? Why is Ann upset about teachers? This is ridiculous.

    Certainly not proven, and I don't have the resources to look into it myself. I don't know about these 'facts' but first of all it seems she's out to debunk the movie 'All the President's Men' and not the actual Deep Throat. That would be her first mistake.

    Secondly, who cares if Deep Throat was one person or a composite? It doesn't change the truth that Nixon broke the law, had an enemies list, from which he used his executive power to try and exact revenge on folks, etc. Coulter tries to portray him a loyal guy who was wronged by the mean mr. Felt.
  3. RocketMan Tex

    RocketMan Tex Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Ann Coulter is a sad individual.

    Those who read her tripe are sadder individuals.
  4. rhadamanthus

    rhadamanthus Member

    Nov 20, 2002
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    Isn't that Coulter's modus operandi?
  5. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Thanks for cheering me up! Why don't you go get drunk.... :rolleyes:
  6. RocketMan Tex

    RocketMan Tex Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Reality is a helluva drug!

  7. mc mark

    mc mark Member

    Aug 31, 1999
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    You say that like its a bad thing.


    giddy forgive me for being dense but what is the point to Coulter’s ramblings?
  8. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    <b>FranchiseBlade: I'll try, and certainly point out claims she makes with no facts to back them up whether they are actual lies or not I'm not sure.

    First of all she seems angry that Mark Felt told the truth about what was going on, and instead is upset because she believes he did it because he was passed up for a job. Richard Clarke, on the otherhand has never been shown to be acting out of revenge, and his testimony before 9/11 was a highlight. But rather than look at the facts that both Clarke and Felt revealed she would rather try and bring up some kind of a personal motive for revealing the truth. Ann needs to deal with the truth of the issues at hand first.</b>

    I don't think she is angry as much as she is bemused by his motivation. Clarke was a tool who has been largely forgetten: the Sixteenth Minute.

    <b>A teacher!!!?!???!!?!?! Why don't they just kill her now before she destroys the world? Why is Ann upset about teachers? This is ridiculous.</b>

    I think there is a chagrin that a former cultist who is trying to strike gold on her dad's coatails is influencing children. It would seem to be a legitimate inquiry. The woman seems to have an uneven background.

    <bCertainly not proven, and I don't have the resources to look into it myself. I don't know about these 'facts' but first of all it seems she's out to debunk the movie 'All the President's Men' and not the actual Deep Throat. That would be her first mistake.</b>

    She calls it a good movie.

    <b>Secondly, who cares if Deep Throat was one person or a composite? It doesn't change the truth that Nixon broke the law, had an enemies list, from which he used his executive power to try and exact revenge on folks, etc. Coulter tries to portray him a loyal guy who was wronged by the mean mr. Felt.</b>

    Did she challenge that Nixon broke the law? The only reason to care is that it is a matter of truth-telling which, I know for a fact, you are absolutely hung up on! Face it, Woodstein has made a killing off ths story. What would be so hard about admitting that Deep Throat was a composite character (based primarily on Felt). Doesn't Coulter fairly document the case that Felt couldn't have been the source for some of the information with which Deep Throat is credited?
  9. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    I think she is poking holes in some icons who are tripping over the line between truth and fiction. Is it off-base to say that this is an honest appraisal of the facts?

    Felt alone couldn't have been the only source for the info credited to DT.
    The family is in it for the money.
    Felt had a personal motive againt Nixon.
    The former literary agent assets that DT was a character added to the storyline.
  10. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Giddy You don't think she is angry???? What are you reading? She talked about it being Mark Felt, Woodward, and Bertstein's fault that innocent folks died after the pull out in Viet Nam. You don't think she sounds angry?

    Nowhere in the article does it mention she was a cultist. Even if she was that doesn't prove her to be a bad teacher. In fact her personal life doesn't prove her to be a bad teacher in anyway either. What kind of totalitarian measures do you believe should be used to decide who teaches? People need to be good teachers and care about children's education, that is the end of the story. There are no personal life requirements for what makes a good teacher.

    Furthermore let us look at Ann Coulter's idea of marriage
    That isn't the idea of any successful marriage I have ever seen. Coulter is a joke.

