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Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Miggidy Markell, Jul 31, 2002.

  1. Makaveli

    Makaveli New Member

    Aug 1, 2002
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    Sirhangover, I agree with everything you said in your post. That's exactly how they act. I mean look at that poster who says that the best thing about this BBS is the presence of Doc and Popeye... I don't even know what to say to that, it's crazy.... Clutch and his crew NEVER act the way those guys do. They can, but they don't. If the "information" you have is so confidential that you have to turn it into a riddle, why post it? Why jeopardize the team? Could you imagine if Clutch started to turn everything he knew into a riddle? And giving the guy credit for predicting the Rockets would pick Yao Ming?? Please. That was so damn obvious.
  2. Gypsy

    Gypsy Member

    Sep 29, 2000
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    All I know is I have some small hope that either Doc Rock or Oilepere have posted some tidbit here.

    I like the riddles, they're better than nothing. And if I get frustrated, then I don't read them for a couple of days. Cyber attitudes are even less of a worry.

    I really don't see why people get upset about them. As far as riddles and attitudes go, if you don't like them, well, ignore them. It's not as if you'd recognize them walking down the street. Or that they're making inroads with your girfriend. Or they have bad breath and they tell you everything with their faces inches from yours.

    And if they're leaking something they shouldn't, I imagine the Rockets' brass will soon know who did it and put an end to it.

    Anyway, it seems they don't come around here much more, at least not this summer. And people are disappointed.
  3. Doc Rocket

    Doc Rocket Member

    May 16, 2000
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    " at the time I was merely saying their was no need for ego and this is just a bbs.. why give cryptic posts and all that?? why gloat..why state the obvious? "

    Ego? Obvious? You simply have no idea and I really don't care but I will RAP...err...wrap this up for ya real quick like, MAK!

    I don't 'predict' anything. All I pass on is what I hear. Now, if the people that tell me some of these things read this, do you think that these leaks will continue? Do you think that I'd be as stupid as you and post them verbatim? Granted, they don't teach this common sense in the schools but your mom and dad should have said something to ya about 'smarts' right? They're cryptic sometimes because the info is too precise. KInda like your home address ( That's cryptic but you'll understand soon enough! ;)

    Just for ego's sake Tupac....err...Mackevelli or Machiavelli depending on your artistic tastes, (Sorry, I had to use the correct spelling!) and the DRUNKONE, we'll lose one of our PF's by January. You want to know which one? Not gonna happen! Now, the funny thing is that I've known this for weeks but have said nothing. However, I know nothing about the LEWIS deal and have said nothing. The ego is where again?

    As for your idiotic statement about Clutch and his crew? I AM HIS CREW! Wanna see a crew in action? We can have a little fun with this?

    Now, my responses to this garbage are probably over! Not because it's a bad thread..I've liked reading it to feed my ego and all ( That's sarcasm for you MackeSMARTS!) but I just don't think you and that drunk dude spell well enough yet. Stay in the Cato threads! You'll be a god there if you can throw down some 'ALL EYEZ ON ME!'

    You think I hate 'idiotic' posts? You better re-read POPEYE'S stuff...he HATES stupid people. He's a little more mature than I am, thus he probably will not respond. His posts make me feel like I need to go learn something. His posts make you and boozehead look pre-natal!

    Enjoyed it MackeDrunk! I can't wait until thread heats up...and that address thing is gonna be good!

    By the way, uhh.....Mo Taylor and Kenny....

    "Shake 'em...."
  4. Another Brother

    Sep 28, 2001
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    tell'em how you really feel Doc!!!
  5. ron413

    ron413 Member

    May 29, 2002
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    <i>we'll lose one of our PF's by January. <i>

    Can we lose one this summer?
  6. Htownhero

    Htownhero Member

    Jun 29, 2000
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    That was the b!tch slap heard around the world.
  7. stopie

    stopie Member

    May 19, 2002
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    Doc, you're the main reason i visit this BBS. Not because i believe someone is giving you inside information. But because YOU'RE giving us inside information. Why else would Clutch place so much faith in you?
  8. courtside

    courtside Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Funny how "Makaveli" complains about how people act around here in the very first 3 posts since signing up 2 days ago.

    The guy is a moderator on the Raptors forum at RealGM and is notorious for talking out his @ss and doing the very thing he is complaining about here. He complains about people pulling the old "I know something you don't know" routine or saying things to feed their egos when that's about all he does elsewhere. He gets punked on RealGM and what does he do? He edits other people's posts or deletes the threads altogether.

    That's lame Mak... very lame.

    On a completely non-related subject... Doc Rocket - I tried to get ahold of oeilpere recently but haven't heard back. I was hoping one of you could email me as I have a Rockets question to ask that I'd rather not post publicly on the BBS - courtside@rogers.com
  9. markmadsen

    markmadsen Member

    Jul 8, 2002
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    I GOT IT!!!!

