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What shaped your political ideology?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Franchise2001, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. Franchise2001

    Franchise2001 Contributing Member

    Feb 26, 2001
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    Politics is something the majority of Americans are passionate (and can get downright ugly) discussing. I've seen pleasant people get flustered and angry in a split second once they realize you don't agree with them about specific topics (abortion, global warming, etc.). We've seen how ugly it can get in this forum.

    I work in the oil & gas industry so the large majority of my co-workers are true long-term conservatives. My family is pretty left-leaning for the average American. I thought it would be stimulating to look deeper into the factors that make us think the way we do about politics.

    It's time we stop being so angryabout what we believe in and use that energy to learn to compromise... our nation desperately needs it.

    Fill out this form:

    I would describe my political ideology as: Social Libertarian, Fiscal Conservative with reasonable governmental policies protecting american jobs.
    Party Affiliation: None, although I have voted mostly Democrat since I started voting.
    Parent's party affiliation: Staunch Democrats
    Age: 27 in a few weeks
    Education: 4 yr degree (business finance)
    Occupation: Petroleum Landman
    Race: White
    Religion: Jewish (conservative branch)
    Family "class" : Upper-middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Ending the Iraqi war as soon as possible.
    2. The economy (Ending current stagflation).
    3. Ensuring proper checks/balances in our system (no more blatantly conservative supreme court justices, keeping the executive branch from gaining too much power, and making sure a congress with a majority doesn't change the rules in the "middle of the game", ie: banning filibusters)
    4. Keeping church/religion out of government. I wouldn't even mind if it left the political arena all together.
    5. More financial fairness for all Americans and tax policies that would fit the bill.

    The front runner for my vote is: Barack Obama

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: Stance on the Iraq War and its call for more financial equality for all Americans.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Unrealistic financial plans and its too unorganized.

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: they tend to keep taxes lower.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: fear mongering, demonizing Democrats, and the neverending new justifications for remaining in Iraq.
  2. Oski2005

    Oski2005 Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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  3. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Member
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Social Libertarian, Fiscally Neutral (different situations..)
    Party Affiliation: None, did minor work for state level democrat and volunteerism for municipal level democrat
    Parent's party affiliation: Republicans turning more liberal by the day
    Age: 25
    Education: 4 yr degree (political science)
    Occupation: Personal Trainer
    Race: White
    Religion: None
    Family "class" : Lower-middle

    The 5 most important issues to me are: (no particular order)

    1. Separating Church and State
    2. Economic responsibility/awareness (read: watch dogging, job security, etc)
    3. Educational reform (read: more affordable, better public schools)
    4. Eliminating the Health Care Cartel
    5. Ending the war on drugs (read: remaking/eliminating current drug policies)

    The front runner for my vote is: Barack Obama

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: More civilized, rational thinking in terms of domestic policy and political strategy as a whole. More willing to adopt and craft ideas to move forward.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Until Obama came along, unwillingness to push forward with ideas if met with any opposition.

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: I dislike everything about the current Republican party, I could have said something nice about it pre-2000. But since then, good luck.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: How they play to the worst in our nature. Using wedges at every opportunity to make us hate and revile one another instead of searching for common ground.
  4. Drexlerfan22

    Drexlerfan22 Member

    Apr 6, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Good thread.

    I would describe my political ideology as: Moderate all the way.
    Party Affiliation: Registered Republican. Really wanted Arnold in office back in California.
    Parent's party affiliation: Mother is staunch Republican, Father doesn't care either way (immigrant from Australia)
    Age: 23
    Education: 4 yr degree (IT & HR)
    Occupation: Business Analyst (in Information Systems)
    Race: White
    Religion: Agnostic/Atheist
    Family "class": Middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Making sure religion has no say in government.
    2. Cutting government spending.
    3. Fixing the broke-ass social security system.
    4. Making retirement savings mandatory.
    5. Getting out of Iraq. Forget the moral implications... I'm just tired of spending tax dollars on something I consider unnecessary.

    The front runner for my vote is: Anyone but Hilary

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: The desire to stop Christian conservatives from imposing their rules on everyone.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: The fact that they think universal health care is going to work anytime soon.

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: I get to keep more of my money.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: Iraq. Again, not ideologically... financially.

    EDIT: I guess I didn't actually answer the question posed in the thread title.

