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Why does Chandler Parsons suck vs good teams but play GREAT vs BAD TEAMS?

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by totti_c, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    He looks very lanky and scrawny.
  2. Teen Wolf

    Teen Wolf Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Yeah josh Howard was a very good defender and a two way player. Parsons has a more fluid offensive game but Howard could beat his man off the dribble better due to superior athleticism. But In his peak Howard was a better player than current Cp25.
  3. LandryMegaBeast

    Dec 4, 2009
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    #superstarchandler lol 4 games in and the mavs fans are already b****ing about that massive contract. eat **** cuban
  4. Ranny

    Ranny Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    In a normal scenario this would be the reasonable and classy thing to do on our part, but this guy earned this treatment from Rox fans. Let me refresh your memory and elaborate why he deserves this hatred.

    - Its not that he left for a better offer or that he is making all that money that he doesn't really deserve. Its a free market so when he entered free agency we knew he could potentially leave if he got a good offer that we wouldn't/Couldn't match. It was his right as a free agent to listen to other offers that could benefit him personally and it was the Mavs right to offer him whatever money they felt like paying him, these is ALL Ok.

    - Its not that he left to play for our hated rival the Mavs. These kind of things happen in team sports, bigger stars than Parsons have switched teams between rivals. It happens in Soccer, in Football, Baseball etc, and of course fans hate it but it happens and we live with it, anyway he was up for grabs when we released him. Although its hurtful in a normal scenario with a bit of time fans just let it go.

    - Its not even that he signed his contract probably drunk at 3am in a club while Cuban and his idiot friend were laughing in our faces in a freaking video. You can blame this on immaturity, he is a young guy and his age, and his actions tell us that he is immature. Besides i said it when this happened and i will say it again, if somebody hands you almost 50 million dollars and wants to film you while you sign your contract you let him film you.

    The real reason why this idiot is getting all this negative attention from us is because of everything that happened after. He didn't just graciously and respectfully left his former City/team, he has not made one single appropriate comment about the Rockets or Houston since, among other things he has implied very clearly that Houston is dirty (or dirtier than Dallas if you wish), and he has rapped about how easy it was for him to leave us (WTF????). I mean imagine Lionel Messi leaving Barca to go to Real Madrid (Parsons is no Messi) and start saying **** like that? He would get murdered!! I remember years ago when Luis Figo left Barca to go to Madrid, they threw him a pig head, yes a REAL PIG head!!! that is hard core, Parsons so far has had it easy


    I am sure we will eventually let this go, but the guy had this comming. Every time he opens his mouth to say something about Houston or the Rockets he ****s it up more and more, lets troll him for years for all i care.
  5. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    He also stumbles around and looks awkward. That is just who he is.
  6. RoxBeliever

    RoxBeliever Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    He should have heeded the warning: "Be careful what you wish for."

    Massive contract--you turn from beloved to hated very soon if you don't live up to it.

    See Gilbert Arenas, Rashard Lewis, Rudy Gay, who else? These are the players that get shunted off to different teams. Except for Parsons, Cuban has to eat his trade kicker if he even thinks of trading.

    Bet you two-three years from now, Parsons will get a much lower contract.
  7. Teen Wolf

    Teen Wolf Member

    Aug 9, 2014
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    3 years. He's not turning down $17mil+ on his third year.
  8. ApuN

    ApuN Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Chandler got mixed up in Cubans "Game of Pawns".

    But nobody would turn down making 14 time their current salary- I mean nobody.

    If he would of left town with more class, "not living up to it" would be more easier but since he is a douche - every criticism he gets here on out is well deserved.
  9. bluffkin

    bluffkin Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    I was there, pal.

    I never hated Lin in fact I found it easy to root for him. But his fans were extremely crazy.
  10. bluffkin

    bluffkin Member

    Jun 20, 2009
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    Cool story about the pig head, I know sports outside of the US is rough (Pat Bev Stories). But about Parsons I don't care what he says about the Rockets or Houston. He has an ego and that he wants all the fame but that doesn't bother me.
  11. baubo

    baubo Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    If the reports are true that the Rockets offered him the 2-year max or something even remotely close to it, then he clearly just signed that contract with some sort kind of wishing to go to a team where he can be "the man" or whatever it is he felt dissed for. Parsons clearly has something against the Rockets beyond just simple dollar figures.
  12. NBAandNFLFan

    NBAandNFLFan Member

    Oct 17, 2014
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    Ariza has been a blessing
  13. cjstukenholtz

    cjstukenholtz Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    I think that it is safe to say that he has become the whipping boy on the Maverick's fan forum. In fact, I pretty much saw that scenario coming his way when he signed the current contract he's now under that the Rockets would wisely not match.
  14. ApuN

    ApuN Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Definately there was some ego behind it but the Rockets whole 2 year max was still less than what Cuban offered - but he definately wants to be "the man".
  15. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I dont think so. The Rockets were still willing to overpay him (which was still much less than the $15m). Cuban offered him a deal too sweet to pass up.

    The real snake in the grass is Dan Fagen. I believe Fagen really dislikes Houston. However, he created a great deal for everyone. Parsons made out like a bandit. Fagen made out like a bandit. Rockets turned a lemon into gold with Azira. And good ol Cuban paid for it all.
  16. Dave_78

    Dave_78 Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Yes and guys that look lanky and scrawny at 26 tend to go on to be skinny-fat. They don't fill out in a good way. Look at Parsons' family to see what's in his future.
  17. downbytheriver

    Jan 12, 2014
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    Good grief ladies--- let it go!! So many people here embarrass me as a Rox fan. Cuban doesn't really care if Parsons isn't performing to his contract, he never expected him to. he was brought in to be marketed to dallas young white demographic and keep them coming to games/interested in the team as dirk starts to decline. i can not stress enough how important letting him go was for the rockets to get better as a team, despite the empty stats he put up.

    I'm SORRY the new guy is black and not someone you would hang out with, but he's a better player, a cheaper player, and made us a contender. GET. A. LIFE.
  18. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    Dafuq is this?
  19. RoxBeliever

    RoxBeliever Member

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Why? The best time to troll Parsons is when he plays bad.

    When he starts playing well, which he may still end up doing later, we can't troll him as much. Anyway the media itself is trolling him when they write how good of a fit Ariza has been so far. As well as Mavs fans.

    We'll see what stuff he's made of, if he can rise above the criticisms to excel. He needs to eat some crow first.

    In somebody's immortal words: "Don't go into the forest if you're afraid of wolves."

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