    I know what DOc is saying.

    "we will lose 1 of our pf by january"

    Thats EASY!!!!

    Its Mo Taylor.

    Its not kenny becuz teasm already know what kenny can do,however the rox will give mo a couple of months(till january) to show other teams he is back ,then we will trade his ass in a three way trade for Odom!!!!!
  10. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    Speaking for the more silent fans like myself that come here for Rocket news, regardless of the source, thanks Doc.

    Your pimpslapping of mackasmelly was overdue.
  11. bigboymumu

    bigboymumu Member

    Oct 15, 1999
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    Nope, I am an expert in decrypting the Love Doctor's riddles!(self-proclaimed)
    For example:

    1)Shake 'em up
    2) The decision has not been made on which pf is going to be traded.

    :D :D :D

    Then again, I have been wrong before!
  12. bigboymumu

    bigboymumu Member

    Oct 15, 1999
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    I second that!
  13. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    This is combined with a previous statement from Doc saying, "KT will not be traded this summer, for reason that I can't say."

    So, the reason is clear now. We can probably rephrase it to "KT will not be traded this summer, because mgmt does not know which PF they will trade, yet."

    btw Doc, can you find out what they will base their decision on? That's what I'm talking about WRT scooping what the coaches are thinking about the players/team. Are they going to want one to learn some SF? Are they still looking to use the PF in the wing ISOs and 24-high, or is that strategy past-tense (we hope) now that we have Ming. Are they looking for one who is best at playing without the ball?

    Not only do answers to those questions help us figure bette evaluate which one they'll choose as the games progress, but they also help us evaluate what we are seeing on the court to evaluate the team like the coaches would.

    You see what I mean, guys. Scooper deeper into the issue, if you can, makes us smarter fans. The trade decision can't all be based on who draws the most value back. Although, clearly MoT can be traded one-for-one for higher value, whereas KT would have to be packaged.

    We very well might pick the PF who fits the team better (not the better overall NBA PF), and right now, we do not know what a Ming offense team is like, so this is a lot of speculation. The coaches/players can tell us first. Knowing where Ming will be used in the offense will tell us a lot about what the PFs and SFs will do. What about defense? Can someone try to scoop that? It will help us figure out which PF is more likely to be traded in "January" (btw: why "January" instead of the trading deadline, Doc?)

    Doc...regarding the other remarks.

    I've met SirHangover personally. Long enought to get a fairly decent read of his personality. My take (if anyone cares) on what SirHangover said was exactly what you said. If your source doesn't want something repeated, you are going to guard that info; you do it cryptically, whereas he wouldn't repeat it. The logical extension to that (which is all he is saying) is what propels you to repeat it then, cryptically or otherwise. Clutch does not repeat anything that he knows is too premature. So obviously, what you are doing is emailing Clutch the news (like we've heard enough times) and then you get excited like all of us, busting at the seems, and posting cryptic messages because you enjoy posting on the board. That is what makes you and Pops so endearing to many of us, because we are like that, too.

    From what I've seen, you also wait to post to help settle controversial issues...which is awesome.

    Cryptic messages are good natured teasing from someone in the know. If you can't see that someone like Sir will read that as a personality of enjoying being the center of attention, you certainly aren't going to convince anyone otherwise who will make a judgement call like that, based on never meeting you.

    You like post threads that blow up with excitement..."This is fun."...you've said it. Nothing wrong with that.

    You post messages that your sources don't want repeated...you said that's why you post cryptically sometimes.

    Sirhangover said his personality would not do it that way. I respect both ways of doing it. Doing it as more of a humble reporter like Clutch is probably the right way to do it, but as a fellow bbs member bursting at the seams to tell fellow bbs members, so one posts hints and clues, stories out of the bat cave is great fun. It must be really fun to write.

    Sirhangover might be saying that one is better than the other. That's beyond the point. Sirhangover is correct in that there are two different ways to approach scoops.

    imo, Sirhangover is stating his respect for posting scoops the way Clutch, Almu, Rocket Rich NY, and Old School do. That's all.
    #73 heypartner, Aug 5, 2002
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2002
  14. tozai

    tozai Member

    Jun 4, 2001
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    What's up with that "KInda like your home address"

    Does anyone have an idea what that's about? All I can think of is when someone posted Cato's address, but I doubt that's it.

    About the PF's, I still think we'd trade KT, but I think mumu interpreted the Shake em up part correctly...
  15. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Tupac moved to Los Angeles. Oh boy, here we go again with the Odom scenarios. Tupac was originally from Oakland. So, GS is interested, maybe? Oh boy, here come the Jamison scenarios, or Dunleavy, or Ming to GS.

