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Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Pablo Escobar, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. Pablo Escobar

    Pablo Escobar Member

    May 12, 2005
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    What makes the game watchable or unwatchable to you?

    With the return of Beverley, who brings an elite-level defensive effort and all around swagger, (for me) the Rockets become a more “watchable” team. With the emergency of Terrance Jones, this team becomes more dynamic. Without them, this team’s watchability falls off for me.

    Let me back up and give perspective on where I come from. I’ve listened or watched nearly every Rockets game since 1982 (I was 9 years old). I used to lie in my bunk bed as a kid and forego my homework so I could listen to Gene Peterson and Jim Foley call Rockets games. Gene’s unabashed homerism was pure gold.

    I remember when Akeem was drafted and watched his skills emerge. THAT was watchable. The Dream shake, the reverse pivot deke moves, the handles, the spin moves, the absolute dismantling of his peers both offensively and defensively (I’m looking at you, Robinson). Dream…unfortunately…is my baseline. Now I have a one-in-a-million talent as my standard. Great.

    Ralph Sampson handling the rock at 7’4” was watchable. Vernon Maxwell’s vicious unpredictability and swagger was watchable. Sam Cassell’s cold-blooded shot taking was watchable. Always fun to see if Sam could get hot and keep Kenny on the bench in the 4th quarter.

    Barkley was watchable because of his tenacious rebounding, underrated passing out of the post and mouth. Mostly his mouth. I can hear Peterson’s voice now “Barkley on the low post…backing it in….backing it in…looking for the illegal defense call from the ref….backing it in….he spins to the right for two! Malone wanted a hooking call there but the refs didn’t see one”
    Francis was watchable because of his fearlessness in taking the ball to the rim….and desire to posterize everybody. Dropping the ball off to Pig Miller after the penetration was UNwatchable.

    T-Mac was watchable. When healthy (and happy) he could do anything on the court. Need 13 points in 35 seconds? Done. Need to shut down Dirk Nowitski? Done. Yao was watchable due to his ridiculous size, intelligence and incredible touch.

    Now Harden is special…and teamed with Asik last year was very watchable. I love Harden’s “old man” offensive game, his vision, his unselfishness and intelligence. This year though, I am so infuriated with his UNWATCHABLE and lackadaisical defensive effort. Fortunately with Beverley back, his passion for defense raises all boats, and as a teammate, you don’t want to look like you’re being outworked. Hopefully Harden increases the defensive effort.

    And now we get to Howard. Count me as one who was super excited Morey got him. Many an unproductive work days were lost anticipating Morey’s moves to get him. Now he’s here, but I’m not as excited as I thought I would be. I’m not getting the DUNK ON ABSOLUTELY EVERYBODY effort I thought I would get. THAT would be watchable. Nor am I getting the elite-level game changing defense I thought $20.51 million was buying me. Howard’s not embarrassing enough opponents to my liking. I don’t know about you, but if I were Howard, after getting blocked and muscled by Robin Lopez, I would demand the ball low and do everything in my power to dunk all over that guy. I would do it repeatedly until he either fouled out or they switched defenders.

    Here’re another unexpected (and irrational) concern of mine. I’m disappointed Morey hasn’t made a move! Not that I want him to make a move just to make one (and thank god he didn’t deal Asik for Bass and whatever else Boston was offering), but I’m so accustomed to seeing something new and different in terms of lineup/roster changes that I’ve become bored! Ridiculous I know.

    So here’s my pie in the sky brainfart to improve watchability for me going forward, ranked from easily implementable to Dream scenario (pun intended)

    1. Give Terrance Jones more touches in the post.
    2. Keep Lin coming off the bench. He’s getting better and he can get to the rim. Doesn’t draw enough fouls, but he can run the pick and roll. When we get Asik back, the pick and roll will be dangerous.
    3. Lets see more of Montiejunas and Covington. See what we have. I secretly love Montiejunas’ game. You can see a lot of Sabonis in the way he plays. At the very least, you’re increasing his trade value. No doubt he can give you 10 and 5 on a nightly basis.
    4. Get some nasty defenders on the bench who can shoot 3s. Steven Jackson. Avery Bradley. Matt Barnes. Tyler Hansbrough. Guys you hate unless they’re on your team (see Artest, Ron). We need a little “something” to balance out and perhaps influence that smiling fool Howard. I want to go to Indy, or OKC, or LAC and push some dudes around. Be the aggressor.
    5. Complement those defenders with an unconscious scorer off the bench. Jamal Crawford unconscious. Sam Cassell consconscious.
    6. Here’s my Dream scenario….at the end of the season, assuming he declares for the draft, trade whatever player necessary for the rights to draft Joel Embiid. Dude is the closest thing to a second coming of Olajuwon I’ve seen since….well 1983!

