Gerald Green it seem to me like he was coming to his own last year with dallas, he wasn't acting up or anything now im wondering where he is at now, a guy with his talent should be playing for a team..... <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Gerald Green Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>
He was on the Mavericks last year, wasn't he? LOL. He disappeared as quickly as he showed up. I remember Rockets fans last year that were literally "thrilled" with acquiring him. Unfortunately, he didn't perform up to expectations. He was kinda like James White... except James was a better dunker and he stuck around with the team a lot more than Gerald.
nah.. not yet Carl Herrera will notify everyone the 1st minute when a former player is in China :grin:
It's funny how (some) Rockets fans embrace players like James White and Gerald Green while criticizing a player like Battier.. I wonder why?
For the record, im thirteen, and i don't embrace players until i know they will be here for a while. Plus, Battier + Scola = My Idols???
Gerald Green wanted to play in China but no teams accepted him. The coach of the JiangSu province named Jason Rabedeaux choose DerMarr Johnson who be picked by the Hawks in 6th 2000 insteaded of Gerald Green and Jason Rabedeaux explain why drop Green because he was a bomb in locker room.
coming into his own? In what way? they basically gave him a starting job in hopes that would help him, but he ended up starting and would get benched early in the game, or would play just a few minutes. The kid never seemed to work on much but his hops, maybe his swingman that's not going to cut it.
i remember how dadakota claimed that gerald green had superstar potential and would be doing well for the mavericks. i immediately knew he was done as an nba player.
It seems like I read about something DD predicted wrong every other day and almost never see anything he predicts accurately. Yet he claims he's right 90-something percent of the time. Please take back what you said about Budinger, DD. Pretty please. Don't do it for us. Do it for Chase.