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Why All the Titan Hating?

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by giddyup, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. Furious Jam

    Furious Jam Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    I like football too, but that doesn't mean I have to root for the Tennessee Traitors. And any real fan would be bitter about having his team stolen from him after pouring time and money into it over the years.

    Anyway, considering that I argue for a living, I'm fairly sure that my rhetorical skills exceed that of your average assclown.

    As to the implementation of insults, I believe they are called for on rare occasions, and this is such a time. Bud Adams insulted this city and therefore is worthy of insult himself, along with anyone who would side with him and his team. But if it seems to you that the majority of my posts include insults, I can assure that those are only the posts directed at you. Were you one of the losers that still bought Oilers' tickets even after they announced their move? Because I've got some Enron stock to sell you.
  2. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    I've never bought an NFL ticket. I was never a Bud Adams fan and still aren't. I don't trust him. I don't even like him. But I'm not going waste any energy hating anyone over it.

    And, you direct insults all the time at folks--often the sweeping generalization kind. Just as a tip for logic, "anyone who would (insert position contrary to yours here) is an IDIOT!!!" is generally poor form and a sure sign of a poorly constructed case. But, I'm sure you knew that. That said, I'm sure you also knew that good "rhetoric" is a far cry from sound logic.

    And if I don't choose to spend the rest of my adult years bitter about something wrong that happened in my favorite city 10 or 15 years ago, that doesn't make me "NOT A TRUE FAN!!!" and it doesn't make me a moron. It makes me mature.

    Sorry for the dumbass references, just wanted to turn the tables for a few minutes.
  3. candlegreen

    candlegreen Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Bud Adams? I pretty much borderline hate him, but mostly because of his "message" to Houston after he got his AFC ring (purposely placed on that one finger). I can't get myself to hate the Titans, based on the fact that we were all excited about Steve McNair when he was drafted as a Houston Oiler. I followed that team through their 2-14 season as well, and am somewhat disappointed that the team left for Tennessee, but being "bitter" is a little too emphasized for my taste. I'm "bitter" that the Dallas Mavs got all those ridiculous calls during last year's playoffs. I'm "bitter" that Carlos Beltran pulled that crap over the Astros. I'm bitter that Bud Adams is an idiot that screwed over Houston, but I'm not bitter at the team itself.

    To say that we're idiots whom are worthy of insult because we don't hate the Titans? That's a little over the line, don't you think? I don't like them, but I don't hate them either. Teams I might <i>hate</i> would include the Jaguars (I just don't like them), the Mavs, the Lakers, the Jazz (not so much now as before), etc. Why? I just don't hate the players of the Titans that much. I might wear a smile every time Bud sees his team lose because I don't like him, but just because I rooted for the Titans to beat the St Louis Rams (I dislike them more) should give no one reasons to insult me in any way. I just like football and I guess the Titans were the underdogs to a Rams team that was overloaded. Just like how I was happy that the Broncos beat the Packers for Elway's first championship because Green Bay was over-hyped. I just dont' get why my opinions would make me and idiot and submittable to insults. But at any rate, I've grown to have thick skin to forum remarks so you way what you will.
  4. rdsgonzo13

    rdsgonzo13 Member

    Nov 13, 1999
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    I guess anyone who roots for the Astros is a moron if the definition of moron is rooting for a team with a greedy, penny pinching owner...

    Also, it's hardly been money well spent. The Oilers never won the Big one but had some signature talents and accomplishments like Earl Campbell, Warren Moon and the 6 straight playoff appearances, etc. They had tradition in this city and the Texans dont.

    The Texans right now are a complete joke with just a clown for a GM and no future. The highlight of the Texans franchise in 4 yrs has been cheering for the team to lose/tank so it could get the #1 pick, the same #1 pick it had 4 yrs ago and did nothing with. That's pretty sad and how is that worth paying 4 times what it would have took to keep the Oilers?

