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What shaped your political ideology?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Franchise2001, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. weslinder

    weslinder Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    The "libertarian" wing of the Republican party is full of people with the exact same views. There's a lot of them and they're the ones that show up at conventions and party stuff, but in government, their voice has been drowned out by the warmongers over the past few years. I think we've stemmed the tide, though.
  2. Refman

    Refman Member

    Mar 31, 2002
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    Wow. That logic just defies response. The simple fact that you refer to abortion as being a snuffing indicates that it is a killing.

    Following your logic, Terri Shaivo didn't know what the hell was going on. Should somebody have been allowed to smother her with a pillow using that logic?

    A little distasteful, but a fair question.
  3. Jeffster

    Jeffster Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Christian Paradox
    Party Affiliation: Independent
    Parent's party affiliation: Mother: Democrat Father: Republican or Libertarian
    Age: 31
    Education: Life
    Occupation: Office Manager for Subway Sandwiches franchise
    Race: Human
    Religion: Christian
    Family "class" : Serf

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Ending the slaughter of babies in the womb
    2. Reduce the federal government - more power back to more local areas
    3. Keeping backbones of society like marriage intact
    4. Keeping church/religion IN government. Stopping the ridiculous removal of religious symbols from public places
    5. More financial fairness for all Americans and tax policies that would fit the bill.

    (I kept Franchise's #5 as is, because I agree with it, even though he and I probably would be miles apart on what it would constitute.)

    The front runner for my vote is: Alan Keyes

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: They shoot themselves in the foot so well
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: They are represented by some of the most hateful, reprehensible monsters ever to be on C-span

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: They have some pro-life candidates who actually mean it
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: They try to be all things to all people too much instead of sticking to a consistent agenda
  4. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Mostly Conservative, have become more moderate over the past 3 years.
    Parent's party affiliation: Fundamentalist Right Wing.
    Age: 23
    Education: 2 year degree in Bus Admin, working on a BA.
    Occupation: Petrochemical Inspector.
    Race: White
    Religion: Non-Denominational, Progressive Christian. (Anti-Fundamentalist)
    Family "class" : Immediate Family = poor as hell living in California... extended family... wealthy upper class living in North Dakota.

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Ending legalized abortions. I still hold this belief from my Parents, It is probably the only thing I'm passionate about.
    2. National Security. Keeping our Country safe from terrorists. Coming up with some sort of resolution in Iraq.
    3. Dissolving the 2 party system. Having to choose the lesser of two evils is really lame. I didn't even vote this year.
    4. Protecting my right to my religion from those who want to destroy it. This Country was founded on the premise that we can practice any religion we want without having to worry about the Government interfering. The true meaning of "separation of church and state"
    5. Death Penalty. Kill everyone who rapes a child.

    The front runner for my vote is: McCain by default.

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: I kind of like Barack and some of the things he has said, but I could never vote for him.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Hillary, Ted Kennedy. And then everything else about them.

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: Fiscal Stuff, as well as social aspects.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: Corruption, Big-Business, all the politics.
  5. Drexlerfan22

    Drexlerfan22 Member

    Apr 6, 2002
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    Uhhhhhh... sorry to derail, people.

    To clarify, I'm talking about 2nd-trimester fetuses here. I didn't bother specifying that before, because I was hoping this wouldn't turn into a right to life thread.

    Anyway... 2nd-trimester fetus and infant = not same thing.


    Fine, great, it's killing. I never said otherwise. So? The 2nd-trimester fetus isn't aware enough to care whether it lives or dies. I hope you're a vegan if you're so sensitive about killing.

    You know that one-baby rule in China? Could be us in a couple hundred years. Or less. Our population has essentially quadrupled from 1900-2000. QUADRUPLED. Is that sustainable indefinitely? Is it? Hell no! So why compound the problem with even *more* babies that people don't even want? Overpopulation is a legitimate problem, and I'd rather let people get rid of 2nd-trimester fetuses they don't want than eventually have to stop people who *do* want children from having as many as they want.

    Of course, you could stick your head in the sand and just not care what happens in a couple hundred years, after we're both long gone. Personally, I like to consider America's future, not just my own lifespan.

