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Who do you want to draft?

Discussion in 'NBA Draft' started by JMAD21, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Seems to be working for him.

    Also, as they say, ladies love what they can't have. The antithesis of Greg Oden?
  2. rpr52121

    rpr52121 Sober Fan

    Mar 28, 2006
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    No to both. Kemba's game won't translate to the NBA. He's not good enough for a team to run their offense through him, and that is what he will likely need. No matter what he will never be in the top tier of NBA point guards, and i just think he will consistently be in the second tier either.

    I do not see Hamilton being anything better than Chase, and wings who can score with mediocre defense are by no means a priority for any team without a star.

    Maybe that is the reason why still has his basketball prowess. Once he does the deed, maybe he will lose the skills?
  3. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    Here's my issue with you. I get that you watch a lot of Euroleague basketball; probably more than most on the board. But that doesn't mean you understand how those players would translate their games to the NBA.

    It's hard to take you seriously when you attack people; especially when you question the intelligence of people who are paid to scout for a living. Here's what you said about the Rockets international scout:

    I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I was trying hard. But this is what you were suggesting:

    Jan Vesely is slotted to go two spots ahead of Motiejunas on both DX and NBAdraft.net. I guess Czech Republic came up with enough money to buy Vesely's draft stock back.

    DraftExpress and NBADraft.net both compare Motiejunas' best case scenario to Andre Bargnani, not Sabonis. DX does have Valanciunas rated a lot higher than NBAdraft does though. NBAdraft compares Valanciunas to Nenad Krstic, not Sabonis; DX does not list a comparison. And if you're ever curious why DX has him ranked so high:

    You keep telling me how those websites are a fraud, and we all ask you for proof. Anytime someone has asked you to back up your statements, or disagree with what you say, this is how you respond:

    $#%#% I'm asking you to do it!!!

    Great counter-points?

    What about watching Euroleague games qualifies you as an expert on NBA scouting techniques? What about it qualifies you to comment on how their games would translate to the NBA? What proof or evidence have you offered that NBA teams and scouts are purposely ignoring a prospect? Those were rhetorical questions; you've offered nothing to back up your assertions. Instead, you resort to insulting people who disagree with you. It's also a bit strange that you often go for the race card:

    Salary Cap Update: Decline team options on white players.

    Nobody is a xenophobe. Nobody is racist. Nobody cares that Blake Griffin is half-white. Vesely isn't hurt by his skin color. He's athletic and long, but he's a SF that's not a good shooter, rebounder, or ball-handler. How many starting SFs in the NBA do you know that shoot 50% from the FT line? AK47 appears to have been further along in his development when he first came into the league than Vesely is now.
  4. MourningWood

    MourningWood Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    I think Kemba's nothing more than a Ben Gordon clone -- a trigger happy shooting guard trapped in a point guard's body. He doesn't have the savvy and distribution skills to effectively run the point, but his physical limitations on the wing (NBA standards) and erratic tendencies also leave question marks at the 2-guard. He has top-tier scoring abilities, no doubt, but I see him winding up as a disgruntled, shoot-first bench player.

    As far as J-Ham goes, he's a better all-around scorer than Bud due to the fact that he can not only attack off the bounce and knock down the 3-ball with ease, but take his man on the block. Bud's far superior athletically, but they're comparable in all other facets of the game. I definitely don't think Ham's a clear-cut upgrade over Bud.
  5. Roxs-Redemption

    Jun 20, 2010
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    I love your sig. I really hope it can happen..
  6. mylilpony

    mylilpony Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    we can draft a center in the second round where brittney griner will be available.
  7. ROX_fan_CT

    ROX_fan_CT Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    3/4 - Perry Jones 3
    3 - Terrrnce Jones
    5 - Enes Kanter
    3 - Harrison Barnes
    3 - Marcus Morris
    3 - Jordan Hamilton

    DM will def have to find a way to move up in this draft. PJ3 or TJ should be the top target just based on their combination of height and talent level. With PJ3 being suspended for the remainder of the year, I expect him to drop slightly, but not much. The problem is that we dont have much to offer a team in order to move up enough to get either Jones. The key to is get a 2-way young player whose game and style fits the hard-nosed culture that the rockets have. I think PJ3 has the most upside and fits a huge need for us on the defensive end once he hits the weights and beefs up. The key is to try and play him on the wing as a 3 to create huge matchup problems.

