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Wikileaks founder accused of rape and molestation

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by KingCheetah, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. Shroopy2

    Shroopy2 Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    The Pirate Party won't stand for this action from the authorities.

    Pirate Party? Seriously?
  2. BetterThanI

    BetterThanI Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Just a few guesses...

    - the missing contents of Al Capone's vault.
    - GPS coordinates to Jimmy Hoffa.
    - satellite photos of the Amelia Earhart crash site.
    - the truth behind this:

  3. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I was thinking it was a another alien autopsy or a second Kim Kardashian sex tape.

    To be serious though thousands have downloaded that insurance file - certainly it will be hacked in the near future.
  4. Master Baiter

    Master Baiter Member

    Jul 6, 2001
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    16 is legal in Sweden.
  5. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    Right now, with the phantom appearing/disapearing charges, Julian Assange bono.

    Honestly, I appreciate what the site does, but from listening to what some of his peers have to say about him, specifically the guy who has run cryptome since before anybody ever knew what a Wiki was, and who was one of the founding members of Wikileaks, Assange isn't the selfless heroic figure he's made out to be. He set out from the beginning with a very clear plan to manipulate Wikileaks into a personal empire.

    I wouldn't put it past him to create a fake brouhaha, given the rapidity with which it immediately disappeared. That sort of thought process seems very much his style, from what I read. On the other hand, for the US Government to actually frame someone like this and then botch it up so horribly that the charges get dismissed right away is very much not consistent with past behavior. They are somewhat ham-fisted, but not nearly that ham-fisted.
  6. rhadamanthus

    rhadamanthus Member

    Nov 20, 2002
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    Despite their attempts to achieve the contrary, anyone actually following this saga closely comes to the obvious conclusion that all of those organizatipons (the pentagon in particular) complaining about wikileaks have shown themselves to be exceptionally devious, to the point of outright lying, deception, and fraud.

    Wikileaks should be thanked for, if nothing else, making it clear that the powers that be certainly don't intend to answer to any now-proven allegations.
  7. Depressio

    Depressio Member

    Mar 3, 2009
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  8. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    This thinking sounds pretty far fetched to me. Neither Assange nor the US or infallible geniuses. As far as him not being an angel, so what? His work counts. You either support it or not.
  9. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    I'm sure the charges are a hassle, but he is probably moderately happy they haven't tried to kill him as far as we know.

    Daniel Ellsberg is afraid that we will try to kill him. Let's face it he is a real danger to current American imperialism which depends a lot on keeping our real motives, often times lack of success, expenses and other relevant info from the American voters.

    If Assange can get away with this it will encourage Americans in the know working for our government to come clean with the info. Very threatening to the establishment.
  10. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    This situation really is pretty weird.
  11. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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  12. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Some other interesting info re the period in which the charges were dropped for awhile.

    who knows?

    In any case, our lucky Neo Julian Assange was only able to enjoy his fugitive-from-justice status for a few hours. By noon, the charges were already dropped, and he was free to be defamed from one end of Sweden to the other, not to mention the countless websites. It’s a simple system: the websites show the headlines, and the headlines report the web gossip. It’s Character Assassination 101, but why in Sweden of all places couldn’t the dirty tricks department make the accusations stick?

    Swedish bloggers uncovered the full story in a few hours. The complaint was lodged by a radical feminist Anna Ardin, 30, a one-time intern in the Swedish Foreign Service. She’s spokeswoman for Broderskapsrörelsen, the liberation theology-like Christian organization affiliated with Sweden's Social Democratic Party. She had invited Julian Assange to a crayfish party, and they had enjoyed some quality time together. When Ardin discovered that Julian shared a similar experience with a 20-year-old woman a day or two later, she obtained the younger woman’s cooperation in declaring before the police that changing partners in so rapid a manner constituted a sort of deceit. And deceit is a sort of rape. The prosecutor immediately issued an arrest warrant, and the press was duly notified. Once the facts were examined in the cold light of day, the charge of rape seemed ludicrous and was immediately dropped. In the meantime the younger woman, perhaps realizing how she had been used, withdrew her report, leaving the vengeful Anna Ardin standing alone.
  13. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    Sweden wants questioning of WikiLeaks chief in rape probe

    The elusive Australian behind the biggest leak of U.S. war documents in history is wanted by Sweden in a drawn-out rape probe.

