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Why are we not talking about the whale's vag--a in the room?

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Hey Now!, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    I'm still taking the options with Rivers. 2016 and maybe 2017 are going to be growing pain years with Lynch. Lynch may or may not be good but we know Rivers is.
  2. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    It's defensible, obviously. But they've won more than 9 games exactly once since 2008 - that's seven years of basically being a middling, mediocre football team. With Rivers in his prime, no less.

    I think they'd be foolish not to leverage Rivers to collect additional assets, lessen their cap and accelerate the inevitable. Franchise QBs don't usually fall to 7, 8, 9-win teams.
  3. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Because some of are tired of taking another teams trash.
  4. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    You should seriously consider not watching football if you consider Philip Rivers "trash." Your standards have no basis in any feasible reality and you're poised to be forever disappointed. He's not, obviously, in Rodgers or Brady's stratosphere - but he'd rank very favorably with virtually any other QB in the NFL, results-wise.
  5. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I think some people have had 13 years of such ****ty QB play ingrained into their minds that they can't even fantasize what it would be like to have a real QB on the team.

    Hearing somebody who (I assume) watched at least the past 2 seasons of Texans' football refer to Rivers as "another team's trash", legitimately made me crack up.

    With real QB play, the window is currently open for us to waltz into the playoffs for the next several years. They need to capitalize now. A move like this is what they need to make. Though I feel like I've been saying that for years.
  6. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    We discussed the possibility of Philip Rivers at length on this board. Almost every poster liked the idea. However, the conversation ended after he signed his extension. The problem is not Philip Rivers' talent, it is the idea that the Chargers will be willing to get rid of him now.
  7. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Right, but having the #3 pick could change things.

    Moving to L.A. could potentially impact things too.

    The Texans making a prudent, aggressive move is all just fantasy anyway.
  8. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Membar
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    I don't think San Diego is in the market for a QB, honestly.

    Rivers is worth what he is paid, and while hitting the tail end of his career, franchise level QBs don't grow on trees.

    There's no reason for them to rush to hit the reset button.

    They're going to let Rivers' contract expire (unless he threatens a holdout or something) and move on from there.

    We can ask, sure, but I don't think anyone should take a lack of news/noise on this subject as a sign of Texans' disinterest or apathy as much as it likely is the Chargers disinterest.
  9. Junkyard_Dog

    Junkyard_Dog Member

    Apr 30, 2013
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    I know its easy to gloss over Schaub simply because of how bad he was in his last season(and he was putrid), but before he got hurt in 2011 he was balling. The team was clicking so good we might have at least been in the AFC championship if not the Super Bowl if Schaub stayed healthy in 2011. I think he ran in 3 TDs himself that year as well. After the lisfranc injury it was all down hill.
  10. Cannonball

    Cannonball Member

    Jul 27, 2006
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    If I'm San Diego and I decide to go QB in the first then I'm following the Aaron Rodgers/Brett Favre model. Hell, even the Rivers/Brees model. Rivers didn't play the first two years after SD drafted him. No way am I just handing the keys over to an unproven rookie when I already have Rivers on the roster. At least work with the rookie for a year, see him in practice and have some idea if he can handle being a starter before you deal Rivers.

    Trading a player is just like cutting him for cap purposes. Rivers would still count against SD's cap. All his remaining signing bonus money is accelerated and counts as dead money. Next year, that would be $18 million.

    If there's any one reason why San Diego definitely would not trade Rivers, it's that they would have $18 M worth of their salary cap taken up by a player who wasn't even on roster.
  11. DieHard Rocket

    Sep 9, 2000
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    Pipe dream, for this offseason anyway. Maybe next year, IF they draft a QB.

    Mike Mccoy, or any coach for that matter, isn't going to be chomping at the bit to start a rookie QB when you have a perfectly healthy Phillip Rivers.

    They'd also eat about $18mil in dead space by trading him.

    If they have another 4-6 win season and clean house, maybe. But I have to imagine they are playing to win next season - Denver is close to dropping off (at least slightly, due to QB position) and KC and Oakland are wild cards. While unlikely, it's not unfathomable to see SD win 9 games and get into the playoffs...in fact it's probably a bit more likely than the Texans were to overtake the Colts this season for the AFC South.
  12. eric.81

    eric.81 Member

    Jan 3, 2002
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    Hey Now!, I know it's obvious to you that Philip Rivers makes us a better team (and you're right!). The problem is that it's obvious to the Chargers as well.

