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What is CD thinking??

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by baller4life315, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    I really don't understand the direction Carroll Dawson is trying to put this team in. From the summer, up until now, our roster moves have been dreadful.

    1) We trade away two #1 picks and Glen Rice for John Amaechi and a $5 mill trade exception. This trade itself is TERRIBLE. Absolutely terrible. Regardless of the fact that we signed Jim Jackson right after. We could have gotten a lot more for Rice's expiring contract.

    2) Eddie Griffin is too talented to give up on. I know the guy is a headcase but eventually he is going to get everything together and come back to being a basketball player. After all we gave up to get him, it seems stupid to give up on him so quickly. Now New Jersey is going to get the player they originally drafted ALONG with the three #1 picks we gave up originally.

    3) Trading away our back up PG and reserve center for a 33 year old, overpaid Clarence Weatherspoon. Moochie hasn't played well the past 2 seasons, I won't argue that BUT is it really worth disrupting the chemisty in our backcourt (Francis, Mobley, Moochie being best friends) just to bring in a garbage player like Spoon? Generally, the purpose of making a trade is to upgrade. Spoon is no upgrade over anybody we presently have at both forward positions.

    Which brings me to my next point....

    4) Cutting Alton Ford. Why? He has played well in the limited time given. So what does CD do? He goes and makes a trade for Weatherspoon so he can now have Ford's minutes. I understand the "point" of cutting Ford was to make room to possibly sign Charlie Ward but I would MUCH rather have a young player with the potential Ford has at least on the roster (IR) than to not have him at all.

    (In case you are forgetting. Ford had about as much hype coming out of his "one and done" career at Houston as another "one and done" player we all know pretty well - Eddie Griffin.)

    PF is arguably our biggest weakness and here we are cutting two young project players.

    5) Dawson has done next to nothing to give this team depth. Thus far, we have been VERY lucky not to have any of our players get injured, but let's be serious...it's going to happen eventually. Which obviously means we have to turn to our bench, the bench I consider among the worst in the NBA.

    Let's take a look at our bench:
    PG-Mike Wilks - No offense to Wilks but if Francis went down (God forbid), do you REALLY think this guy can fill in his place? Charlie Ward could, so I really hope we can get him to come here. If we get Ward then we are okay at PG.

    SG-Eric Piatkowski, Adrian Griffin - Piatkowski has really failed to provide much of an impact off of the bench and in my opinion, doesn't look very comfortable out there with the offense we run. And Adrian Griffin hasn't even played in a game yet. Imagine one of these guys playing Mobley's minutes if he went down.

    SF-Bostjan Nachbar, Scott Padgett - To say both of these guys are bad would be puting it nicely. As of now, there isn't much doubt in my mind we got a huge bust in Nachbar. Padgett isn't physical and couldn't defend a mailbox out there. So what does he do when he gets in the game? Shoots the ball and contributes to our dismal team FG%.

    PF-Mo Taylor - Thinking of our backup at PF, I can breath easily...for now. With some consistency, Mo probably could become a legit 6th Man of the Year candidate. I don't care if he's overpaid, he can score and in my opinion has improved on his weaknesses - rebounding and defense.

    C- On the current roster, we don't even have a backup for Yao. (Aside from flip flopping Cato, obviously)

    1) Dawson needs to bring in a PF that can either start right away or share minutes with Taylor. Cato needs to be moved back to backing up Yao and playing SOME minutes at PF. Quite simply, he isn't quick enough to defend other PF's and is much better suited playing his natural position.

    2) Get Charlie Ward. Mike Wilks as a backup guard just isn't going to cut it.

    3) Maybe make a trade to get us a real SF. Jackson is a good player but would be much better suited playing SG minutes.

    4) Sign/acquire frontcourt players so we have a full roster and so we can play the right players at the right positon. As it stands now, we have 12 players on our roster, 11 active.

    PG-Francis/Wilks (2)
    SG-Mobley/Pike/Griffin (5)
    SF-Jackson/Padgett/Nachbar (8)
    PF-Cato/Taylor/Weatherspoon (11)
    C-Yao (12)

    I understand this isn't all on Carroll Dawson's shoulders though. Les Alexander needs to wake up too and realize if he wants to win he can't be cheap. I know the reason we made the Rice deal was to avoid the luxury tax. However, by doing that Les has hamstringed us. This makes bringing in new talent difficult and costly. Just ask Minnesota what it's like to never have a first round pick in the draft.

    I really think this team lacks an identity. With an idetity comes an understanding. With an understanding comes confidence. With confidence comes consistency. With consistency comes wins.
  2. rickn

    rickn Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Lets face it, the Rockets suck big time.
  3. Rule0001

    Rule0001 Contributing Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    spoken like a truely ignorant fan.
  4. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    spoken like a truely ignorant fan.

