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[video] Long interview with JVG, Yao, TMac after 4/7 practice

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Hilltopper, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. icewill36

    icewill36 Member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    ok lets do that.... there was no alonzo mourning, butler was in his 2nd year and avg 9 points a game. odom (the career underachiever) was on the team, but wade was the leader. he led them to the victories scoring 18 ppg and hitting all the big shots down the stretch. so maybe you are the one who should research things before opening up your mouth.
  2. KDavis

    KDavis Member

    Oct 12, 2005
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    I really like JVG as our coach and i think this is exactly what our team needs given our current mental / losing state.

    Sometimes you need to get into your players heads and call them out. Ive had enough of this politically correct B.S. I want Tracy and Yao to be nasty. Hopefully they take this to heart and we can right the ship. If not I would like to thank JVG for his 4 years in Houston because this could seriously backfire on him. But that is the chance you take if you really want to be a winner, The Truth hurts and Van Gundy has an extreme passion for success.

    Does anyone else get the feeling that right now it seems that neither the Jazz or the Rockets want it very badly. Its funny that both teams seem to be losing right now and essentially trying to give the other HCA so the pressure wont be as strong on them
  3. doublehh03

    doublehh03 Member

    Feb 8, 2007
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    wow odom was the best all around player on that team

    eddie jones avg 19 pts for the yr

    u call wade averaging 18 pts for the playoffs coming up big? sure he hit clutch shots, but that's what u do b/c he wasn't guarded like a main player yet. :D
  4. tigermission1

    tigermission1 Member

    Aug 17, 2002
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    Just watched the interview, and just wow! This was quite possibly JVG's "Greatest Hit" as a Rockets coach. Just absolute gold, completely agree with everything he said. I loved the not-so-subtle 'digs' he took at his star players and how he challenged them to basically prove that they're winners, and not just great talents that aren't able to convert that into winning in the playoffs (i.e. "team success" as he referred to it).

    As for the T-Mac situation, that interview was very revealing and I think it pretty much settles any questions regarding his willingness to play in those games, or if he asked for time off to improve his stiff back. McGrady just outright said that he wanted to play and was ready to play, but was prevented from doing so by JVG. Moreover, based on what I saw there, I don't think McGrady was too happy with that fact, saying that he needs to stay sharp and tune up for the playoffs, may be even playing playoff minutes in the last few games remaining. So there are a few possibilities I see that could've led to JVG's decision:

    1) JVG knew about McGrady's stiff back and instructed him to take some games off;

    2) JVG didn't like McGrady's overall preparedness/alertness on the court or during practice and wanted him to think it over for a couple of games and come back ready to play at a high level, with more focus;

    3) JVG wanted to force McGrady to watch the team from afar and get back that 'hunger' and desire to help them win, may be renew his passion for the game and reaffirm his commitment as the leader of this team, that basically nothing good will happen if he doesn't take charge of the team as his and help take them over the hump.

    So basically it could be either JVG being concerned about McGrady's health or is trying to play some mind tricks with him to get the type of response he desires.
  5. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I hope you aren't serious. Just re-read what you posted. What a dumb thing to say. You cannot downplay a rookie who hits big clutch shots in the playoffs without looking like an idiot.

    If you are just kidding or being sarcastic, then OK. I saw several of the Heat playoff games that year and Wade was an exceptional rookie. He showed then what he would be later. If you don't think a rookie playing his best ball in the playoffs like Wade did isn't coming up big then you are a hopeless case.
  6. txppratt

    txppratt Member

    Jun 11, 2006
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    tmac didn't sound like a winner.

    and this team is young... mentally.

    JVG is absolutely right. our players need to pay the price to win. i'm not sure if our players do that.
  7. Sherlock

    Sherlock Member

    Feb 23, 1999
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    Remember when we were called Choke City, and turned that around to Clutch City?

    Sounds like the same spot ... hopefully. :)

    My take on listening to the interview is more that he's not seeing the attitude from TMac and Yao that it will take to go far in the playoffs. TMac hasn't been doing that great ever since Yao has come back, and seems almost to be getting worse. It's sortof like he carried the team on his back while Yao was out, and is now relaxing. He's made comments about not liking to be "the man" over the years, and liking to have someone else share that burden, so he isn't so wiped out. Sometimes the two stars push each other to greatness, but other times, they relax on each other. I think the rest of the team then relaxes with them at times.

    TMac was clearly unnerved in the video, and looking rather guilty, and changed his mind, saying he obviously doesn't get it, since he hasn't gotten out of the first round. That was staggering for him to admit. I'm hoping he recognizes that this is where he has fallen down in the past, and decides how much he really wants it. Does he really want the ring, and how many of them?

