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What games have you played over the past year, and maybe even finished?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Nero, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. mateo

    mateo Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    Covid play list-

    100% PS4 Spiderman and all DLC. Enjoyable except for that one social media obsessed villain who was so annoying. Webslinging around Manhattan was pretty relaxing.

    100% Overcooked 1 + 2 - fun to play with the kids.

    55% through Horizon Zero Dawn, 64 hours in, sometimes I get lost in the hunting of stalkers and thunderjaws and forget the story for days. Very zen.
  2. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The rate for a 5* is only 0.6%, so it's not your bad luck haha (I got super lucky and pulled Jean in my third 10er).

    So what 4* characters did u get?
    Some of em are S tier so you can do a lot of damage with em, especially ones like Fischl, Barbara and Xianling.
  3. RC Cola

    RC Cola Member

    Jun 11, 2002
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    I tried to play Genshin a couple of days ago, but I think I hit every possible edge case that could delay me.

    1. I tried to play it via game streaming. GF Now doesn't have it (not on Steam or whatever), but I assumed Shadow would play it just fine. Nope. Apparently the devs have some anti-cheat mechanism in place that doesn't let you play on a VM. They did this with another game they did previously and I guess they fixed it eventually, so maybe that will happen again here. Shadow team might be able to do something too. Either way, can't play it right now. :(

    2. I installed it on PS4, then as I was logging in, I realized/remembered Sony is pretty dumb with some of their account stuff, and I can't share my save data to other devices. I'll probably play this mostly on PC (and maybe occasionally a phone), so I nixed the idea of playing this on PS4.

    3. I started it up on my phone, but I hate the touch controls. Figured out how to get my DS4 connected to my phone...only to find out that I guess gamepads don't (officially) work on the mobile versions yet. I don't want to invest a lot of time on the mobile version with these controls.

    I eventually got it running on my older gaming laptop, and I think it probably runs OK (maybe comparable to mobile version?). Don't really want to hook up my gaming PC again (that's why I use Shadow/GF now :p), so I might try playing it there for now. I'll try to give it some time either later today or later this week.
  4. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    I pulled Fischl, Barbara, Sucrose, and Noelle. The event raised the rates for the characters, so I need to farm more of those crystals to trade for the fates.

    Playing on PC because that's the best. Current party is Traveler, Fischl, Barbara, and Amber (only cuz Pyro is very useful). I mostly use Fischl and kite for headshots.
    Yung-T likes this.
  5. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The Fischl-Barbara combo is amazing, put an enemy in wet or electro status and then use the other to hit hard.
  6. boomboom

    boomboom I GOT '99 PROBLEMS
    Supporting Member

    Sep 29, 1999
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    These are great games to play with your kids. Although, our experience is that most rounds end up in all of us yelling at each other that we're not doing our job right. It's a lot of fun and is simple enough that younger kids have no problem playing and contributing...is just those harder rounds when space is at a premium or constantly moving.
  7. RC Cola

    RC Cola Member

    Jun 11, 2002
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    Finally got a good chunk of time into Genshin Impact. Just got past the part with Lisa (so close to where Duncan McDonuts was earlier I guess :p). I just summoned Barbara like 3 times in a row, which I guess is good since she seems like a decent unit, and maybe it was better to level up her constellation skills than have some random so-so units (Lisa, Barbara, Traveler, and whoever can probably get me pretty far I'm guessing?).

    I still have a lot to play before I get totally hooked into the game, but it definitely feels like a high quality game. Don't know what to think about the gacha mechanics at this point (always hard to gauge them so early in a game), but they don't seem too crazy relative to other games. The gameplay systems definitely seem simple to get into yet difficult to master, which is a good sign. I wasn't really sure how a game like this could be fun to play in the long run (due to sheer ignorance), but now I totally get it.

    Hopefully I'll get a bit more time to play over the weekend, though I'm guessing I'll still be enjoying it. :)
    Yung-T likes this.
  8. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Good to hear, hope you continue enjoying it.

    I'm still having a blast and today reached the second region, Liyue, which I guess is the China region whereas the first one was medieval Europe.
    This second region stepped the world design a lot and as a fan of Jade Empire (why have they never made a sequel :() I hope other devs look at this game and become more inspired for open world games. It's a lot more vertical, with mountains, rice field terraces and deep canyons.

