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Weightlifting Routines

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by Stone Cold Hakeem, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. Stone Cold Hakeem

    Oct 26, 1999
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    I know thacabbage started a similiar thread several weeks ago the search functions disabled and I ain't pagin' the hangout to find it.

    Simple question: what is your routine and what are your goals (in the gym)?

    I typically go 3x a week and alternate between one day of Clean & Press (Single reps, 4 sets) and Dumbell Flat Bench (5 reps, 4 sets) and one day of Deadlifts (Single reps, 4 sets) and Dumbell Incline Bench (5 reps, 4sets). I typically add 5 pounds to each exercise every week as long as I can maintain excellent form.

    I settled on the routine after reading Dinosaur Training (and also because I enjoy it). It has been excellent for building mass and strength.
  2. Mr. Brightside

    Mar 27, 2005
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    I go 6x a week. Spend the first hour doing cardio, next 45 minutes doing weights.

    Bench- 2X a week (4 sets, 5 reps)
    Incline bench-2x a week (4 sets, 11 reps)
    Lateral bech- 2x a week ( 4 sets, 11 reps)

    Inclinded pushups-6x a week (3 sets of 35 pushups)

    Lat pulls- 3x a week, (3 sets, 11 reps)
    Reverse flies- 4x a week, (3 sets, 7 reps)
    Curls-3x a week (3 sets, 11 reps)

    Standing Calf Raise- 3x a week (3 sets, 11 reps)

    I do a bunch of weighted situps using the swiss ball as well. My goals are lean muscle mass instead of bulk. My workouts are intense, and I feel like passing out every time I finish.
  3. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I go to the gym 2.5 times per week and if I were to give the specifics of my workout anyone who attempted to duplicate it might very well explode.
  4. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    I go 5X a week right now:

    Day A:
    Chest - 12 total sets, 6-10 reps
    Biceps - 9 sets, 6-10 reps

    Day B:
    Back - 5X5 deadlift; 7 sets of other assorted back
    Triceps - 9 total sets, 6-10 reps

    Day C:
    Legs - 5X5 squats, other assorted leg exercises
    Shoulders - 12 total sets, 6-10 reps

    This is the routine I'm on right now, but I would highly recommend HST for anyone trying to gain mass.
  5. rrj_gamz

    rrj_gamz Member

    Aug 15, 2002
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    I do anywhere from 5 - 7 times a week...Depends on work...

    1) Chest (4 exercises 10-8) and Triceps (2 exercises 10-8), abs and 30 Minutes of Running

    2) Back (4 exercises 10-8) and Biceps (2 exercises 10-8), abs and 30 Minutes of Eliptical

    3) Shoulder (4 exercises 10-8) and Triceps (2 exercises 10-8), abs and 30 Minutes of Bike

    4) Legs (4 exercises 10-8) and Biceps (2 exercises 10-8), abs and 30 Minutes of Running

    I just changed my routine from an all body parts workout everytime and I'm sore...You have to change it up every couple of months...The 10-8's come from the Texans workout routine I read up a coupe of years ago...I am trying to squeeze in a cardio class called Sports Nut run by this former NFL player...Its on Wed. nights, but man, that's my HH time...;)
  6. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    i don't have a routine. just work out what and when i feel like it.
  7. rodrick_98

    rodrick_98 Member

    Oct 26, 2000
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    i didn't read hst, but does it recommend chest/bi & back/tri? i've heard from multiple sources that chest/tri & back/bi is the way to (its also the routine i use). the thinking with this is that chest and tri at push muscles, back and bi are pull muscles.

    oh and i go 3/4 times a week for 70-90 minutes depending on the workout that day, plus usually minimum of 20 cardio but usually 30-40 minutes.
  8. gucci888

    gucci888 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Bicep Curls: 3 Sets 10-12 Reps
    Tricep Extensions: 3 Sets 10-12 Reps

    Chest (Bench Press or Dumbell Incline): 3 Sets 10-12 Reps, Burnout Set of 20 reps or however many I can do.

    Back (lat pull): 3 Sets 10-12 Reps
  9. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    You're right in that the orthodoxy is chest/tri (pushing) and back/bi (pulling) splits, but I follow the chest/bi, back/tri school of thought. I do this because, for instance, if you've just finished working out chest, you can't work triceps to their full capability because they've been exhausted in complementing the chest workout, and same with back/bi and vice versa.

