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We need to buy/trade for more picks in this draft

Discussion in 'NBA Draft' started by basketballholic, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    The more I study the league, the salary cap increase, our team, and this particular draft I am convinced that we need to add one or two more second round picks from this draft and sign them all to 3 year deals with a 4th season team option using cap space.

    Especially if we can't sign Durant. We need to find and then sign long term the next Parsons-Draymond type player(s). That is to say a guy or guys that become a starter or top end rotation player from day 1.

    This draft has the depth to find at least one and maybe two of those guys. And with the cap at $94 million we should easily have enough cap space to sign 4 guys and still have enough space for any major signings we want to make.

    Not to mention in my opinion the best way to handle this summer free agency is if we don't get Durant to hold on to as much cap space as possible to be able to help teams complete imbalanced salary trades and free agent signings by taking on their expiring salaries for an additional asset or two.

    I believe we have around $2.96 million of cash to use in trade before the moratorium. That should be enough to buy at least one pick in the mid second. We could also make a trade for another second or we could use some of next years cash to acquire a player drafted in the second round after the moratorium.

    Too many rookies? Yeah I know the argument. But........not all rookies are created equal. And we know very clearly the type of players we've got to have. They've got to get up and down and shoot and finish or be a great playmaker.

    Take Kay Felder for instance. He is one of several players who are considered to be at their ceiling who is plug and play ready. Star potential? Maybe not. But......tell me....if we drafted him in the second and signed him to a 3-year deal with team option on the 4th season and we paid him roughly $3 million for 3 seasons with a $1.1 million option on year 4 where could we find better value than that for a backup point?

    Same thing holds true for Uthoff, Brogdon, Zagorac and several others. They are plug-and-play ready. And they have the skill sets we are looking for. I think you could build a nice bench out of this draft and maybe even find a starter out of the bunch that would fit our system and have all of them on the roster contributing for at least 4 seasons. Everybody I mentioned is just as good as many of the guys that will be taken in the first round and I wouldn't be surprised if any of them went in the first.
  2. fattz

    fattz Member

    Oct 27, 2009
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    So true, trade the non-MDA players and draft with multiple picks. It is just betters the odds of finding that one (maybe two) player(s) that make a differnace, while giving up a non- fits to do It. New coach = new players.
    Top of the 2nd is the place to be, team option minimum contracts just like you said. Boston and Bucks are our Huckleberries.
  3. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    If extremely curious on what Boston will do with all of their picks. They have stock piled so many and idk if there is realistically any star player available to trade them for.

    I see them trying some variation of the following: trade a couple to move up, trade for quality players on quality contracts, trade for future picks, draft stash players.

    Obviously there is no telling what they decide but I think there only hope is for Cleveland to trade love and idk if they will now.
  4. rpr52121

    rpr52121 Sober Fan
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    It's likely going to be tough to do though. Most teams have long identified this draft class as valuable because it is deep with potential rotation players who will be on cheap contracts past the next cap increase in 2017 and future CBA changes to rookie contract structures based on the cap increases.

    Only teams with way too many picks already are likely going to be targets to buy some (e.g. Boston).
  5. ch44

    ch44 Member

    Nov 5, 2007
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    Not true at all. Teams will sell picks and get out of the draft completely if their guy isn't there. Especially late in the second round.

    Houston is actively trying to pick up multiple late second round picks. Expect them to pick up either 51, 53, 56, or 58 depending on how the draft plays out.
  6. rpr52121

    rpr52121 Sober Fan
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Yes, generally that is true, and sure there may be a few of those this year.

    However, my point is just that I think there will be fewer teams selling this year because young players on rookie contracts this year will be such a bargain compared to Rookies next years because the CBA will be renegotiated.

    Also, with the cap jumping this year and next, fewer teams will "need" that cap space immediately.
  7. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Picks are less valuable after they are used, and there are a lot of teams that are trying to turn that corner from annual draft talent stockpiler to playoff caliber. Teams like Utah for example, who is rumored to be trying to trade the 12 th pick for a veteran.

    But I do think it's a little ironic that if class has been long coveted, why do the hell don't we have our 1st round pick?
  8. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Because Little Nit Wit wanted to go to the playoffs and get blasted.
  9. theDude

    theDude Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    ESPN’s Chad Ford: Suns could trade out of NBA Draft lottery for younger vet

    Maybe there is an opportunity to do this.

  10. rullrich

    rullrich Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rockets GM Daryl Morey said moving into the first round of the NBA Draft via trade is durable.<br>&quot;I think it will... <a href="https://t.co/W6KvvbpMdQ">https://t.co/W6KvvbpMdQ</a></p>&mdash; Calvin Watkins (@calvinwatkins) <a href="https://twitter.com/calvinwatkins/status/745317816132198403">June 21, 2016</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

    Unless its a lotto pick or part of a larger trade I see little reason to try and move into the first round. Doubtful anyone outside the top 6 picks gets enough meaningful minutes on this team to make any difference.
  11. Hoothrewpoo

    Hoothrewpoo Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    just want to make sure I'm following along BBholic... your studying of the league/team/upcoming draft has yielded the need to find a top-end rotation player in the 2nd round; a player that can contribute right away - ala Parsons/Green?

    Sounds legit.
  12. RasaqBoi

    RasaqBoi Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    Morey wants another Sam Dekker?
  13. Snow Villiers

    Snow Villiers Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    Trade up for Buddy Hield :grin:
  14. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Would rather trade up for Jamal Murray.

    My first round targets outside of Simmons would be Murray, Baldwin, Maker, Luwawu, Sabonis, Brice Johnson, Valentine, or Uthoff. Yes, I'll be surprised it Uthoff doesn't get drafted in the first. He should.

    Second round targets: Brice Johnson, Uthoff, Maker, Brogdon (have a funny feeling Spurs will take him in first if they don't trade up), Zipser, Ragorac, Felder, Levert, Payton II, Bolomboy.
    #14 basketballholic, Jun 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  15. Rudyc281

    Rudyc281 Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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  16. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Yep, i can see a lot of teams trying to trade down or trade their first rounder/s this year, and teams with bad managments like Kings, Pelicans, Sixers should be an obvious target, i'm sure they are on Morey's radar.

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