    A Swedish court approved on Thursday a motion to bring Julian Assange, the 39-year-old founder of WikiLeaks, into custody for questioning. The decision paves the way for prosecutors to seek his arrest abroad through Interpol.

    Assange, whose whereabouts are unknown, is suspected of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion. He has denied the allegations, which stem from his encounters with two Swedish women during a visit in August.

    His lawyer in Britain, Mark Stephens, said that Assange had consensual sex with both women, who then turned on him after becoming aware of each other's relationships.

    The irregular evolution of the case, in which prosecutors of different ranks have overruled each other, has sparked questions about Sweden's legal system and conspiracy theories about intelligence agencies seeking to silence and discredit Assange and WikiLeaks.

    The site has published almost 500,000 secret U.S. documents about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    After the sex charges first appeared in August, Assange was quoted by a Swedish tabloid as saying he had been warned that the Pentagon planned to use dirty tricks to spoil things for WikiLeaks. He later told Sweden's TV4 that he wasn't pointing fingers at anyone.

    Assange has no permanent address and travels frequently. Earlier this month, he said he was considering immigrating to Switzerland.

  14. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Assange for Nobel Peace Prize.
  15. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Arrested WikiLeaks chief denied bail in U.K.
    Julian Assange tells court he will challenge bid to send him to Sweden to face sex offense allegations

    LONDON — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was refused bail and jailed for a week by a British court Tuesday, pending an extradition hearing over alleged sex offenses in Sweden.

    Assange surrendered to U.K. police earlier in the day in the latest blow to an organization that faces legal, financial and technological challenges after releasing hundreds of secret U.S. diplomatic cables.

    Swedish prosecutors had issued the arrest warrant for the 39-year-old Australian, who is accused of rape and sexual molestation in one case and of sexual molestation and unlawful coercion in another.

    Assange surrendered at 9:30 a.m. local time (4:30 a.m. ET) Tuesday. The U.K.'s Guardian newspaper reported that Assange later arrived at a London court accompanied by British lawyers Mark Stephens and Jennifer Robinson.

    During his court appearance, Assange said he would fight extradition to Sweden. He provided the court with an Australian address. Britain's Sky News reported that Assange was receiving consular assistance from officials at the Australian High Commission.
    The next court hearing is scheduled to take place December 14, and Assange will remain in custody until then because he was deemed to be a flight risk, according to news reports.

    Several supporters gathered outside the court holding placards reading "Gagging the truth" and "Protect free speech," NBC News said.
    Assange had been hiding out at an undisclosed location in Britain since WikiLeaks began publishing hundreds of U.S. diplomatic cables online last month.

    The legal troubles for Assange stem from allegations leveled against him by two women he met while in Sweden over the summer.

    Assange denies the allegations, which Stephens says stem from a "dispute over consensual but unprotected sex." Assange and Stephens have suggested that the prosecution is being manipulated for political reasons.

    'He is not violent'
    One of the women involved in the sexual abuse allegations told the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet that she had had voluntary relations with him and had never wanted him to be charged with rape, the Guardian said.
    Assange had been hiding out at an undisclosed location in Britain since WikiLeaks began publishing hundreds of U.S. diplomatic cables online last month.

    The legal troubles for Assange stem from allegations leveled against him by two women he met while in Sweden over the summer.

    Assange denies the allegations, which Stephens says stem from a "dispute over consensual but unprotected sex." Assange and Stephens have suggested that the prosecution is being manipulated for political reasons.

    'He is not violent'
    One of the women involved in the sexual abuse allegations told the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet that she had had voluntary relations with him and had never wanted him to be charged with rape, the Guardian said.

    U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, visiting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. troops in Afghanistan, was pleased by the arrest.
    "That sounds like good news to me," he said.

    Meanwhile, the Guardian reported that WikiLeaks had no current plans to issue the code for an encrypted version of the rest of its documents — which has been called a "poison pill" — that would enable them to be published instantly, as it had threatened to do if its staff were arrested.
    The organization's room to maneuver has been narrowing by the day. It has been battered by Web attacks, cut off by Internet service providers and is the subject of a criminal investigation in the United States, where officials say the release jeopardized national security and diplomatic efforts around the world.

    But amid Assange's personal legal troubles, his website continued to reveal state secrets.

    According to the latest diplomatic cables — reported by the Guardian — NATO has drawn up secret plans to defend the Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and Poland against any Russian threat.

