Thanks for sharing. These are the type of posts that make this community so special. They are also why I check this site day and night. So, thanks for taking my life away from me.
Caseyh/bandwagon. Eat your heart out. Where does Clutch keeps his puppies when he rolls down to a nearby elementaries
me too man i have no life... lol i skipped school tonight just to make this post lol hell idk... he didnt want it. we do a lot of tv's lol... he didnt even get a system, although we surprised him with a hidden 6x9 that he can switch on when he is outside his van and in public and needs music for whatever reason. thanks man. compensating for the receding hairline and balding spot lmao
Did anyone else think he was talking about David Hardisty? Then I read 'Clutch and his assistants' and was wtf? lol Good job man. Awesome stuff.