    The Oilers left because Bob Lanier was a complete idiot, not Bud Adams. Let's remember this is a city that nearly lost the Rockets after the Oilers fiasco. Consistent fan support has hardly been a hallmark of Houston sports.
  5. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Bud brought Houston it's FIRST professional team in 1959, and he kept it there while others were getting new stadiums and such for many years.

    He was a business man, and he made a BUSINESS decision to leave.

    I respect that, anyone who has ever run a business would understand the move had to happen, the Nashville deal was simply too good to pass up.

    Bud was not stingy, got good players, put a winning program on the field and for a few years had the 2nd best team in all of the NFL.....

    I still wish the Oilers stayed, I don't follow the Titans or the Texans, in fact my pro-football following days are limited to my fantasy team now.

    And, I used to BLEED columbia blue.....

    Draft VY, and I will root for the Texans, I just can not get behind David (OVERATTED) Carr.

  6. Rivaldo2181

    Rivaldo2181 Member

    May 30, 2003
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    When I watch the Titans play I don't watch Bud Adams run up the middle, catch or throwTDs.
  7. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    If you like the Titans you have a tiny penis.

    Even their "female" fans.

    It's true, heard it on Paul Harvey.
  8. stevel

    stevel Member

    Jul 30, 2002
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    Actually, if you want to blame anyone for Bud taking the Titans blame Uncle Drayton. Bud was getting all the revenue for parking, concessions, etc... The Astros got some if not all. There was no tail-gating because the Astros would not allow it. Next time McClain is on either 790 or 610 call in and ask him about this. He will open your eyes to what actually happened back in the day. To make matters worse, Drayton then used the Oilers leaving to scare a new stadium deal from us.
  9. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Now I know the rest of the story.
  10. Master Baiter

    Master Baiter Member

    Jul 6, 2001
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    And thank God for that, the Dome was a butthole compared to MMP and Reliant.

    Bud was a cancer and may his team rot in hell. I'd take a ****ty Texans team over the Titans anyday.
  11. stevel

    stevel Member

    Jul 30, 2002
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    I agree. The Dome sucked, and I don't care for Bud. However, I think it is important to know that he wasn't the only slimeball in that fiasco.
  12. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    The biggest thing to know is that the lion's share of us fans have no idea what went on behind closed doors. All we have to go on are rumors and what was printed in the press. I have friends who are close with Bud Adams--dinner date close--who told me behind the scenes details and have very different perspective. I still don't care for him, but I'm not going to waste my life away with bitterness. Nor am I going to miss out on some great football (this year notwithstanding).
  13. Saint Louis

    Saint Louis Member

    Jun 27, 1999
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    The Dome did suck for football which is why the scoreboard should have never been ripped out the Dome for those extra seats. Once that happened it became sucky for baseball too. Maybe it was seeing it through a kid's eyes but I loved watching the Astros play in the Dome with the old scoreboard.

    If I was master of the universe, one I would have banged She-Ra, two I would have put an open air stadium for the Oilers where Allen Parkway village used to be rotting.
  14. Master Baiter

    Master Baiter Member

    Jul 6, 2001
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    I LOVED the old scoreboard and hated to see it go and the Dome is very nostalgic but the scorboard didnt make me sit a 100 miles from the diamond. The scoreboard didnt install those nasty ass bathrooms. The scoreboard didnt make it dank and dark. It was just old and its time had come. And this is from someone that was skeptical of Enron Field and I never thought I would enjoy baseball if it wasnt in the Dome. Holy crikey was I wrong. I love the new stadiums and what they have done for the city, especially MMP and Toyota because it has made downtown actually a place to go.

    She-Ra was ok but was animated. I wanted to wear Princess Liea's ass for hat even before I haired over.
  15. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I will admit that my hatred for Bud has subsided over the years, especially when I heard that he voted for Houston over LA for the new expansion team.

    But I don't see why you would pull for the Titans and the Texans. Besides McNair, there are no former Oilers left on that team. They're not even called the Oilers anymore. Oh, one more thing.....THEY PLAY FOR NASHVILLE, NOT HOUSTON.