    Terry Shaivo was different in a number of ways.
    *She had already lived a life where she was a functioning human being with appreciable brain activity.
    *There were people in the world who had lived with her, laughed with her, and cared about her.

    And even with those two differences, if it's decided that she has zero medical chance of ever waking up, I fail to see the point of keeping someone alive in a vegetative state.
  6. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Impeach Bush. Sentence Him to Clean Up After Himself.
  7. Dubious

    Dubious Member

    Jun 18, 2001
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    I support mandatory contraception.

    Fill out this form:

    I would describe my political ideology as: socialist democratic in the macro-scale, anarchist in the personal scale

    Parent's party affiliation:
    Dad: WW2 Vet, Southern segregationist Democrat morphed into a Republican (they are the same thing)

    Mom: We don't discuss politics in polite society

    The bigger influences on my politcal outlook though were: Viet Nam and the Draft (which I barely dodged), LSD and Kurt Vonnegut. I learned that the truth is relative to the perspective and time frame of the observer (in short)

    Age: 55
    Education: 4 yr degree (Landscape Architecture)
    Occupation: investing what's left of my dotcom money
    Race: White
    Religion: Atheist
    Family "class" : Merchant class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. The regulation of violence
    2. The regulation of greed
    3. Moving civilization along the evolutionary path towards sanity and equity
    4. Using science to develop a sustainable eviroment (zero population growth, renewable energy, recycling wastes, cleaning and reusing water etc.)
    5. That and world peace.

    The front runner for my vote is: Barack Obama, because it shakes up the status quo the most

    Political parties are absurd simplifications but they are the natural result of the lowest common denominator in voting societies; us and them.
    #27 Dubious, Apr 20, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2008
  8. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    For a topic as testy as this, you could've created your own thread with another person's quote as starters.

    You still can.
  9. Drexlerfan22

    Drexlerfan22 Member

    Apr 6, 2002
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    I thought about, but I'm hoping it'll just die now.

    If someone addresses it again, I will.
  10. rimbaud

    rimbaud Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 3, 1999
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Social Libertarian, Fiscal Socialist but with a strong realist/pragmatist bent in that I know my ideal is not a reality.

    Party Affiliation: None
    Parent's party affiliation: Democrats
    Age: thirtysomthing
    Education: MA+, PhD on hold right now
    Occupation: housewife
    Race: whitey
    Religion: (ap)atheist
    Family "class" : raised in lower-mid middle class, currently upper-middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Education
    2. Health Care
    3. Fairness
    4. Justice
    5. Environment

    The front runner for my vote is: Barack Obama, but he is no savior.

    The thing I like most about Republican/Democratic Party is: Some of the people
    The thing I hate most about the Republican/Democratic Party is: most of the people
  11. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    I think you're best described as a Curmudgeon. :)
  12. rimbaud

    rimbaud Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 3, 1999
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    And nobody ever cares about the curmudgeon vote. Now you see why I am so politically alienated. I need to start a PAC.
  13. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    My political ideology is first and foremost geared towards bringing back a type of monarchy to the U.S. The reason is because it would be fun. My more real-world based political leanings are Liberal combined with a strong dose of socialist tendencies.

    Parents: Father - Republican Party memeber who sometimes voted Democrat
    Mother - Democrat who sometimes voted Republican and worked hard many decades ago to help bring Republicans in to Texas to make it a 2 party state.

    Religion: Christian

    Race: European Mutt heritage(French, Scotch, Irish, German, and English)

    My voting history has been for candidates from Socialist and oher independent parties, as well as Democrats and Republicans.

    top 5 issues in no order

    1. Ending Iraq War

    2. Restoring and protecing our Civil Rights

    3. Keeping a check on the Executive Branch and it's recent power grab

    4. Healthcare for everyone in the U.S.

    5. Regulating big business is in a tie with working to improve the national debt situation.
  14. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Member
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    yep. holding true.
  15. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    As I've said before, I belong to the most under-represented group in the country. I'm an introvert.
  16. rimbaud

    rimbaud Member
    Supporting Member

    Nov 3, 1999
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    Now that is a good one. If only you had someone who could speak out for your kind. A person who would have the skill to talk to large groups, to mingle with powerful people, and to have their (and your) voice heard.
  17. gifford1967

    gifford1967 Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 4, 2003
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Leftist. Believe in strongly regulated capitalist economy, with robust safety net. Universal Healtcare, etc.
    Parent's party affiliation: Democrats
    Age: 40
    Education: Masters Level
    Occupation: Curriculum Developer
    Race: White
    Religion: Agnostic
    Family "class" : Grew up middle-middle class. Currently upper-middle class.