    Only thing which I don't love about the game is that main missions require you to be at a certain adventure rank, so sometimes you need to grind the side missions or dungeons for a bit before progressing.
  9. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    I just got to Adventure Rank 15 and was able to ascend Fischl and Barbara. That combo seems to do well. Fischl main, spawn Oz, switch to Barbara to wet everyone and get super conducts, rinse and repeat. Also searched for a lot of Anemoculi using guides. Still no luck getting Venti, although I'm on that mission with him. All my primogems are going towards those fates for now. Using resin on the blossoms since I don't think I can spend them on dungeons yet.
    Yung-T likes this.
  10. RedRedemption

    RedRedemption Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    This thread reminds me of all the games I purchase just to 'collect' and fill up my backlog. I really need to power through these singleplayer games lol.
    Yung-T likes this.
  11. K-Low_4_Prez

    K-Low_4_Prez Member

    Dec 25, 2011
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    Tell me about it i went thru a PS2 collecting kick when covid started... Got about 60 games in a couple months and yet still find myself coming home from work and hoping on Warzone.
  12. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    I would never do this until I got on Steam a few years ago. Then one year, the winter sales hit and I noticed I was just wasting money on games I'll probably end up never playing because something better would catch my eye. I've got games I bought in 2009 I haven't played. lol. Luckily I've throttled myself since then. Nowadays, I have to fight off the urge to buy "Early Access" garbage. Even something like Baldur's Gate 3, which I know I'll eventually buy, I'm going to wait. No way I'm paying anybody to beta or alpha test.
    RedRedemption likes this.
  13. RedRedemption

    RedRedemption Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    Baldur's Gate 3 is too tempting.
  14. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    @Yung-T I finally pulled Venti tonight after 80+ wishes. I gotta admit I've been grinding quite a bit. I've unmapped all of Liyue and am working on exploring/finding all Geoculi. AR29 for now. My team is Fischl main, Barbara as the healer, Noelle as the tank, and Venti as utility.
    Yung-T likes this.
  15. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Had family who played this. He recommends it. Has resemblance to Zelda: Breath of the Wild. A treat for those who never had or played on the Switch.
    RC Cola likes this.
  16. TimDuncanDonaut

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Loved Horizon, that's one of the few games where I did all collectables and side story missions.
    don grahamleone likes this.
  17. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I'm also AR29 and around the same exploring as you, but no luck with getting Venti. :(

    A friend of mine pulled Venti and Keqing, the luck is with him.
  18. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    Horizon Zero Dawn (best game I've ever played bar-none), Titanfall 2 (short but great game play/graphics/story), Yakuza 0 (felt like a waste unless you're really into reading the story and repetitive fighting sequences), Metal Gear Solid V (pretty good, somewhat short.. had to look up how to beat lots of it), Dragon Age Inquisition (why is this a game?)
  19. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    So I checked Genshin official sources and found this:
    >6. Does pity carry over in limited banners?
    >Yes they do carry over. If you ever have excess primogems, it is highly recommended that you spend it on the limited banner. Also, if for example, you’re on 179 pulls for the current limited banner,and if ever the limited banner switches, it will still guarantee you the rate up character that is featured on the limited banner.

    So if you're close to 90, you should wait for a banner with a featured 5* you definitely want.

    There's a dataleak that's so far pretty accurate, if you want to plan ahead:

    The 5* female in banner 4 is apparently Ayaka, who was available in the beta and is a neat cryo character.

    RC Cola likes this.
  20. Duncan McDonuts

    Nov 4, 2008
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    F. That's rough.
    I saw the banner was expiring soon and I already had about 11 pages of no 5 stars, so I had to grind to get that guarantee soon. I admit I spent $5 on the Blessing of the Moon but I've had my share of entertainment these past couple of weeks.

    The subreddit says everyone hits a wall after the mid AR30s, so not looking forward to that. But I read there's a big patch coming next month that might address things.

    The game is pretty enjoyable so far. It has that Breath of the Wild feel and kind of a Xenoblade Chronicles 2 vibe with the gacha/blade system and changing between them. Thanks for the recommendation.
    Yung-T likes this.

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