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Will Texans Win Again This Season? Does it matter?

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by IROC it, Oct 24, 2002.

  1. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    foreman crossed the line. the head butt alone is enough to draw a penalty, no ifs ands or buts about it. that he had to run 15 yards out of his way, well after the play was over, to deliver it only adds fuel to the fire. it was a deliberate and stupid move on his part.

    compare that to a defensive back jawing with a WR he's covering; or a spontaneous celebration after a DL's just made a big sack. if you think that's even in the same ballpark... well, then i guess your texan blinders are attached too tight. he deserved to be flagged, said as much afterwards, and you remain the only person i know, in and/or out of the organization, that's taking exception to it. now, if you wanna argue about the call on glenn in CLE...

    besides, the texans still gave up 14 points after that and failed to score inside BUF's 15 as time expired. to say they would have won that game if foreman been flagged is silly.
  2. Phillyrocket

    Phillyrocket Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    The Texans have looked a lot better and in my opinion that's enough. Carr is the real deal period. I think at some point in his career he will be the best QB in the league. (Probably after Favre retires). Until then, can you imagine if you stuck him on an established team, don't flame me here, like the cowboys who probably just need a good QB to right the ship? Or Washington, or any team that has a good O-line, veteran recievers, and an established back. I'll even go out on a limb and say if the Bungles had Carr from the beginning of the season till now they would probably have a winning record. They have a great back, Dillon, a plethora of veteran recievers, yeah their O-line isn't that great either but you get my point. A good QB is what holds back most teams and propels undeserving teams ahead. What would we look like with Banks at the helm right now? I seem to recall some people advocating that move. We're competitive in every game since Philly, that goes beyond my expectations, we have a soon-to-be great QB, give us another draft, another free agent bonanza, and nexy year I think we can legitimately talk about a shot at the playoffs. Until then we beat the Cowboys, 'nuff said.
  3. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    I'd still like to see the headbutt... I was at the game, never saw it there, never saw it on the big screen, and never saw it on one highlight package. The postgame crew never mentioned it either on 610. Maybe it did happen, but from the lack of exposure, I doubt it was that severe. Also, I listened to the 610 postgame show on the way home, and I don't know if I remember one caller that didn't take exception to it. Pretty much everyone was complaining about it... no one tried to act like it was justified except for Foreman and the announcers, who have to be politically correct.

    Football, more than any sport, is a momentum sport. The Texans had the momentum there. If that penalty isn't called, the Texans would've gotten the ball, up 24-17, with about 9:45 left. Even if we couldn't score, it's probably 7:00 left by the time the Bills get the ball, and at the least a couple more minutes off by the time they score. If that happened, it's tied, we're not down 7, and we could've kicked a field goal at the 15 instead of having to go for the end zone.

    I'm not saying that we would've certainly won, no questions asked. But with the momentum we had, if we got the ball in decent field position, with a 24-17 lead and just 9:30 left... I would put a TON of money on us winning. You never know for sure, but I have my doubts that we lose there.
  4. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    I was sitting in a bar watching it on CBS and I saw the headbutt.
  5. mrpaige

    mrpaige Member

    Feb 5, 2000
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    The thing with picking final records at this point is that the season so far may or may not be indicative of the rest of the season.

    For example, look at the Carolina Panthers in their first year. They had the same record in their first six games as the Texans do right now after six games. The Panthers then managed to go 6-4 over the last ten games of the season (including two wins over the defending Super Bowl Champions).

    While I'm certainly not expecting a the Texans to match the Panthers inaugural season record, I'm also not looking at the Texans at 1-5 and thinking that a second win over the last ten games will be hard to come by.
  6. Puedlfor

    Puedlfor Member

    May 30, 2000
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    How many wideouts have been worth the top pick in the draft? Historically, drafting wideouts in the first round is a losing propisition.
  7. Lil Francis

    Lil Francis Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    True that. I remember all the hype Westbrook got in Colorado and he has been a huge bust on the NFL level. The highlight of his life was a fluke play against Michigan.
  8. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    wasn't that the knock against carr -- that too many other first round QBs had failed? personally, i don't understand why past failures are even the slightest issue. what does michael westbrook have to do with charles rogers?
  9. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Where was Irvin picked?
  10. Phillyrocket