    I do find it odd that you call Clarke a tool. That is partisan tripe, because he pointed out some unpleasant truths about the Bush whitehouse.

    Remember Clarke, whom you called a tool, helped put together a task force that recommended(long before 9/11) that we go after the funding of terrorists, go after nations that harbor terrorists, try to engage allies more in helping to fight terrorists, sending in covert operation troops to locations where terrorists were and take them out. Guess how many of those ideas Bush put into place prior to 9/11? Guess how many of CLARKE's ideas he put into place AFTER 9/11. Clarke wasn't trying for 15 minutes of fame. He was called to testify because he had relevant information. If this administration had listened to Clarke it is just possible that we might have stopped 9/11, or captured OBL, and others already. Clarke also had the decency to apologize for intelligence failures, and what happened, unlike anyone else in the administration. He was trying for months prior to 9/11 to set up a meeting with Bush to talk about all of these measures. But Bush was on vacation, or doing more "important" things and never met with Clarke. Too bad. Then when Clarke spoke out he was trashed by the Whitehouse, and sadly some folks bought into the trashing rather than looking at the facts. To call Clarke a tool, shows a lack of understanding of his position and role, and the history surrounding 9/11.
    Coulter doesn't fairly document anything. I doubt that she really knows whether the papers were stacked in the lobby of Woodward's building, or delivered door to door. I doubt that much else she says in the article is accurate either. We will see. Even the evidence she shows, though doesn't go to prove that Felt isn't Deep Throat.

    She's a racist loon.
  11. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Giddy You don't think she is angry???? What are you reading? She talked about it being Mark Felt, Woodward, and Bertstein's fault that innocent folks died after the pull out in Viet Nam. You don't think she sounds angry?</B>

    Well, Ann is almost always tart but, no, not angry.

    <b>Nowhere in the article does it mention she was a cultist.</b>

    You're right; I'm confusing things I read elsewhere. Coulter refers to her as "Felt's free-love, flower-girl daughter."

    <b>What kind of totalitarian measures do you believe should be used to decide who teaches?</b>

    None. Strange question, though.

    <b>Furthermore let us look at Ann Coulter's idea of marriage. That isn't the idea of any successful marriage I have ever seen. Coulter is a joke.</b>

    That is Ann's take on the daughter history and current situation-- not Ann's prescription.

    <b>I do find it odd that you call Clarke a tool. That is partisan tripe, because he pointed out some unpleasant truths about the Bush whitehouse.

    Remember Clarke, whom you called a tool, helped put together a task force that recommended(long before 9/11) that we go after the funding of terrorists, go after nations that harbor terrorists, try to engage allies more in helping to fight terrorists, sending in covert operation troops to locations where terrorists were and take them out. Guess how many of those ideas Bush put into place prior to 9/11? Guess how many of CLARKE's ideas he put into place AFTER 9/11. Clarke wasn't trying for 15 minutes of fame. He was called to testify because he had relevant information. If this administration had listened to Clarke it is just possible that we might have stopped 9/11, or captured OBL, and others already. Clarke also had the decency to apologize for intelligence failures, and what happened, unlike anyone else in the administration. He was trying for months prior to 9/11 to set up a meeting with Bush to talk about all of these measures. But Bush was on vacation, or doing more "important" things and never met with Clarke. Too bad. Then when Clarke spoke out he was trashed by the Whitehouse, and sadly some folks bought into the trashing rather than looking at the facts. To call Clarke a tool, shows a lack of understanding of his position and role, and the history surrounding 9/11.</b>

    America got caught with her pants down. Clarke was used to embarass the Bush Administration while ignoring that the Clinton Administration had ignored these same advisings.

    <b>Coulter doesn't fairly document anything. I doubt that she really knows whether the papers were stacked in the lobby of Woodward's building, or delivered door to door. I doubt that much else she says in the article is accurate either.</b>

    She cites someone else who did the research to document that the details provided which were linked to DT were a fabrication (i.e. Woodward interior apartment without any balcony)

    <b>Even the evidence she shows, though doesn't go to prove that Felt isn't Deep Throat.</b>

    Maybe Felt was "Throat?"