    I don’t know how to embed videos, but check this out –

    I know one move does not an Olajuwon make, but before you complain, read what Bill Self says about Embiid. Watch his youtube highlights, understand Embiid’s background. It’s frighteningly similar to a young Nigerian who took a taxi ride to meet Guy Lewis. Then ask yourself, is this watchable? And can you win with this kind of talent?

    What would make this team watchable to you? And how will it make us win more games?
  2. hardenisaboss

    hardenisaboss Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    I'm going to watch the Rockets regardless of who's playing or not...so
  3. Pablo Escobar

    Pablo Escobar Member

    May 12, 2005
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    Good for you, but you don't get the premise of my post. I'm asking for critical thought here, not your measure of allegience.
    1 person likes this.
  4. duluth111222

    duluth111222 Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Here is my critical thought: tl; dr

    And why do I care about watchabliwatchability for you?
  5. Pablo Escobar

    Pablo Escobar Member

    May 12, 2005
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    I'm giving you my perspective to provide context and facilitate conversation and asking you to describe your perspective.

    Apparently reading comprehension is a fleeting skill set.
    1 person likes this.
  6. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Hate to say it but I don't enjoy watching the Rockets blowing teams out. I like the result but watching a blowout is boring. I enjoy watching close games.
  7. Specs

    Specs Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    I don't enjoy watching Howard smiling on the court all the time.

    I'm sorry it is terribly annoying and it can't have any positive impact on himself and teammates, only negative.
  8. Pablo Escobar

    Pablo Escobar Member

    May 12, 2005
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    But what about the players and style of play? What draws you to watch other than pure allegience (which, for the overly-sensitive simpletons, is not in question).
  9. photojoe

    photojoe Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    I get what you are saying. But the only concern is whether or not 'watchability' would equal 'winnability'.

    Sure, some people thought Steve Francis trying to build his own highlight reel every game was entertaining and watchable. I see it as a disappointing period for our team when we only made the playoffs one time and lost in five games in the first round.

    Sure, Dwight would probably be more watchable if he had highlight reel dunks a la DeAndre Jordan. If you are trying to build a 'watcahable' team, then trading Dwight for DeAndre would probably be a good move. If you want to build a winning team, then that would be a horrible, horrible, terrible, awful move.
  10. napalm06

    napalm06 Huge Flopping Fan

    Sep 30, 2008
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    To me, watchability improves with several factors:
    1. Likability of the Rockets
    2. Past history / hatred of opponent
    3. Fan trash talking
    4. Defensive intensity
    5. Body language of players on the court
    6. Less ref involvement
    7. Close score
    8. Ball movement

    There's a lot of things. When the Rockets play like they obviously don't care, and it's against some lame opponent like the Kings, and it's a bunch of iso-ball..... watchability falls to a minimum.

    When the Rockets deflate and start staring each other down and sulking... watchability takes a big hit.
  11. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Team play makes the game watchable for me. Rockets average 20 assists per game last night they had 27.
  12. chff1

    chff1 Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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  13. AnHero

    AnHero Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    They are impossible to watch considering they are not on tv.
  14. jocar

    jocar Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    Fire in the belly. Sometimes they have it, sometimes they don't. Bev and Parsons were the ignition source last game, the others need to find a way to crank it up.
  15. Mirri3000

    Mirri3000 Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Rafer Alston was unwatchable, that tear drop was the most cringeworthy experience in basketball. Ever. But I still watched it cuz I love the Rox. This Rox team is fun to watch, just not like the last couple of years because there is nothing flashy (bring back Dragic!). But every year is watchable, even when certain players maybe aren't.
  16. jocar

    jocar Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    When the team is pumped and feeding off of each others' energy, they're dynamic and great to watch. So basically when they're having fun, so are we.
  17. WinkFan

    WinkFan Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    To me, it's all about winning and losing. It's more fun to watch a winning team. I'd much rather watch a slow down grind it out team win 60 games than watch a high flying fast break team win 40.
  18. Pablo Escobar

    Pablo Escobar Member

    May 12, 2005
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    -- THIS.

    Team play. Sharing the ball. Backdoor passes. Princeton-offense type people and ball movement.
  19. Pablo Escobar

    Pablo Escobar Member

    May 12, 2005
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    I agree. Watchability is important, but if you ain't winning games, who cares. Gotta win. Why can't we demand both though?
  20. vinsensual

    vinsensual Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Bad commentating makes it almost unwatchable. Let me enjoy the first half, instead of talking about 73 and the wheels falling off last Thursday.

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