    If not Terrence Jones shuold fit the problem at the 3. He would also make T-Will expendable in a package for something else.
  8. ROX_fan_CT

    ROX_fan_CT Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Terrence Jones might be more of a "play now" complete product, but I find it hard to see him falling below 10. So that means that DM needs to make some $#!+ happen to get high enough to get him.

    THIS IS WHY...

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jj8AN7nZBOk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
    Supporting Member

    May 3, 1999
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    I like Jones. Creates havoc on defense, but the Rockets would need to trade up high for him or get lucky in lottery.
  10. anchel

    anchel Member

    Jan 7, 2010
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    LOL @ OHMSS.

    A shame that I don't have time to discuss with him. Just about this:

    I've seen you repeat the same thing several times. NBA scouts don't give a damn about the current level of european players, because they evaluate their potential. You can disagree with the way they value the potential, with the manner that teams gauge the upside with the risk. I honestly think that they use to risk too much with certain prospects. NBA franchises have more resources than european teams to develope young players, but sometimes they're acquiring pure framework, expecting great upside from a very raw base. But this is something related to every draft prospect, not only european prospects.
  11. larsv8

    larsv8 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    I agree with this.

    Never draft for need, always draft BPA and then trade it for you need later.
  12. AirBud#10

    AirBud#10 Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Projected at #14

  13. rocketblaze

    rocketblaze Member

    May 2, 2009
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    I disagree, Kemba's playmaking ability has been undervalued, because that young UCONN team has relied heavily on his scoring ability. We all know his jumpshot, speed and handles will all translate well into the NBA. But so will his playmaking ability, his got good court vision for someone his size(6'1). He also has more dimensions to his game. One is rebounding, the guy is underrated rebounder, and also on the ball defense.


    On topic: I find John Henson interesting... I found this video on him, he seems to possesses very good lateral quickness and also looks very nimble and agile for someone at that size....

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/IOEO4NjIwBA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    If his capable of playing the 3 spot, his mismatch potential would go through the roof. I don't see any 3, outside of Durant, that would be able to match up with him at that size and length(6'10 height/7'5 wingspan).
  14. LongTimeFan

    LongTimeFan Member

    Oct 6, 2001
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    He will never play the SF position; strictly a skinny PF.
  15. scolandry1

    scolandry1 Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ze3NXkUmLKA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    definitely a pipe dream, but i havnt seen him mentioned in the thread. his stock has skyrocketed. averaging over 8 fta and shooting over 60% from 3pt. hes plays PF, but there is no reason why he couldnt play the 3.
  16. albuster

    albuster Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Kenneth Faried, the NCAA's best rebounder. He is being touted as the next Dennis Rodman and his performance is not even hyped up. I hope DM gets him in the draft because this player is really special.
  17. OHMSS

    OHMSS Rookie

    Apr 29, 2009
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    If you give any legitimacy to either nbadraft.net or draftexpress.com on European players then you are a total sucker. End of discussion. I don't really care that it bothers you that someone that knows that pointed it out.

    You are clearly not interested in knowing about the European players, you just want to parrot whatever you read at some hack's website. Fine. But stop attacking me for coming with actual knowledge and not just BS.

    And yes, there is a lot of xenophobia and racism about the NBA, the average NBA fan, and certainly the owners of those two sites are clearly racists. There are multitude of racist comments in this forum also.
  18. OHMSS

    OHMSS Rookie

    Apr 29, 2009
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    The big European teams have much more money than NBA teams do actually.

    HMMMHMM Member

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Perry Jones is a strict 4. So is Macus Morris, though you might get away with playing him at the 3 some. Kanter will probably play center, but I'm not convinced he's a pure center. Lot of PF in him.

    Unlike others I don't like Terrence Jones at all and don't see how he'd even be a marginal upgrade over Terrence Williams.

    As for John Henson, as LongTimeFan said, he's a strict PF as well.
  20. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Proof or GTFO

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