    Basically, I got most of my conservative leanings from my parents. But my dad also taught me to question, well... everything. About a decade of Jesuit education gave me some of my more liberal leanings.
    #4 Drexlerfan22, Apr 19, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  5. plcmts17

    plcmts17 Member

    Nov 4, 2003
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Social Progressive
    Party Affiliation: Registered Democrat
    Parent's party affiliation: Practically everyone in my immediate and extended family votes Democrat
    Age: 37
    Education: 1 year JuCo
    Occupation: Risk Manager
    Race: Tejano
    Religion: Catholic
    Family "class": Middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    Iraq - too much cost in lives and my tax money!
    Enviroment - Killing the planet is more dangerous to the average person than any terrorist will ever be.
    Campaign and Political Reform - Make our elected officials more accountable to the only special interest group that matters: the voters.
    Economy - where to start?
    Education - Needs to be fixed from the ground up.

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: Their openess, willingness to comprimise.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Lack of consistent strong leadership

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: nothing

    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: divisive, fear mongering, hypocritical, more loyal to their party than what's in the best interest of their own country, they are republicans first americans second, demonizing those that don't share their view and so on and so on.
  6. Refman

    Refman Member

    Mar 31, 2002
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Fiscal Conservative, Social Moderate.

    Party Affiliation: Independent
    Parent's Party: Staunch Republicans
    Age: 34
    Education: Juris Doctorate
    Occupation: Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney
    Race: Caucasian
    Religion: Catholic

    My 5 most important issues:
    1. Getting a resolution in Iraq. We need to define what we want to accomplish, accomplish it and get out.
    2. Solving the energy crunch. We need to develop a true alternative fuel. While we are doing that, we need to find a way to ease consumers' pain at the pump.
    3. Using modifications to existing bankruptcy laws to effectively deal with the foreclosure crisis.
    4. We need to secure our borders, both north and south.
    5. We need to find a way to reduce our nation's debt without taxing the middle class into oblivion.

    Front Runner for My Vote: John McCain

    As for the political parties, neither of them actually gives a crap about what is good for the country. They all say whatever they think it is that will win the election. The difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party is what they believe they need to say. They are all sniping, opportunistic, grubbers. This goes for McCain...and yes people, even Obama.
  7. Drexlerfan22

    Drexlerfan22 Member

    Apr 6, 2002
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    Bipartisan systems FTL.
  8. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    New Deal Civil Rights Technocratic National Interest Constitutional Liberal

    Party: Dem
    Parents: Dad:Con all his life Mom:uninterested until about 15 years ago, now definite Con.
    Age: 46
    Ed: MA, US History
    Race: White Guy
    Religion: Methodist

    Five Issues:

    1. Restoring the balance between the three branches and rebuilding the Constitutional structure of our government.
    2. Iraq
    3. Environment
    4. Open government, including a full accounting of the last 8 years.
    5. Economic and budgetary competence and fairness.


    What I like about Dems: During the last century, my party has been right on the big issues, from labor to civil rights to science to the environment.

    What I don't like: The disarray and often weak leadership... but that's my party and it reflects the breadth and contradictions of America.

    What I don't like/like about Repubs: I don't like anything about the current loons running the party... people who choose to put party over country. Traditional Repubs offered a reasonably consistent con philosophy and were willing to compromise on behalf of the country. I also like a strong two party system. Either one can get carried away at times and the balance really needs to be there. Unfortuantely, we have an essentially unAmerican cabal running the current GOP and a bunch of weak-kneed types running the Dems. Real Repubs need to take their party back and Dems need to grow a spine or two.
  9. Drizno

    Drizno Rookie

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Seeing so many people believe in politics disgusts me. Not the people themselves per say, but the thought that people get manipulated by such a simple facade. Religion and politics are the exact same thing. They brainwash you. ANYONE who thinks that Obama or Hillary or John have their interests at heart... WOW. See you on Tuesday! :rolleyes:

    Anyone else watch the debates and just laugh at how every issue they bring up is falsely replied to? The issues themselves are a smoke screen to cover the true aspirations of the brain trust in power. And now they are using a variation of racism to continue to implement a structure that has existed for such a long time.