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Universal Health Care
    2. Foreign Policy (Ending Iraq War)
    3. National Security-Implementing effective anti-terrorist polices (nuclear non-proliferation etc.)
    4. Economy (promoting economic progress for all sectors of society)
    5. Campaign Finance Reform

    The front runner for my vote is: Barack Obama

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: General agreement with policy positions, but Democrats don't go far enough.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Political calculation and corruption.
    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: Nothing. The current party is utterly corrupt and a cancer on the body politic.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: Corruption, Intellectual Dishonesty.
  18. thegary

    thegary Member

    Jul 22, 2002
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    political ideology: katy bar the door
    Parent's party affiliation: don't know
    Age: less than 40
    Education: MFA
    Occupation: artist
    Race: texan
    Religion: none/all
    Family "class": upper-middle class.

    The 5 most important issues:

    1. universal health care
    2. education
    3. planet earth
    4. our solar system
    5. the milky way

    The front runner for my vote is: Barack Obama
  19. rhester

    rhester Member

    Jun 14, 2001
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    My political ideology: disgusted with politicians
    Party Affiliation: I am a former democrat who became a former republican
    Parent's party affiliation: Republican
    Age: 54
    Education: Bible College
    Occupation: HR Manager by day/ Pastor by night
    Race: Mixed
    Family "class" : Live in a mobile home

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Abortion
    2. The National Debt/ Abolishing the Central Bank Cartel.
    3. Abuse of the US Constitution- limited federal govt.
    4. Civil Liberty
    5. Honesty in govt.

    I have been most influenced by talking to candidates and congressmen.

    I have been least impressed with George Bush, Bill Clinton, John McCain, Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.

    Those 5 can all leave politics and I would be happy (Although I am quite sure there are 5 more just as bad waiting in the wings :eek: )

    My ideal presidential candidate would be a cross between Jeff Van Gundy and Bum Phillips.

    Which means I have just about thrown in the towel. ;)
  20. Lynus302

    Lynus302 Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I haven't read the whole thread. Has it been derailed yet? FWIW: good thread, I would think.

    I would describe my political ideology as: Social Libertarian: just leave me the hell alone.
    Party Affiliation: None. I have voted in two presidential elections, once third party and once Republican.
    Parent's party affiliation: My family is quite literally all over the place.
    Age: 32
    Education: 4 yr degree
    Occupation: Student; registered nurse here in a little over two years
    Race: White -- Scottish, Welsh, English, Irish descent
    Religion: Agnostic
    Family "class" : Middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Keeping the country and our sovereignty safe and secure. The war falls under this category. As does our flawed immigration policies.
    2. Personal rights: keep your laws off my body. This includes keeping abortion legal and safe, legalization and regulation of drugs and prostitution, and the legalization of gay marriage. Why we can't let gay people be happy baffles me.
    3. Stem cell research and the removal of any other hindrance toward the progression of medical advancement.
    4. Keeping our traditions in tact. All those damn grinches that want to take away Christmas drive me bananas.
    5. Checks and balances to keep any one party from gaining too much power. What are those groups like MoveOn called? 517's or something? Don't like them much. From either side.

    The front runner for my vote is: No war and everything is hunky-dory: Obama. War and things are NOT hunky-dorey: McCain. Who I'm actually going to vote for: Still undecided.

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: Their stance on personal freedoms.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Higher taxes and the politically correct, kiss-ass tendencies that seem to exist with a lot of liberals. Sorry y'all, but the double standard that exists on this whole Rev. Wright thing REALLY turned me off on Obama.

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: Lower taxes; adherence to traditional patriotism and American way of life, even if it is only perceived.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: the fact that the religious right likes them; ties and corruption in big business.

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