    As far as HST, it's a full body workout with only 2 sets per muscle, increasing the load and # of reps throughout the course of the program to stimulate growth. I highly recommend it.
  10. fba34

    fba34 Member

    May 24, 2001
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    4 times per week. chest n tri, legs, back n biceps and shoulders. i usually do shoulders at home with a set of dumbells.
    i try to change my routine but always do dumbell presses for chest, squats for legs, n deadlifts for back.
    i love my workouts, its the nutrition part of the whole deal that i just cant be bothered with.
  11. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    are you lifting all of those days? if so, man you're recovery time is far superior to mine.

    only asking because in the last six months or so i've gone down from lifting 3 or 4 times a week to only twice and my gains in muscle mass are the most they've been in a while. i think my body really responds to getting at it hard for a couple days and just doing cardio on the other five.

    edit: i just looked through the HST website. interesting stuff. i'm going pretty well right now but i'm sure i'll look into this in the future.
    #11 BigM, Aug 10, 2006
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2006
  12. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Yea, I'm lifting all 5 of those days. I have no idea why I do this, though. Like you, I made my most gains lifting 3 times a week, and keeping the total reps and sets wayyyy down.

    I guess I can't stand not being in the gym for 4 days, even if its counterproductive, as dumb as that sounds.
  13. thirdcoastTXpulse

    Oct 26, 2004
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    Right now I'm on a 4-day split, 2 on 1 off....chest/biceps; quads/hams; shoulders/triceps; back/calves. I do abs 2-3 times a week and limit my workout to focus on a few muscles. I get better results and hit them with more intensity. I also keep my lifting time to no more than 1 hour to keep my body from going catabolic and sustaining optimum GH levels. I do cardio afterwards, unless I wake up early for the "first thing in the AM" burn. I also hate the talkers in the gym, and the used car lot salesmen...ahem, trainers. I should mention I'm focusing on body fat % first and foremost.

    P.S. Good stuff cabbage.
  14. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    yeah, i know what you mean. when i initially started working out i was super skinny and when i began to put on muscle i feared i would lose it if i didn't go everyday, so i went 4 or 5 days in a row. that was a few years back. now that i know better i do a good job of keeping away and filling the other time with running or something else. it also helps that i'm actually making gains staying away from the gym.

    have you ever tried bodyweight excercises? when i wake up on days i don't go lift, i do squats, push-ups, and various other bodyweight routines found here. i just got into it but it's a great workout.
  15. Gutter Snipe

    Gutter Snipe Member

    Jul 30, 2001
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    I'm doing squats, leg presses, and hamstring curls every Monday.

    Starting this Friday, I'm going to add in deadlifts.

    Thacabbage, is 5 x 5 five sets of five reps?

    Right now I'm doing 3 sets of 10 for the squats and leg presses. I wouldn't want to up my poundage for the squat if I needed to do that for the 5 x 5 - I'm doing free squats so I'm being very conservative.

    What are the benefits of 5 x 5?
  16. fadeaway

    fadeaway Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    I clicked on this thread specifically for the one-liner jokes that I was sure to find inside, only to find the cupboard bare. Where are A-Train, moe, thadeus or Another Brother when you need them?
  17. Nashvegas

    Nashvegas Member

    Jan 16, 2001
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    I'm not sure the proper term, but i recently started doing 3 sets, 1st set 10 reps, then increasing the weight and doing 8 reps for the second set, then increasing the weight again and doing 6 reps for the 3rd set.....then i'll do 4 exercises for 2 specific muscle groups.

    I just started doing this last week, but i read it "tricks" your muscles when you change weights. not sure about all that, but i've noticed i'm sweating more when lifting, so I'm going to stick to it.

    also, for those people who hate going to the gym and prefer working out at home...i purchased the bowflex dumbells and bench last month....best money i ever spent. I've dropped 10 pounds. it comes with a dvd that shows the proper way to lift with dumbbells and get the most out of them. i was amazed at how i was doing most exercises incorrectly, or cheating.
  18. macalu

    macalu Member

    May 19, 2002
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    you mean like swinging your arms for momentum while doing a barbell curl? yea, i crack up anytime i see guys doing that.
  19. Master Baiter

    Master Baiter Member

    Jul 6, 2001
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    Or almost anything with the back. Lat pulls or rows. When I see someone using their body weight to help pull it back I just shake my head.
  20. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Gutter snipe - Yes, 5X5 is 5 sets of 5 reps. The benefit is that generally speaking, the 3-5 rep range is for strength building, as opposed to the 6-10 which is for mass building. I use this for the core lifts of squat and deadlift.

    Nashvegas - What you're talking about is called 'pyramiding'.

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