    And I'm sure the "Hillary campaign" is hating HDTV technology right about now. The polls, oh the polls!!! :eek:
  10. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Predominantly Libertarian, with interventionist foreign policy proclivities and a strong right to life bent
    Party Affiliation: Republican - because they have the best chance of keeping the Dem's out of office, and are the only major anti-abortion party
    Parent's party affiliation: Not strongly political, voted for Bush and plan to vote for Obama http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v113/ktflowerm/vomit_smiley.gif
    Age: 28
    Education: 4 yr degree (Computer Engineering)
    Occupation: Student
    Race: White
    Religion: Christian
    Family "class" : Middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:
    1. Abortion, and making it illegal.
    2. The Iraq war, and pushing on to victory.
    3. Taxes, and getting them as low as possible
    4. Spending, and eliminating as much of the government as possible.
    5. Liberty, and getting rid of controls on our freedoms to do things like do drugs, own guns, etc.

    The front runner for my vote is: McCain - though as a Californian my vote doesn't really matter. I probably won't even bother getting an absentee ballot. One of the perils of the electoral college system.

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: Um, the fact that they shoot themselves in the foot enough to somewhat counteract their economic pandering to the poor and big labor. I suppose their views (if not their policies) relating to alternative energy.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Pretty much everything else.
    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: they do their best to beat the Democrats, and they tend to nominate Supreme Court justices that are pro-life.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: their views on a lot of personal freedom issues (what you put in your body, who you have sex with, what you watch, etc.)
  11. Major Malcontent

    Dec 18, 2000
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    Far left liberal with some sympathy for some aspects of Socialism
    Party Affiliation: Registered Democrat
    Parent's party affiliation: Staunch Democrats
    Age: 37
    Education: In Progress (90 Collegiate hours)
    Occupation: UIS Operator/Full Time Student/Former Retail Manager
    Race: White
    Religion: Episcopalian but not a regular church attendee
    Family "class" : Lower-middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Ending the fear-state and restoring civil liberties/constitutional protections to pre 9/11 levels.
    2. Doing something about the slow slide of the middle class into poverty, and the marginalizing of vast segments of society into "one paycheck away from homelessness status". Protecting benefits and full time, permanent employment instead of using temps without benefits almost universally to maximize the bottom line.
    3. No more elective wars to protect the petroleum industry and military industrial complex.
    4. Stemming the tide of conservative aggressively partisan federal and Supreme Court Justices.
    5. Maintaining social programs for the elderly and destitute. Univeral or near universal health care.

    The front runner for my vote is: The Democratic Nominee
    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: Its unflagging support for social justice.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: Cowardice and too much compromise to get elected. (The current congress has done nothing but try to position itself for the Presidential elections)
    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: Not much to like about the neocons. Old school Republicans were at least fiscally responsible.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: Taking advantage of America's fear to put forth an agenda anaethema to American Ideals.
  12. Locke

    Locke Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Socially Liberal, Fiscal Conservative
    Party Affiliation: None. I worked on the HW Bush campaign in high school. I voted for Clinton enthusiastically and Gore with some reservations, and couldnt bear to vote for Kerry or Bush in 2004. I usually want a conservative Congress to counter a dem President, or vice versa. I sorta hate both parties.
    Parent's party affiliation: My mom is hard core NY born liberal. My dad is a Bush appointee and now works for a republican thinktank. They are divorced, in case you havent figured it out.
    Age: 33
    Education: MBA
    Occupation: Investment Banking
    Race: White
    Religion: not really....raised Catholic but disillusioned by sexual abuse coverup
    Family "class" : Upper-middle class to lower-upper class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Fix the AMT
    2. Come up with a realistic plan in Iraq
    3. Less govt
    4. Separation of church and state
    5. End the costly and useless drug war

    The front runner for my vote is: I see good and bad in all 3 of em. I was a huge McCain supporter in 2000. Obama gives me hope. Clinton is more likely than both of the others to actually do anything. The best part is that none of them are Bush. I'm embarassed he's from Texas.

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: they finally have some decent candidates
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: BUSH WAS SOOOO BAD AND YOU OFFERED US JOHN KERRY......please!!! Failures. Oh, and they'll probably bail out all the people who bought houses they couldnt afford. Screw them.