    It seemed like TMac faked an injury, and didn't have the right attitude, so JVG took him out of the next game, and didn't let him play, wanting to be sure he was ok in practice, and now calling him out about his attitude. It just seemed that TMac was really swallowing his pride in the interview.

    JVG was clearly calling out the whole team, though, not just TMac and Yao, although wanting them to lead by example. When both players were out, the rest of the team wasn't prepared and going all out to win. It seems like now that we've qualified for the playoffs, everyone is relaxing. Utah has done the same thing. Perhaps now we will step up. Hopefully Sloan doesn't do the same thing as JVG, and we sneak up on Utah.
  8. pryuen

    pryuen Member

    Mar 8, 2003
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    Man weird.....and TMac kept saying it's JVG that kept him out of the game....... :rolleyes:

  9. SuperYanthrax

    SuperYanthrax Member

    Feb 14, 2007
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    Wade did lead the team in scoring at 18ppg, but Lamar was not far behind at 16.8ppg, and Caron had a far better playoffs than regular season. You're exaggerating his effectiveness.

    Oh BTW... in game 6 in the Indiana series, when they were down by 3 and facing elimination, on their last possession Dwyane Wade was ON THE BENCH. Guess who took the last-gasp 3? RAFER ALSTON.
  10. McGradySNKT

    McGradySNKT Member

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Sounds just like Bonzi doesn't it?

    Just curious, how many coaches kept their players, star players out of games against their will?
  11. BackNthDay

    BackNthDay Member

    May 29, 2006
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    It amazes me that JVG has no impact on this team after 4 or 5 years. I guarantee you Avery doesn't have the same issues that JVG has with his superstars. Avery gets after you quickly and doesn't use the press to put you on BLAST, this isn't New York where the press can influence your play.

    JVG, man up and start putting the stars on the bench for extended periods and tell everyone else to start hustling. However, JVG as a coach must change the offense to fit your team or you'll be out of job after the quick 1st round exit.

    We will have another coach after our 1st round exit.
  12. HTownTmac1

    HTownTmac1 Member

    May 31, 2006
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    and let me guess... did he miss it? :(
  13. Bandwagoner

    Bandwagoner Member

    Jan 26, 2006
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    My guess is TMAC was hurting, used it as an excuse to JVG. JVG probably knew it was a minor thing and pulled him.

    Who knows if it was medically the right thing to do but I think JVG was trying to send a messege.

    Hopefully it all turns out well come playoff time. I cannot handle another 1 round exit.
  14. doublehh03

    doublehh03 Member

    Feb 8, 2007
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    tmac v. jvg. who will the organization choose? :D
  15. Icehouse

    Icehouse Member

    Jun 23, 2000
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    Man, Kobe might be an ******* and a ****ty teammate, but I don't think you could ever keep him from not playing if he could...especially when HCA is on the line.

    Man up Tracy. Become a killer.......
  16. thatboyz

    thatboyz Member

    Oct 19, 2003
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    how about JVG calling out franchise and cat saying they faked injures at the end of the season his first year here??
  17. ekim

    ekim Member

    Mar 20, 2007
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    JVG has no impact on this team? Where have you been the past 70 games... They played INTENSE defense, everyone hustles. If you suck, you sit. Look at Bonzi, VSpan, Novak, and Lucas. They didnt play good, so they are on the bench. Luther sucked recently for couple of games, so he was taken out and came back with a 30 pts game. (I doubt the shoulder "injury" was so serious that he couldnt play for that many games... especially after the Tmac and Yao "injuries")

    The team relaxed not because of JVG, it's only human nature to relax after a mild success. I don't get why people keep mentioning Avery as a great coach... Look at Mavs line up for god sake. You put any decent coach and you will guarantee to win 50+ games. If Avery is such a great coach, why didn't the Mavs win the championship last year?

    I hate people like you who hate on JVG so much that you even pray the team to exit in the 1st round of the playoffs. What kind of fan are you?
  18. marciagong

    marciagong Member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    See, this is exactly the message Sloan is trying to send us, tha't why they are losing.
  19. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    It is about DANGED time.....I have been saying all year that JVG has coddled Tmac, and never called him out directly. I am VERY happy that JVG did this...someone has to tell it like it is.......Lord knows I have been hard on JVG, but one of the biggest reasons for that is his inconsistent treatment of Tmac....I am GLAD he has finally stepped up and called Tmac out.

    Tmac needs to stop being such a panzy and lead this team....

    Yep, the team will look at Tmac and Yao and take their cue from them, and if you best player is packing it in... (Tmac) then the rest of the team's effort will follow.


    I think JVG feels the pressure, and if the team really wants him back, they will need to man up in the playoffs.

  20. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Was it Sloan's fault or the players' fault when the fully healthy squad blew a 20 pt 4th quarter lead at home to the second worst team in the West with HCA on the line?

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