    I don't know, I just don't get people who live in one city and pull for another city's team unless you're a transplant from that city. I also don't get people who have more than one favorite team.
  16. Rivaldo2181

    Rivaldo2181 Member

    May 30, 2003
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    For me (and probably for others who still route for the Titans) I loved that team and many of the players before they left Houston but I continued to follow them and while the original players are gone, I like the newer players they have acquired so I continue to support them. Also, McNair being my favorite player has alot to do with it.
  17. Saint Louis

    Saint Louis Member

    Jun 27, 1999
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    I've only been to one game at MMP because I moved away from Houston before it was built. I loved my old Atari too, but I'm willing to admit and XBox is better. Just lots of fond memories of the Dome. I've heard these rumors of nightlife in downtown Houston, who would have thunk it.

    <Access teenage memory vault> Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi on Jabba the Huts party barge. That outfit, what there was of it, made my adolescent eye balls pop right out of my head.
  18. Furious Jam

    Furious Jam Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    I had said my piece on this thread, but bringing up McClain just pushed another button for me. When it comes to Bud Adams and the Oilers, you can't trust anything that guy says. If you read the Chronicle during that period, he was constantly taking Bud's side. And do you know why? Because he is a long-time pro football reporter, and only a pro football reporter, who no doubt loves his job. So what happens to a guy like that when the only pro football franchise in town leaves? Yep, life sucks for him. In fact, he had to follow Bud to TN and start doing stories and radio from there, which he still does. Supporting Bud was always about supporting himself. It's even worse for him, as journalists are supposed to hold the truth above personal bias.

    Also, whatever revenue or control the Astros had with the Dome, Bud already knew that we he cut the original renovation deal (where the scoreboard was removed for more seats). I wouldn't have as big of a problem with him if he let that lease run its course, then asked for more revenue streams or more control or a new stadium. But instead he tried to break the lease and, when that wouldn't work, he fielded a lame duck team. Say what you will about Drayton and Les, but at least they honor their agreements.

    I said that only morons would support the Oilers after they left town and I stand by that. Anyone who supported them after Bud did his Tennessee Two-Step doesn't understand all of the facts, including how the players went to Tennessee to campaign for Bud.

    Let me put it this way:
    If Les suddenly signed a deal to move the Rockets to Louisville and was trying to break a lease he just entered into a few years ago, and if the players and JVG spent the offseason in Kentucky trying to drum up support for arena financing there, would you still be a Rocket fan? Even after they left town? If so, I say you're a moron and I'm sticking with that. What person in their right mind roots for a team that breaks a contract to bail out on you and your city for just a few dollars more? It's unbelievable that we're even having this discussion.
  19. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    People do bad things. I've gotten over it. But, you're entitled to stay bitter and call people morons who have decided to move on. Enjoy.

    To the other points about, "how could you have more than one favorite team?"--well, maybe I'm not a "TRUE FAN!!!!"

    First and foremost, I love to watch good quality football. (That's why I'm glad to see the Texans hire a new coach.)
    #1 The Oilers. No team will ever have this spot.
    #2 The Texans.
    #3 Whoever is playing the Cowboys. :D
    #4 I like a lot of franchises and follow them loosely: Miami, Tennessee, Pittsburgh (traitor that I am), Denver, Green Bay, St. Louis, New Orleans. I like 'em all. So sue me.

    #1 Rockets
    #2 Rockets
    #3 Rockets
    #4 SA
    #5 Dallas
    #7 Whoever is playing Utah
    #8 Whoever is playing Utah
    #9 Whoever is playing Utah
    #10 Whoever is playing Seattle

    #1 Astros
    Well, I'm kind of a one-team guy in baseball.

    Anyone else like more than one team?
  20. Fatty FatBastard

    Jul 13, 2001
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    Of course. They're called "Fair-weather fans". A true fan can only root for one team.

    The Houston Oilers died in 96. Period. I'm a Houston fan. Period.

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