Do you know how serious a bone contusion is? Well I can’t blame you for not knowing, I didn’t know myself until I researched it. Having a baseball hit you at 109 miles per hour can cause severe trauma.
Twice. It happend in consecutive days on the same spot. I am a little surprised it took this long to heal but you could see from the videos of him that he was still in pain. Saying the Astros are "babying" him is just dumb.
I blame the medical staff. While they do get some atta boys for successfully cloning and growing Carl Lewis' leg in a petri dish, color matching was a surprisingly unanticipated setback.
I'm assuming everyone has seen now that his leg was actually fractured. We've certainly seen him running and it's clear he's been hurt. Not certain why anyone would expect they owe you answers or are trying to sabotage their own season.
A buddy of mine once said microfractures were sissy injuries because the fracture was SMALL. It's not necessarily true, but I've always found that amusing. Carry on.
If they're caused by being taller than a human body is designed to support, they're a career ender...but that's not what we're talking about here, fortunately.
Mmm hmm. I remember it with Amare too. He was never quite the same but of course it hits home the most with Yao.
Back around the time of Yao's (I think) second injury, before he was extended, I remember sportsradio 610 having Dr. Kenneth First on. He was an orthopedic surgeon, and he essentially said, "the human body isn't designed to be that tall...and once the stress fractures start, they don't stop." The implication was that the Rockets shouldn't be extending Yao, but they did anyway (largely because Les had massive investments in China that he only had because of Yao and that relationship with the Rockets). I got crapped on here a bit for arguing the Rockets shouldn't be extending him given the financial commitment they had to make and the reports from the doctors...and the loss of another offseason to do something else (opportunity cost). Oh, well. I loved Yao as a person but the whole "If Yao can stay healthy, then...." arguments just fell entirely flat with me. Guys that height don't stay healthy. They're playing limited minutes by the age of 30 and usually are ending their careers not long thereafter.
Loved me some Yao too. I was always rooting for the guy but sadly health was always an issue for him. Luckily Tucker is not 7 ft tall. Let's pray on this.
Tracy "microfracture" McGrady approves this thread. As long as Tuck didn't have microfracture surgery, we should be good.