    Phillyrocket Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    If you're not going to choose Charles Rogers or Roy Williams who would you go for? Obviously a QB is looked at as worthy of #1, but we don't need one. The next most valuable positions would be DT, OT or RB and there isn't a RB or OT anywhere near worthy of #1. So I would like to see William Joseph or Jimmy Kennedy myself. Neither would be considered a consensus #1 overall pick either. I think the point I mute though. Ladies and Gentleman we won't have the #1 overall pick, some team probably more than one team, will have a worse record than us. So picking a Rogers or Joseph at say #3 would look pretty good. All those QB hungry teams are realy going to help us since it's likely we will have our choice of any non-QB with the first round pick.
  11. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    revisionist history, man... our offense had flatlined in the second half, our defense was flat worn out and simply put: buffalo's a better team... at this stage in the texans' history, buffalo probably wins that game 9 out of 10 times, with or without the penalty on foreman.

    anyway, if you're gonna b**** about the game, i thought the non-TD to bradford on the first series was much more controversial: if possession and both feet down aren't a TD... what is?
  12. Puedlfor

    Puedlfor Member

    May 30, 2000
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    past is prologue, or something like that. It should be an important consideration, the learning curve for WRs is phenomenally greater than pretty much every other position, especially for a reciever like Rogers or Williams, where the offenses they play for are exceedingly simple : Rogers is pretty much a throw it up and go get it offense, and Roy Williams runs three yard outs all the time. I wish I could eviscerate Greg Davis with a paring knife.
    NFL routes are infinetly more complex.

    It seems that most players who bust, are those who played in pass-happy offenses in college, and built up big stats - or never produced up to their ability, and are being drafted strictly on athletic prowess.

    But I feel it is a concern. Looking at past drafts, how many had a WR as the best player in the whole thing?

    Honestly, if an OT, or RB doesn't appear who's worth that pick(probably No. 2), fleece one of the teams that desperately needs a QB - I forget the team that ripped off San Diego so they could take Leaf, I want to say Zona - drop down, pick the DT there, and get some more picks.

    11th overall, I believe. 4 spots or so behind Sterling Sharpe.
  13. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Roy Williams could be a great player, but he is always hurt. I don't understand...........
  14. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    AMEN!!! that one still bothers me
  15. mr_gootan

    mr_gootan Member

    May 23, 2001
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    Texans will win both Jagwire games and at home v. Flaming tax.
    Beliedat! (but lose to Natty)

    I always liked Ivy league WRs, but I think they become more successful in the real world than they would accomplish in the NFL.
  16. Gascon

    Gascon Member

    Jul 10, 2000
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    I think if Clarrett manages to make himself available, all bets are off.

    That being said, I'd love to see us select Rogers with our first pick if the Buckeye isn't around.
  17. Lil Francis

    Lil Francis Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    He has alot to do with Charlie Rodgers. He was talking about Wideouts being taken high in the first round becoming bust and Westbrook was taken very high and never became the player people thought he was. He had more hype than Rodgers in college.
  18. The Real Shady

    Jun 8, 2000
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    There are bust at every postion that get drafted. Keyshawn Johnson was taken #1 overall and he turned out to be good.
  19. Lil Francis

    Lil Francis Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    Yeah he is good but I can name you atleast 8 wideouts I would take over him.
  20. Refman

    Refman Member

    Mar 31, 2002
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    The Texans need
    1) CHARLES RODGERS -- I can't stress that enough. He's a playmaker.
    2) Ty Warren - He'll shore up the D line
    3) A good OT
    4) Jason Gamble -- He'll end up being much better than Jay Foreman.

    In order to get that, we'll need to have the #2 or #3 pick.

    I don't see us winning more than 2 more games.

    Everybody keeps pointing to close games we have lost due to this or that. Bad teams lose most of their games by close margins with their fans saying...only if x hadn't happened.

    I love the Texans and I will be a season ticketholder as long as I live in Houston...but be realistic.

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