    They signed him to a 4 year extension with the assumption that he will be able to play for at least the next two seasons. That gives them two years after this one to find their heir apparent without giving away their most popular player.

    We agree with you, it would be WONDERFUL. It just ain't happenin...
    1 person likes this.
  13. mick fry

    mick fry Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Yeah because Rivers is a WINNER! Oh Wait, nevermind!
  14. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Coaches should be fired if they traded Rivers (a proven commodity) for a draft QB Goff/Lynch (unproven)...

    This thread falls under the dream on category...
  15. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Exactly - so why pass on one if you have what is - for San Diego, anyway - a rare chance to get one? And before you say, "They already have one..." - one that's 21, 22 - not 33, 34...

    I really like Rivers; keeping him and crossing that bridge of no Rivers whenever it comes is a perfectly acceptable course of action.

    At the same time, the Chargers are 61-67 since 2008. They're 0-3 in the postseason with one division title, one double-digit win season and four overall winning seasons. As a point of comparison, the Texans, over the same period, are 65-63; 2-3 with three division titles, two double-digit win seasons and five overall winning seasons.

    IOW, the Chargers are a remarkably mediocre franchise. And that was during Rivers' prime.

    Not a lick of it is Rivers' fault - he's been very good. But... it's not like he's going to get *better*. Staying the course with Philip Rivers is a series of 7-, 8-, 9-win seasons with no future. Denver is better; Kansas City is better; Oakland is better - short-term for sure.

    If Rivers could net you additional top 100 prospects and significant cap savings - when you're in perfect position to draft another franchise QB... that's just a rare opportunity that doesn't often present itself.

    They wouldn't be foolish to reject it - but not explore it?...

    Not intended to be a referendum on the Texans - I'm just surprised more fans haven't kicked around San Diego - with a good but aging/expensive QB - being in position to potentially draft a stud QB and the possible ramifications of that (ie Rivers becoming available).
  16. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    I don't disagree. But the Packers weren't paying Favre, and the Chargers weren't paying Brees, anywhere near $21MM to be a on-his-way-out mentor.

    And if he's on the roster, he'll count $21MM; they'd net a savings of $3MM.
  17. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Their current circumstances are unique and (potentially) game-changing. They never thought they'd be a 4-win team with Philip Rivers drafting 3rd overall. And while they may have underperformed last year... I can't imagine there's a player in this draft that makes them a 10-win team.

    They'd be foolish not to explore the situation. What if Houston offered Clowney and #22?
  18. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    While they might outright reject it... it's a perfectly rational idea. The last time San Diego picked in the top 5 was 2004, of course - when they snagged Rivers. They've won at least 7 games every year since. So unexpectedly tumbling into the top 3, when there are seemingly two franchise QBs available - well, that's a wrinkle I doubt they expected and should at least force them to kick some tires...

    This is exactly what teams in baseball and basketball do all the time; they leverage a valuable asset to immediately make their future better. There's no future in being mediocre, which are the Chargers in a nutshell since 2008.

    If they could extract #22 overall, possibly another top 100 pick, a top-flight player (Clowney? Johnson?) *and* keep the third overall pick... I think that's a better team, short- and (definitely) long-term*.

    * I suppose they could make the same deal for #3 and keep Rivers.
    #38 Hey Now!, Jan 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  19. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Rivers signed the extension knowing they were probably moving to LA. I don't think the move changes anything regarding Rivers.

    We might as well speculate about trades for Romo, Flacco, Stafford, Matt Ryan, etc.
    1 person likes this.
  20. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Apples and oranges... those teams - well, excluding for a moment, Dallas - aren't in position to draft a franchise QB. Not with any certainty, anyway. *That's* what's driving this: San Diego is perfectly positioned to draft one of the top 2 QBs; possibly the top QB.

    BTW, I think Dallas would be foolish, if Goff or Lynch or Wentz - or whoever is deemed a top-tier QB prospect falls to 4, to not pick their next QB. The difference, I think, between San Diego and Dallas - Dallas is a year removed from 12-4 with the same foundation. San Diego has been mediocre for years.

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