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What move would you have made at the trade deadline

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by wizkid83, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. wizkid83

    wizkid83 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I want specifics and not just "get a playmaker". Look at the deals made around the tradeline and use that as the basis to what it would take. It's easy to bash Morey, but I want to see what real moves we could've realistically pulled off a the deadline.

    For example:

    The Suns used 2 young players and a higher pick for MCW to get half of a season of Brandon Knight before needing to pay him big. I think if we offered TJ, NOP pick + another first and all the second round picks we've used in the lateral moves and the deadlines, we'd be able to get BK. Given what it took to get him and his age, I felt this was a reasonable trade even if we have to open up the check books later.

    Given that we pretty much given away our 2nd round picks anyways, it really ends up being Jones + another first (likely/hopefully protected and low). This is a deal you do given Harden and now Howard's window.
  2. a711

    a711 Member

    Jan 31, 2015
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    The Bucks have been better all season with BK on the bench than on the court. BK doesn't move the needle. TJ is going to be good, we can sell high on him later.
  3. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    I woulda ponyed up for IT...

    Phx got Cavs first in 2016 and Thornton...

    I figure 2015 NY 2nd is equal to Cavs 2016 1st rd pick...
    Offset Thornton with TJ and JT (add NJohnson if desired)
    toss in the 2 2nds we dished for Prigioni if needed...

    IT would have been a better addition than Prigioni this year, and his contract going forward is gonna be peanuts with the cap increase...
  4. roflmcwaffles

    roflmcwaffles Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Never overpay a mediocre talent with a massive contracts. We would have to give up talent and overpay for a role player for what?

    No one traded would have put us over the top without a healthy Dwight and with a healthy Dwight we may be good enough already. Why risk big for very little possible return.

    If there was a player like that you pull the trigger I just didn't see on personally. Had dwight been healthy all year looking strong maybe you make a move for a half season dragic or bk rental, with that all up in the air you don't.
  5. meadowlark

    meadowlark Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    No bashing here...in fact, just atta boys. The price was too steep for Dragic plus he would have been only a rental here.

    The one guy I wondered about was DJ Augustine and I'd be willing to bet Morey tried to get him but he was caught up in the multiteam trade.

    Getting KJ and Prige were excellent moves for the price.
  6. FTW Rockets FTW

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Kanter and DJ, OKC got a steal.
  7. Rocket2008

    Rocket2008 Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Any guard that we could've put next to Harden or replace Terry as the ball handler off the bench.
  8. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    I would've liked Morey to go after Brandon Knight. I didn't think he was on the trading block, but apparently he was. I have a sneaking suspicion the reason we didn't go after him is not because of the asking price of the Bucks, but because he's a restricted free agent this offseason and Morey doesn't think he's worth "star money" much the way he concluded that about Parsons.
  9. ksny15

    ksny15 Member

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Jarret Jack is the one move I would have made if I was Morey
  10. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    I wanted him to do that too, but I am not sure if Morey was even interested. Even if he was, BKN might have given him a very hard time.
  11. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Since Dragic would have only been a rental and since Lawson wasn't actually available, I would have liked to acquire Brandon Knight. Unfortunately, it would have been hard to beat a package of Michael Carter-Williams, Miles Plumlee and Tyler Ennis. It would have been especially hard to beat that package without including DMo and the NOP 1st.

    And, while I like Brandon Knight, he's (at best) a few years away from really putting us over the top. He's too tunrover prone* - even moreso than MCW, if you can believe it.

    So like I said in the "Day After" thread, I'm OK with not making a big trade for a PG.

    *One weakness for the Bucks this season has been turnovers. The Bucks have the third-most turnovers in the NBA on the season, and while the stats show MCW turns the ball over more per game than Knight, when put on the level playing field of Turnovers per 100 Touches, it's Knight at 6.3 who commits more turnovers than Carter-Williams at 5.5.
  12. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    Isn't Jack signed for 2 more years? If so, I'll bet that's why Morey didn't pursue him. It affects flexibility in 2016.
  13. ApolloRLB

    ApolloRLB Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Last year is only guaranteed for $500k so it would not affected our 2016 FA pursuits.

    I agree Jarrett Jack would have been a good fit.
  14. Bezzle

    Bezzle Member

    Jul 13, 2012
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    Well said here. Most people should remember that we have to play even faster right now to compensate for Dwight being out. So once he returns and the game slows down, we'll be better sooner than later. No need to lease our future for a temporary hole plug.

    (*knock on woods looking at turnover ratio*)
  15. Mkieke

    Mkieke Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I 100% agree with everything in this post. PHX essentially gave away a Top 10 pick, Plumlee & Ennis for Knight. The Pelicans pick is not anywhere near the Lakers in terms of potential, but I suspect if you added DMo (obviously better than Plumlee & Ennis), one of our young guards, and maybe a 2nd, you get the deal done. However, that package + paying Knight $15 MM per was too steep of a price unless you think he's the final piece.
  16. The Stig

    The Stig Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I would've either hijacked the Mo Williams deal or try to bring Brandon Knight in.

    I think keeping the NOP pick was a good move on our part. No way would anyone give up that pick for a 6 month Dragic rental. I am confident that Morey can draft a stud SF or C in this upcoming draft.

    Flexibility is the key thing here and with Dwight's ongoing injury problems, I like to keep my options open.
  17. CertifiedTroll

    Feb 1, 2012
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    I would have traded for Brandon Knight. I would give Hinkie whatever it costed to give the Bucks MCW. I think Knight is very very good at a young age. I would match whatever cost it would take as a RFA.
  18. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    We could not get Brandon Knight.

    Look at that trade and realize who valued what.

    The Bucks clearly valued MCW MORE than a top 10 draft pick, because they redirected that pick there in order to get MCW. We have no one of that value.

    The 76ers got a top 10 draft pick.

    The NOP pick and TJones for example is not more valuable than a potential top 10 pick, especially to the 76ers who have no interest in average-above average rotational players. They want picks and they want to lose.

    We had no way to replace the Suns in that 3 team trade to end up with Knight.

    The way everything unfolded, I personally would have tried hard to pry Jarrett Jack, but perhaps the Nets weren't willing to move him when they didn't trade Lopez. Morey did say on the radio that what other teams did impacted what he could do, so perhaps that was one deal that disappeared? I don't know.
  19. wizkid83

    wizkid83 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Was hoping for a little more depths here but I'll do it for you.

    I think to do this deal for the Rockets you'd probably have to give up DMO + our NOP pick. I don't think DMO is at the same level as RJ but our pick is a little better. Once again, I would've thrown in the 2nd rounders to sweeten it.

    I'd probably make the move given our current "depth" now at PF.
  20. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    Trading for Thomas was really the only feasible option. Maybe the NYK 2nd + something else? Obviously Morey didn't think losing assets and tying up the Rockets cap was worth it for IT.

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