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: I like money
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: Self righteous hypocrites who put a moron in the White House.
  13. weslinder

    weslinder Member

    Jun 27, 2006
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    would describe my political ideology as: Classic liberal (I'm on a one man mission to revive the term.)
    Party Affiliation: I am a Republican precinct leader.
    Parent's party affiliation: Generally Republican.
    Age: 26
    Education: Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering
    Occupation: Process Control Engineer
    Race: White
    Religion: Christian (Unaffiliated Pentecostal Style)
    Family "class" : Upper-middle class

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. The National Debt
    2. (Related to #1) Keeping Medicare and Social Security from breaking the citizens
    3. (Related to #1) Ending the War in Iraq as soon as is safely possible.
    4. (Related to #1) Abolishing all of the Federal Government that should be banned by the reserved powers clause and the 10th Amendment.
    5. Abortion.

    The front runner for my vote is: Ron Paul, or will vote 3rd Party.

    The thing I like most about Democratic Party is: Current stance in Iraq, Clinton's job with the deficit, and that they fought for Constitutional values until Woodrow Wilson was elected.
    The thing I hate most about the Democratic Party is: That few since Wilson and probably none since Roosevelt have read the Constitution.

    The thing I like most about the Republican Party is: They say that they stand for lower taxes, smaller government, and a non-interventionist foreign policy.
    The thing I hate most about the Republican Party is: George W. Bush
  14. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Member
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    this is a great thread.

    and take note of the absence of some of the most outspoken members of the D&D forum... its no coincidence..
  15. Drexlerfan22

    Drexlerfan22 Member

    Apr 6, 2002
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    I don't wanna clutter up this wonderful thread too much, and I'm honestly not trying to attack you or be an ass... but I have to say, I don't usually see someone with that combination of views. It's just interesting.

    I'm perfectly fine with abortion, simply because overpopulation is a problem, and I don't think it's fair for a kid to have to be raised by someone without economic means. But I respect your opinion.
  16. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I would describe my political ideology as: Social Libertarian, Fiscal independent- meaning, I realize fiscal conservatism is a pipe dream strangled by subsidies, and therefore smart entitlements should protect the poor and uninsured.
    Party Affiliation: They all disgust me. Who I would('ve) supported: Bush Sr., Clinton, Dubya, Kerry, Obama
    Parent's party affiliation: normally Republican, though currently Democrat from disgust
    Age: 26
    Education: 4 yr degree (environmenal science)
    Occupation: Filing Clerk
    Race: Asian
    Religion: agnostic
    Family "class" : middle class living in rich SoCal

    The 5 most important issues to me are:

    1. Addressing deficit spending and the debt crisis with a solid road plan
    2. Resolving medical entitlements for the poor and elderly (they should get it without breaking the bank by blowing up profit driven incentives)
    3. Economical solution to the Iraq occupation.
    4. Restoring infrastructural needs such as education, highways, ports
    5. Environmental reform with market driven incentives
    #16 Invisible Fan, Apr 19, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2008
  17. StupidMoniker

    StupidMoniker I lost a bet

    Jul 18, 2001
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    It isn't hard to figure out if you come at it from the point of view of considering abortion the killing of another human being instead of something a woman is doing to her body.

    As for a kid having to be raised by someone without economic means, I would refer you to three alternatives to abortion: abstinence, contraception, and adoption.
  18. Drexlerfan22

    Drexlerfan22 Member

    Apr 6, 2002
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    I didn't say it was "hard to figure out" or "contradictory" or anything, just interesting/uncommon, from my experience (just in case that wasn't clear).

    You're preaching to the choir on abstinence and contraception. I absolutely think abstinence and contraception are the best solutions... the fact simply remains that some people are always going to be stupid as far as those things go.

    I guess we only disagree on the "sanctity of life" issue. You think of abortion as killing... I personally think a fetus doesn't know what the hell is going on, and so doesn't much care if it's snuffed (and again with the overpopulation issue). But I certainly see where you're coming from. It's an issue two intelligent people can agree to disagree on. Just different priorities.
  19. Jeffster

    Jeffster Member

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Would a newborn infant "know what the hell is going on" if you suddenly sucked him or her up into a high-powered vacuum cleaner?
  20. Major Malcontent

    Dec 18, 2000
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    Yes, because the instant an egg is fertilized its EXACTLY like a newborn infant.

    In fact so is a sperm, its a potential life. So the next time ya'll choke your chicken be sure and put the little swimmers on life support.

    Otherwise you are a MURDERER!!!

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