If he put down 30g on FSU he would be guaranteed 7500 or 20000. If doesn't hedge his bet he is guaranteed nothing. I can understand being a fan, but this seems like stupidity. It seems like many sports fans would do the same as this guy which I don't understand.
he should hedge. He would still win more if Auburn won so it's not like he'd be rooting against them.
Only bet FOR your team. If you bet AGAINST your team, you're not a fan, you're a GREEDY MOTHER F#$^*%&r. Don't know betting terminology, so someone tell me what "hedge" means in this case, please. I know it's not the grassy bush. :grin:
It depends on his motivations in gambling, or what you enjoy about gambling. I'd stick with the riskier option if I was an Auburn fan. If I was real desperate for cash in the short term I'd hedge.
He should've hedged it. Just put up 15K-20K on FSU, to win 5-10K, that way if his team wins he is still super happy with 30-35K, if his team loses, at least he wins something out of it.
not quite nothing... <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>One last thing - I caught FSU at Even money early in the game for $2K. So that should make some of you feel better </p>— Mark Skiba (@markjskiba) <a href="">January 7, 2014</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Hedge all day. Don't be emotional and try to win it all, be smart and put as much down on the other side you can.
I would have definitely hedged. Sit back and enjoy the game, knowing that you're going to get paid no matter what happens. That equals a fun night in Vegas.