    Talk about "Something Old, Something New"

    I'm confused here. Why would two of the most oft-mentioned city names need to be protected with a cryptic comment??? You're just teasing us. Admit it. It is fun!!! Like being a game show host watching people try to guess the answer, leaving Clutch to clean up the mess of speculation left in your cryptic wakes by giving his "straight dope" reports.

    popeye says that stuff over and over without worry of giving up his identity. Doc, maybe if you wouldn't be so quick to say openly how inner circle you are, you would never be suspected more than popeye of being who you are. The brass would continue not caring about what they'd mark down as "educated guesses" and we'd going knowing in our wink-wink manner that you are the real deal since Clutch said so.

    What exactly would need to be protected regarding any trade idea with LA or GS, much less just naming the "home address?" Or NY for that matter, if this is about Tupac's battle town. These are the most speculated things around. How would your comment standout as something definitive enough to be fingered for leaking information that you were told not to leak?

    Are you trying to say giving out a name of a city is "too precise," Doc? Really?

    Or maybe what I'm guessing is way off base and "KInda like your home address" in the context of Tupac is not referring to a city. If that is true, then you are way too cryptic for anything concrete.

    hmmmm...either we have a needlessly cryptic comment where Doc could have said "There are still possibilities with GS or LA" without giving up his identity, or it is not a city reference, but rather a cryptic comment that is way too cryptic.

    hmmmm...I wonder what Sirhangover would think of this. ;)

    I love this speculation about the speculators. hehe
    #75 heypartner, Aug 5, 2002
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2002
  16. Moe

    Moe Member

    Dec 20, 1999
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    Some people have short memories. Okay, I sure do, but I can distinctly remember that our insiders were not in agreement as to the Rockets using the #1 pick on Ming. OP was saying that as far as he knew, the Rocks were going to trade the pick. TroyBoy (sorry!) assured us that since Stevie didn't want Ming, there was no way the Rocks would pick him. I can't remember for sure, but maybe Rockit!! also said he was hearing otherwise from people he knew.

    If SirHangup has some inside sources and is too cool to post them, oh well. Whether they pan out or not, it is much more interesting to read a post by someone who has some inside knowledge than someone saying how great Francis is or how crappy Cato is or how great Cato is or you get the picture.

    I never thought Doc was gloating per se. He had been challenged by other insiders as to his info. Clutch has other responsiblities to the BBS. He would post info differently than OP or Doc or Rocket!!! (I think he probably has a different style than Troy, too);)

    Anyway, this thread seems to have turned into a "Do you want these guys with inside info to keep doing what they have been doing?" I definately do, even though I haven't figured one of those cryptic thingies yet.
  17. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Well, you finally got smoked out, Doc. I think I may have figured out part of your "crypticism". (lol!)

    "KInda like your home address" logically refers to Makachumpy's place of residence... KIndergarten. Thank you. No applause necessary. :cool:
  18. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Why can't we just agree that leaks and cryptic leaks have their pros and cons and that you can't always have your cake and eat it too?

    In the long run, the board benefits from sometimes rare insights that sets it apart from the others. The point of a message board is to allow us to talk and speculate with other people who share common interests, and also to let us choose what we want to read. If anyone has a problem with something another person writes, he can always ignore it and move on. Petty insinuations diminish dialogue and might spoil the fun for others. It's a forum about Rockets basketball, and it should stay about basketball and not some soap box to rant on the latest pet peeve.
  19. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    shhhh....can't you see that we are trying to get more out of him. You have to create controversial situations to flush out Doc, whether it is the media doing it or this little BBS world in the big grand scheme of things.

    admit it...sirhangover got a response by tossing himself into the fire...he got not one, but two, new pieces of news before dying: one juicy msg out of Doc regarding trading a PF and a cryptic msg about a trade with LA or GS. Notice how Miggity Markel's humble prayers and pleading to the gods in the openning post did nothing.

    If we've learned anything from this thread, it is that you can get Doc to give up the info if you question your faith in him.

    He'll say, "You simply have no idea and I really don't care," like he always does, then strike you dead like the unbelieving peon you are for all to witness, but he'll then once again prove he is a BBS god by feeding the rest of the village with more info.

    It is kinda like maybe we should pass out straws on who sacrifices themselves next by questioning the word of The Doc. You know, we choose someone to hurl themselves into the volcano to appease the gods type thing.

  20. Sane

    Sane Member

    Jun 29, 2000
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    "Shake em up". Here are some things connected to this:

    - Tupac's hit, "hit em up"
    - The DREAM shake?
    - Shakin em up? Does that mean they'll both be gone?
    - Traded in January? Does this mean we're trading someone or FOR someone who can only be traded December 15th onwards?

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