Blocks/Steals- implemented '73-'74 Everyone with any b-ball knowledge knows Hakeem "the Dream" Olajuwon is the All-Time blocks leader and was great at steals. He's a top 10 All-Time theft and owns the only 200blk/200stl season. Fortunately for him these 2 stats were kept for the entire duration of his entire career. Jabaar didn't have this luxury as these stats weren't official until his 5th year. Projections say he would've been the All-Time leader TBH. People who watched Russell/Wilt say they would've averaged 5+/game... could be hyperbole, but we'll never know. I would rather know. 3-Pointers- implemented '79-'80 First of all, disregard the fact 3-pointers are more than just a stat. The mere existence of them goes deeper than plays (blks,stls) that actually happened, but the stat wasn't kept. 3-pointers effect spacing and teams' entire mentally on where to create shots. Always having this stat is interesting when thinking of great shooters (Maravich, West, etc) who played before the shot existed. Be nice to see if anyone could match 50/40/90 and see what everyone's 3PT% would be. Other- Can't think of anything else significant. Add something if you like except the following... -hand-checking- don't want to get in to it -zone defense- see above reason Not "stats", but just making sure
Deflections on defense, usually the player who collects the ball gets credit for the steal, even though it was another player's deflection that disrupted the offense and got the ball loose.
I'm pretty sure the player who knocks the ball loose from the offensive player gets the steal, regardless of who gathers the ball. Can anyone confirm?