    <b>She's a racist loon.</b>

    How so? Because she's opposed to ILLEGAL immigration?
  12. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Not really if you are using the fact that she was a cultist, or supporting Ann's idea that because she is a single mom that she isn't fit to teach.
    No, the daughter doesn't say she needs to get married so someone can support her. That was entirely Ann's statement about the purpose for marriage.
    That is patently false. It is 100% incorrect. I'll be the first to admit Clinton didn't do enough, but to say that Clinton ignored the same warnings just isn't true. Clinton issued an order to assassinate OBL. Clinton formed the team with Clarke as its leader who came up with all the measures I listed above. The same measures that Bush put into place AFTER 9/11. Clinton's team came up with them BEFORE 9/11. Clinton was the first person to inroduce a crime bill specifically addressing terrorism, Clinton told the Bush team that OBL was the greatest threat to U.S. security. Bush's team didn't make him their biggest priority. Again CLARKE came up with all the measures that the Bush team eventually did, but Clarke came up with them because he was appointed to do so by Clinton, and Clarke tried to get the attention of Bush's administration to get the measures to pass.

    To say that Clarke was sent to embarass the Bush administration is folly. Clarke didn't ask to be heard, he received a subpoena to appear before the commission. He did so. This isn't a matter of he got up there and said bad things about the Bush administration. He told the truth. Clarke had done more work than anyone else in the group to deal with terrorism, and he was pushed down on the priority list by Bush's staff. The facts are there, and name calling about Clarke's testimony doesn't erase those facts.

    It has nothing to do with her stand on immigration.

    She is a racist because she wrote an article inferring that it was dangerous for an Arab to be allowed near the president. In that article she referred to reporter Helen Thomas as 'that old Arab', and implied that it wasn't risky to have a reporter using a fake name with no press history to be allowed close to the president if they let 'that old Arab' near him. It was racist.
  13. Baqui99

    Baqui99 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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  14. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Not really if you are using the fact that she was a cultist, or supporting Ann's idea that because she is a single mom that she isn't fit to teach.

    No, the daughter doesn't say she needs to get married so someone can support her. That was entirely Ann's statement about the purpose for marriage.</b>

    No it was a bashing because her father, a.k.a. Deep Throat, had purchased the home for his daughter ostensibly because she couldn't afford to do it herself because she was too busy eschewing the conventions of maturity by being first in a cult and then, apparently, as a Flower Power Gal. Ann is just mocking the woman-- not being totalitarian.

    <b>That is patently false. It is 100% incorrect. I'll be the first to admit Clinton didn't do enough, but to say that Clinton ignored the same warnings just isn't true. Clinton issued an order to assassinate OBL.</b>

    ... but didn't follow through.

    <b>Clinton formed the team with Clarke as its leader who came up with all the measures I listed above. The same measures that Bush put into place AFTER 9/11. Clinton's team came up with them BEFORE 9/11.</b>

    Why didn't Clnton implement them? ON Clinton's watch we had the first WTC parking garage bombings, the USS Cole, and the bombings at embassies in Africa, right? To his credit, he finally did something...

    <b>Clinton was the first person to inroduce a crime bill specifically addressing terrorism, Clinton told the Bush team that OBL was the greatest threat to U.S. security. Bush's team didn't make him their biggest priority.</b>

    Well, Clinton obviously had not.

    <b> Again CLARKE came up with all the measures that the Bush team eventually did, but Clarke came up with them because he was appointed to do so by Clinton, and Clarke tried to get the attention of Bush's administration to get the measures to pass.</b>

    Wasn't Clarke feeling unheard by the Clinton Administration?

    <b>To say that Clarke was sent to embarass the Bush administration is folly.</b>

    His being asked to testify is different from the reportage on the matter.

    <b> Clarke didn't ask to be heard,</b>

    ... he wrote a book!

    <b>It has nothing to do with her stand on immigration.