    Nine NATO divisions were identified for combat operations in the event of Russian aggression and countries were grouped together in a new regional defense scheme codenamed Eagle Guardian, the cables said.
    And in one of its most sensitive disclosures yet, WikiLeaks released on Sunday a secret 2009 diplomatic cable listing sites around the world that the U.S. considers critical to its security .

    Such revelations have prompted the U.S. to consider prosecuting Assange, but the rape allegation presents a more immediate issue.

    Pentagon spokesman Col. David Lapan called the WikiLeaks' disclosure "dangerous" and said it gives valuable information to the nation's enemies.

    NBC News reported that jihadists with connections to al-Qaida have started communicating online about the release.

    "We want to exploit this document," one reportedly wrote.

    U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday the Obama administration was considering using laws in addition to the U.S. Espionage Act to possibly prosecute the release of government information by WikiLeaks.
    Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard told a news conference Tuesday that it is "grossly irresponsible" for WikiLeaks to publish items like critical infrastructure lists.

    But she backed away from her comment made last week that posting classified U.S. government documents on the WikiLeaks website was an "illegal" act.

    She said police were still investigating whether Assange had broken any Australian laws.
    For days, WikiLeaks has been forced by governments, hackers and companies to move from one website to another. It is now relying on a Swedish host.

    But WikiLeaks' Swedish servers were crippled after coming under suspected attack again Monday, the latest in a series of such assaults.

    It was not clear who was organizing the attacks. WikiLeaks has blamed previous ones on intelligence forces in the U.S. and elsewhere.

    WikiLeaks' huge online following of tech-savvy young people has pitched in, setting up more than 500 mirrors.

    Meanwhile, the Swiss postal system's financial arm, Postfinance, shut down a bank account set up by Assange to receive donations after the agency determined that he provided false information regarding his place of residence in opening the account. Assange had listed his lawyer's address in Geneva.

    "He will get his money back," Postfinance spokesman Alex Josty said. "We just close the account."
    Assange's lawyers said the account contained about $41,000. Over the weekend, the online payment service PayPal cut off WikiLeaks and, according to Assange's lawyers, froze $80,000 of the organization's money.

    Visa also said Tuesday that it had suspended all payments to WikiLeaks pending an investigation of the organization's business.

    The group is left with only a few options for raising money now — through a Swiss-Icelandic credit card processing center and accounts in Iceland and Germany.
    NATO combat plan
    According to the latest leaked cables, NATO took a secret decision to draft contingency plans for the former Soviet states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania earlier this year at the urging of the United States and Germany.

    The move ended years of division within the alliance over how to view Russia, the Guardian said.

    In parallel talks with Warsaw, the newspaper added, Washington offered to beef up Polish security against Russia by deploying special naval forces to the Baltic ports of Gdansk and Gdynia, putting F-16 fighter aircraft in Poland and rotating C-130 Hercules transport planes into Poland from U.S. bases in Germany.

    NATO leaders were understood to have quietly endorsed the new strategy to defend vulnerable parts of eastern Europe at a summit in Lisbon last month, the Guardian said.
    In Lisbon, NATO and Russia agreed to cooperate on missile defense and other security issues, and hailed a new start in relations strained since Russia's military intervention in Georgia in 2008. U.S. President Barack Obama has a policy of "resetting" relations with Moscow.

    But the WikiLeaks cables point to the underlying tension in the relationship between the former Cold War adversaries.

    The plan entailed grouping the Baltic states with Poland in a new regional defense scheme, codenamed Eagle Guardian, the paper said.

    Poland, the Baltic states and others were rattled by Russia's brief war against Georgia and have been irked by large-scale Russian army exercises in Belarus and by Moscow's new military doctrine that sees NATO expansion as a threat.
    The Guardian said nine NATO divisions — U.S., British, German and Polish — had been identified for combat operations in the event of aggression against Poland or the Baltic states.

    Earlier this year, the United States started rotating U.S. army Patriot missiles into Poland.

    But the secret cables exposed the Patriots' value as purely symbolic. The Patriot battery was for training purposes, and was neither operational nor armed with missiles, said the Guardian.
  16. arno_ed

    arno_ed Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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  17. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Still feel this way, glynch?
  18. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    So the guy did not wear a condom? And this is what they are using to try to get him to shut up....lol.

  19. AMS

    AMS Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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