American Libertarianism is a nothing more than a bunch of Panglosses trying to convince poor people their lot in life is fine
American Libertarianism is a punch of Panglosses trying to convince poor people their lot in life is fine
"American Libertarianism is a punch of Panglosses trying to convince poor people their lot in life is fine" this is an ignorant statement
It's a statement that rings true for any self labeled American libertarian suddenly discovering introspection skills.
Why you posted what I bolded is a mystery to me. It is also absurd, with all due respect, although pointing that out may have been your intent. Do you want a modern example of Fascism? Look at Orban's Hungary and what he is doing there. Look at Erdoğan's Turkey. Look at what he's attempting to do there. Both are modern examples of Fascism. Both are not "cute" uses of a phrase like, "Now it just means 'a person who has a more conservative opinion than me which I disagree with'." trump admires men like Erdoğan, Orbán and, yes, Putin. Fascism exists in today's world and there are those who would have it here.
Industrialized nations are all walking closer anf closer to turn-key authoritarianism that this debate should be an ever present gut check. Things like terrorism, mentally ill lone-wolf mass shooters, covid, and riots mobilized by social media play a heavy security threat among politicians to the point where the easy answer is to reduce civil liberties while surveiling everything and everyone. Then you have rapid computerization making it easier to process that info in the billions where a leader is a fool for not taking advantage. On the other end, our social institutions are in decay from the lack of public participation and follow through. Fascists and radicals might be scary, but they actually do something about their gripes. We are mostly preoccupied with our own well being and made a personal calculation that it isn't worth the stress, trouble, or payoff to give back to the civil process. This rot and lack of accountability filters back to the top and a vicious cycle remains. Governments and nations are not eternal. They're made by mortal people with small lifespans. We model many things from Rome as a reference but even Rome fell throughout its chaotic cycles. How facism comes to be will be simple. A division is split amongst ourselves. It doesn't have to be perfect. An idea comes that the other side is so "evil" and devoid of their common humanity, that they are beyond compromise or even talking to normally. If the split is even, there is gridlock and further decay. If the split is overwhelming, then you get segregation and a downward spiral leading towards sterilization and genocide (or whatever Native Americans are feeling right now). At that point, you can ask yourselves whether that's facsism or not. I hope im the guy that says it isn't!
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3]
No there isn't. That would imply the left wants a strong social hierarchy based on traditional values at all costs even at the expense of individual liberty. That sounds like leftists? They want a strong social hierarchy based on traditional values?
Far-left politics, also known as the radical leftor extreme left, are politics further to the left on the left–right political spectrum than the standard political left. The term does not have a single, coherent definition; some scholars consider it to represent the left of social democracy, while others limit it to the left of communist parties. In certain instances—especially in the news media—far left has been associated with some forms of authoritarianism, anarchism, communism, and Marxism, or are characterized as groups that advocate for revolutionary socialism and related communist ideologies, or anti-capitalism and anti-globalization.
What do you think "fascism" is, is basically nothing you think it is. "Oh look t my libertarian things!" So have fun with that, You seem to be a very silly person. And you are competely full of **** on these regards, just by the way.
All these labels that I never bother to fully differentiate. All I know is maga folks are bad for this country bc if they get riled/triggered enough by conservative progranda they will do something worst than Jan 6. I have yet to see any other political alignment on the opposite spectrum do something that treasonous. Everybody always like to define each other something but it's quite subjective. A progressive in this country wouldn't b considered one in Europe, etc, etc.
I think fascism is what Mussolini said fascism is, which is the first poll option. The rest were intentionally silly, because those are clearly not fascism, despite what some of our fellow posters might think.