    She is a racist because she wrote an article inferring that it was dangerous for an Arab to be allowed near the president. In that article she referred to reporter Helen Thomas as 'that old Arab', and implied that it wasn't risky to have a reporter using a fake name with no press history to be allowed close to the president if they let 'that old Arab' near him. It was racist.</b>

    It was a joke-- maybe even tasteless. C'mon, now you've impugned Ann worse that she did Helen Thomas.
  15. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Well she might not have her own house because teachers on their own with a child don't make enough money to own their own house, and it has little to do with anything she did related to being a flower child, or participating in a cult. As a teacher I can tell you that even without a child it is nearly impossible for a single teacher's income to be able to buy a house in many markets in the nation.

    But no matter what Felt's daughter's background to suggest the purpose of marriage is to be supported by a man other than your father is ludicrous, insulting to women, and approaches barbaric.
    No Clarke's feeling was not unheard of by the Clinton Administration it came at the tell end of it, and Clinton didn't have time to implement all the suggestions. So responsibly Clinton told the Bush team about the ideas, and suggested that they implement them. They ignored him until it was too late. I will provide a list later of a lot of the other stuff Clinton did to fight terrorism.

    I agree it wasn't enough, but it was definitely more of a priority for him than it was for the Bush administration, and Clareke was correct in his assertions, and apparently in the actions he proposed as well.

    Which would have been published a long time before the 9/11 commission had the whitehouse given their approval of the information in it early. They sat on it for nearly sis months. It is the fault of the whitehouse and not the fault of Clarke that the book was published at the same time.
    Just because it was a joke doesn't mean it wasn't racist. If someone writes a supposed joke that is racist, I think it is fair to call that person a racist.
  16. giddyup

    giddyup Member

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Well she might not have her own house because teachers on their own with a child don't make enough money to own their own house, and it has little to do with anything she did related to being a flower child, or participating in a cult. As a teacher I can tell you that even without a child it is nearly impossible for a single teacher's income to be able to buy a house in many markets in the nation.</B>

    You're lecturing to the choir here: former teacher.

    <b>But no matter what Felt's daughter's background to suggest the purpose of marriage is to be supported by a man other than your father is ludicrous, insulting to women, and approaches barbaric.</b>

    It was delivered tongue in cheek with the emphasis on " a man other than your father." Ann herself is unmarried, I believe.

    <b>Just because it was a joke doesn't mean it wasn't racist. If someone writes a supposed joke that is racist, I think it is fair to call that person a racist.</b>

    I read your ranting about breasts. Shall I call you a sexist?! I think not.
  17. tigermission1

    tigermission1 Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    She is actually opposed to non "Western European" immigration, but that's about it!

    She IS a racist loon, and it's sad that you would give any credibility to such a despicable person. Or maybe she has been that way intentionally so she can make a career out of being controversial and a bomb-thrower whenever she had the chance to. Some of the things she said are downright inspirational...if you are a neo-Nazi!

    Anyone who has watched "Hannity & Colmes" the many times when Ann Coulter was on (I wonder why they have her on all the time, is it to bump up their ratings by creating controversy, or to promote her views?) could verify her lunacy.

    But, may be you don't know her track record very well...

    So to help you out, here is just one of many examples of what the loon had said in the past:

    "Press passes can't be that hard to come by if the White House allows that old Arab Helen Thomas to sit within yards of the President."

    In fact, there is an entire site dedicated to her by a conservative group, called "Coulterwatch.com"

    Here are a couple of links to some of her rhetoric about other races and how she describes "liberals", as well as others:

    http://www.coulterwatch.com/files/B...f Ann Coulter.pdf#search='ann coulter racist'



    #17 tigermission1, Jun 15, 2005
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2005
  18. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    There is nothing sexist about discussing breasts. If you use it to objectify or degrade then it might be sexist, but I wasn't doing either of those things. There is something sexist about suggesting that you the purpose of marriage is for a woman to have a man support her.

    The 'other than your father' did reference her father, the part about having a man support you being the purpose for marriage is ridiculous.

    Ann's own marital status has nothing to do with the ideas she espouses about marriage.
  19. thegary

    thegary Member

    Jul 22, 2002
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    i'd hit it

    with the bumper of my truck.
  20. kpsta

    kpsta Member

    Sep 2, 2001
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    What's wrong with being sexy? :confused:

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