lol where did i hear this already? oh yeah, Embiid & Harden PNR will be deadly!! yes it was deadly, it ended up being smashed by max struss(whoever that is LOL) and tyler hero in the playoffs....lololololol people never learn...
I’m sure mostly leverage but I do think he’s realizing how good he had it in Houston and wouldn’t rule out a return.
Harden/Embiid was the #1 pick and roll combo last season in terms of points per possession. Harden/Embiid is top 3 pick and roll combo this season in terms of points per possession. Since no team has ever run pick and roll with the exact two same players for every possession of a game…..EVER, why does the fact that they lost in the playoffs somehow equate to that the pick and roll combo wasn’t deadly?
Would he be a free agent or have to be traded here? Harden/Tyty Green/Henderson KPJ/Tari Jabari/Tate Sengun/Bruno Damn.
I'd take Harden for his last 2 years on the vet minimum while we groom the next PG. Would make us an instant playoff contender and then he can ride of into the sunset leaving us a contender.
Not sure, basing that off what Zach Lowe said in his podcast on Friday when discussing Phillys title chances and I don’t remember if he even mentioned who the top two were.
So dumb. He needs a title for his legacy. He's never winning one here if he signs a supermax now that extends till age 38. This is a move you make when you've already won, when you're 40 ish and you ride out your career where you made it. And we shouldn't even be paying him the supermax anyway.
Lol never took you for a hopeless romantic but that's probably a good old Mexican farewell scenario for Harden. Back to reality, I already posted about it, limited salary, short term contract, that's all. No hard feelings. No matter playoffs or not.
We need another @BimaThug cap breakdown (those were the best) This is the first offseason where Rockets will turn the decision making from bottom out to start winning. There's also not a lot of high end stars in free agency. Will take a lot of creativity next 3 years to go from a team accumulating high end talent to maximizing that talent towards competing for rings.