    Ignorant?? How is anything I said ignorant?
  5. AMS

    AMS Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    actually not a bad post at all. Except for the part about the Moochie trade. Basically the solutions were well written I guess
  6. Rule0001

    Rule0001 Contributing Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    wasn't talking about you lol.
  7. sup123

    sup123 Member

    Dec 5, 2003
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    moochie had to be traded, he sucked. We end up saving money in the long run. Dont get me wrong, clearance probably cant play that good no more. But evertyihng else u said is right.
  8. Jeff

    Jeff Clutch Crew

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Does this REALLY require a new thread? Haven't we been over this in like 10 other threads?
  9. Rule0001

    Rule0001 Contributing Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    well jeff , ya got the final call on these threads :p

    nothing new though, just everyone venting frustration around here I think , even if it is repeated.....over........and over........and......over
  10. AMS

    AMS Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    hey jeff there are 2 coop threads, go for it
  11. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Sorry to waste your time then Jeff, I'm not on here 24/7 like some of you people. I just got so frustrated after watching the Detroit game I had to vent.
  12. BigRay

    BigRay Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    I agree with you baller, This is sicking....We lost Posey,Griffin,Norris,Terrance Morris,and Coach Rudy for Pike,Jackson,Weatherspoon,Padgett,Coach Van Gundy thats strange we got worst......in 1 year thats sux... we gave up on a 21 year old kid in Eddie Griffin, we trade a fan fav. in Norris for a FAT A** and we sign Scott Padgett!!! That PATHETIC CARROL DAWSON THATS HORRIBLE (in Bill Walton's voice)
  13. annthuyn

    annthuyn Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Okay this does not make any sense at all! Many of you guys whined, bashed, and complained about Mooch and Eddie.. and now you're saying saying that CD is pathetic? When we released Eddie, you guys said it was the right thing to do because he was holding our team back and when Mooch was traded, many posters were jumping for joy because he "dribbles too much, can't defend, can't score, commits too many turnovers and sucks." After the trade, everyone complimented on how Wilks played his role and laughed at NY for taking in Mooch.
    Now that we lost against the Pistons and you're frustrated, you're gonna bring this back up and complain?
  14. annthuyn

    annthuyn Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    *** ..now you're saying that CD is pathetic because he trade Mooch and let Eddie go?
  15. Rule0001

    Rule0001 Contributing Member

    Oct 25, 2003
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    lol, all too true.
  16. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    I've posted here like 3 times so you're talking to wrong person. If there's one thing i'm NOT, i'm not a hypocrite. I'll give credit where credit is due. I haven't been happy with the job the Rockets front offices have done since we drafted Yao hence the post.
  17. annthuyn

    annthuyn Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    I wasn't really directing it to you. I just said "you guys" because there are other people complaining about this too.
  18. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    We should have kept Steve Patterson.

  19. aries323

    aries323 Member

    Oct 8, 2002
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    Steve Patterson was the man.

    And I'm really happy we got rid of Moochie Norris. :D
  20. TheRockets#1fan

    Oct 28, 2003
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    We have the WORST owners in the nba. I would rather have Donald Sterling from the clippers as my owner. Guys I am like the biggest rocket fan ever. I am trying to become a billionaire just like Mark Cuban did so I can buy out the rockets. This team has made bad move after bad move. Resigning C.D for another 2 years I think was the biggest mistake ever in sports history. The only reason we won those 2 rings is because we had Hakeem Olajuwon and M.J. did not play b-ball those 2 years. Or else, we would have got knocked out after the first round every year. I really am interested in purchasing the rockets. This organization needs a brand new, fresh start from management from top to bottom. Hiring J.V.G was all hype. Why the heck would J.V.G hire Patrick Ewing when Moses Malone practically begged the rockets for him to teach Yao. Jeff is trying to turn the rockets into the Knicks team he once had from top to bottom. Look at all the coaches. Only Keith Jones our trainer exists on the rockets roster. Now all this talk about Ward coming to twon is a bunch of bull.... I would not want some old washed up player running my point. Why can't we find a Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, Steve Nash, Raul Lopez? Because our scouts are the worst in the history of sports. Jeff does not know a thing about offense. I would have gone after Carlisle or Larry Brown and emptied my wallet. Even Mike Dunleavy would have been nice. I would force jeff to hire some offensive coaches to strictly have creative offenses worked through Yao. Anyways, guys Do not waste your time and money watching these rockets play. Don't come to games at the toyota center. It is not worth it. This bulilding is nice, but wayyyyyy to expensive. Even though I am pretty financially wealthy, I would rather be watching some high school b-ball teams play ball. Why waste your money going to games when the rockets don't care about you fans. All Les cares about is filing those luxury suites. He is money grubbing. I wish you all well...

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