Was going to post this in “your culture” thread but am in Cork now and stout is more important than water. They’ve told me that Beamish is better than Guinness and I agree.
I read about this discovery, which is a remarkable achievement, but the water was detected between 10 and 20 kilometers below the surface. Drilling down that far would be difficult, to put it mildly. The deepest "hole" ever drilled on earth is the Kola Superdeep Borehole SG-3, drilled in the Soviet Union in 1989 at 12.262 kilometers or 40,230 ft; (7.619 mi). They stopped drilling when it became too hot down there to do it. Just getting together the pipe required to reach it and so you could pump out what you would hope is fresh water (and it quite possibly won't be) would be an enormous challenge. I would like to think that we are up to the task, but it could take years and likely would. Being an optimist, since we now know it's down there, a more intensive search might discover water much closer to the surface. That could require humans on Mars. We need to get busy and go! Spoiler Spoiler
Been told the surname is from Cork, but my great great grandfather’s last stop was in Dublin (before leaving from Cobh). 23&Me screams County Donegal.
i thought this was common knowledge that martians live underground. it was well documented in the invincible docuseries on amazon.